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Author Topic: Kings of Death - A Necromancy RTD: Turn 24: Blood and Honor  (Read 38556 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kings of Death - A Necromancy RTD: Turn 17: Mobility
« Reply #60 on: April 21, 2012, 12:25:06 am »

How about a couple minutes. We better knock him out. *Wink*


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kings of Death - A Necromancy RTD: Turn 17: Mobility
« Reply #61 on: April 21, 2012, 02:31:45 am »

Ask the risen corpse what it's name in life was (if it can even talk) and rename the dog fluffy


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kings of Death - A Necromancy RTD: Turn 18: Ominous Consternation
« Reply #62 on: April 22, 2012, 10:50:57 am »

Turn 18: Ominous Consternation


The howling of thunder resounds through the night. All throughout the land, both man and animal realize that a fierce storm is brewing off-shore. One that has not ravaged the land for an Age.

Several flashes of lightning follow soon after.

In the town of Caelondia
Lead Leon and his minions to the warehouse.
Follow Adil, cast anti-scrying spell.

Adil moves away from the rock wall, after putting his ear to it to magnify the situation above him. Thinking over recent events, maybe it wasn't a good idea to attack without foreknowledge.

He turns towards Leon and holds his hands up in a gesture of apology. "Sorry about that. I should probably find a map of the city before digging around again... Anyway, follow me."

The Merchant-born nods sternly at the Dwarf, remembering his face from the night everything changed. "You should be. I consider you a friend, if not an ally, and I'd rather not kill or attack the fellow disciples of Lightbane." Adil looks back at the tunnel and gives a mental order to his other companion, the Mass of Flesh. It responds with a low and barely audible grumble.

The whole tunnel lights up in a fluorescent glow, coming from the secretions of the Mass of Flesh which the group follows back.

Along the way, Leon remembers the last words of what he guessed to be the Guard Sergeant. He projects his mind outwards and feels two other entities doing the same, but less subtly. He focuses his will on other objects above, mainly the marketplace which they've passed by and can feel the two follow slowly.

"They won't be able to find us now. I've diverted their attention. Have to be careful, in Caelondia. Apparently, they don't like our kind," he muttered quietly, dragging the tip of his pike curiously across a wall while following the Dwarf. Curiously, the acid streaks had no effect on the copper tip.

Soon enough, the pair along with their allies clamber up the tunnel hole with Ast being the last.

"Bah, if it weren't for that skeleton of yours, Dwarf, I'd be able to masquerade us all for the Guards. They know me!" he muttered.

"It's better to not be known than to explain on why we were there."

The Mercenary stares at the Mass of Flesh before shaking his head. Stupid necromutated people.

"Alright, we're safe thanks to Leon here." Adil spoke up, noting the blood stains on the warehouse floor from the creation of his latest companion.

"Quite a hideout, I must say. But...isn't this one of the main district storehouses?"

"Hrm, you're right."

Shifting a few crates in between the obvious hole, the group tries to hide any source of implicating evidence that could be traced to them as they hear footsteps outside the warehouse, less forceful than the first.

"I can hear them."

"Tell me again, why did ... recall our current patrols and order the reserves out tonight?"

"Must be the coming storm, and the arrival of those ... weird things happening nowadays. Had to requisition part of the Magi Guild's people to ..."

"Nevertheless, rumors abound that Necromancy is alive once more. The elder ... lives again! Or so the reformed say."

"Well, Dalon, that's quite a lot of reasons. Suppose we'd get attacked right now, eh? That would be real tough."

"Shut it Evans. Of all the people they send to accompany me, it was you and sir Stoic here."

"Hey, I've an idea. Let's search this warehouse. Gives us plenty of time and Syra says nothing on those we're searching for. You know, free alcohol?"

"I hate you Evans, but right now, I like the way you're thinking. Pretty long night, eh?"

The footsteps stop and begin moving in their opposite direction, heading towards the warehouse door. The group can hear the door creak open slowly from behind the many crates.

"Bah, knew I should've worked on that amnesiac curse!" Adil curses.

Try to track any sign of thieves near the cemetary. Enidri is still convinced someone stole some of his valuables, and they shall pay for their offense.

Enidri turned away from the Smithy, silently promising to return later on and check on his friend. His surroundings were still blanketed in the night, along with the occasional shift of lighting due to the torches and lanterns that dotted the cobblestone street.

He shrugged and inclined his head towards his Wisp. "Well, time to move."

The pair trudge along and pass into the Cemetary, slowly opening the iron-wrought gate so as to not disturb the adjacent buildings with it's noise. It seems that a thick fog has encompassed the inner region of the graveyard.

"Damn thief. Whoever he is, he shall pay for stealing from the Verace family!"

Enidri is reminded of what his fellowmen did when tracking down thieves as he calms down: Leave a valuable object in a non-disclosed location, and trap it with a subtle yet personally crafted trap. The usual bear-traps, caltrop traps, tripwire traps, dart traps, explosive traps, serrated disc traps, stonefall traps, spiked pits, incendiary items, cursed traps and flame traps would obviously be known to the common rabble, but they wouldn't recognize a unique trap. No.

Sadly, no valuable item caught his eye so the Smith begins his search by checking the first area. His brother's tombstone.

"Hey! You there!"

The Smith turns around to see about three people dressed in the grey livery of the Caelondian Guard. The speaker was a man about his height.

"What are you doing desecrating that man's grave! You can be hanged for that, you know!"

He spoke with a tinge of apprehension in his voice, upon coming closer and examining who he was talking to. An armed man, complete with two sets of armor to his one, and holding a majestic halberd.

"I-if you're not here for disturbing the dead, then I suggest you head back out of here."

A shriek echoes throughout the Cemetary, coming from deeper in. From the cold night air, it increases the strange feeling that something was wrong.

"That...wasn't you or your Wisp, was it?"


"A disturbance."

Enidri turns to look at the source of the voice. His Wisp! It can speak!

But before the young Smith could question any further, a single tendril shrouded in darkness comes streaking towards the boy. His trained eye catches the sight before it has a chance to hit him and he easily sidesteps the thing, seeing it extend and branch out into a spiked ball before retracting past him, slightly grazing his helmet.

"Watch it!"

A second tendril grazes past his shoulder guard and has the same effect, completely missing him in all it's entirety. Enidri draws his halberd and grasps it's shaft tightly, spinning around and whirling it in a full circle, deflecting another incoming tendril back upon whence it came. An ominous silence follows, only broken by one of the Guards.

"Damnit. We're under attack!"

"How astute of you. I'm under attack!"

"Stop it you two!" one of the Guards call out, retracting the visor and showing her face. "Whatever is there, we must take it on." She turns to the young Smith. "I can see this man has no connection with this."

"I am Syra Tinoel, Scryer of the Caelondian Guard and Adept of the Grey League! Show yourself, fiend!"

"Right, and what do-aaaarrrrggghhh."

The last guard is thrown back towards the street before he could complete his words, prone and moaning in pain due to a body suddenly being flung towards him. The corpse was cloaked and gave off the impression of a graverobber.

"Well, there's the thief..."

A figure comes into view from the mist-shrouded Cemetery. A being wrapped and wreathed by vestments the color of the night sky with about four tendrils of smoke, or was it darkness, protruding from it's chest cavity. It's arms and legs were in the same state - indiscernible, while it's head seemed to be masked by a material of strange origin.

""A Spectre, how quaint. You don't see these beings, usually."

It emits another shriek before any of the three fighters could act, fortunately their will holds firm and none of them react negatively especially Enidri, whose Wisp guards him with a flicker of it's flame. Though, the presence of a being like this is unnerving.

Spoiler: Syra Tinoel (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Caelondian Guardsman (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Spectre (click to show/hide)

Nat's Cove ; The Depths of the Maw

Ima didn't think Montago was the same kind of a slaver as those she fought. If he was in a legal business, then why gathering at a secluded location like this one? Perhaps Montago was a revolutionary, seeking to destroy the current order and set up his own? Then his meddling would be much appreciated and assisted... until the Roaring Wheels' ruler was overthrown, that is, at which point Ima would kill Montago and take his throne in the best traditions of mage advisors all around the world.
Ima wouldn't go into Montago's lair withous support, of course. It would be a sign of weakness... and, if anything, Roaring Wheels and its inhabitants despised weakness above all.

Order the Bat to fetch the Swarm and the Barracuda and bring them here.
Once my summons have all assembled, go meet Montago and see what it's all about. The summons follow me at a fair distance, but short enough that they can reach me in seconds after I call.

The sound of rushing water could be heard under her. The Elf knew that time was against her, having taken another path, but she was glad that her action had no adverse effects.

Ima whistles in a low pitch, it's sound only heard by the bat, whose silhouette suddenly dives from the cavernous ceiling and downwards below the precipice. She can hear the sonorous call of the fish echo beneath her and move forward, below the crag behind her.

"This place is a labyrinth." she says as she turns around, squeezing herself through the narrow opening, careful not to cut herself against the sharp edges of the stone.

The call of her swarm echoes under her in a warped tone, as if traversing through a crystalline structure. Ima follows their call, and barely makes it out of the narrow crag unscathed. Right before that, she catches a glimpse of what was the source of the unnatural light. Through a small crack, she could spot a larger chamber made fully out of luminescent crystals and what looked like plant life.

Nevertheless, Ima turns her attention and thoughts to what lies before her: a vast expanse of a section of the cavern that extended beyond her field of vision, it's sides covered by fungi and lit up by bio-luminescent mushroom stalks and moss, Ima couldn't make out the far end of the cavern. There was a rough ramp descending to the floor beneath, meters below and dotted with boulders and those glowing mushrooms. The swift flutter of wings overhead tells her that the bat has done it's deed. It perches itself on the cavern outcropping above her, between numerous stalactites. Looking downwards, part of the floor consists of crystalline formations, probably where the fish are under as she could hear the familiar roar of water by pressing her ear to a palm against the rock. The whole place was filled with plant life, strangely unlike the passages earlier.

Moving down the ramp, she sees a small copse of fungi-trees about fifty meters ahead of her, and figures moving about in between the radiant bells. They seem to be clad in cloth of differing color, reflecting the light of the trees. She then edges her way past the plant life in order to get a closer look.

A hand and arm quickly wraps around her neck and mouth. But Ima is prepared this time and delivers a backwards kick to whoever dared attack her.

"Argh, it's me! Can't a man deliver in style for once?"

"I didn't like how you did it the first time, Montago." Ima replies, turning around with a grin to face the man. She could see him along with Rano and the other three, complete with the supplies earlier. It seems they've made quite the trip.

"You're an agile one there. Took me more than an hour to cross that path. Anyway, come. Let us meet our leader."

The six continue past another patch of plantlife, admiring it's beauty and shining brilliance. Montago steps forward and spreads his arms out in a greeting.

"After aeons under the hands of power
Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
I will avenge those fallen in the night"

At the sound, several men and women come out of their hiding places, all armed with differing kinds of ranged weaponry, some are unrecognizable to Ima's eye, with strings of hardened fire and shafts of iron and metal.

A man moves to the fore of the group, holding a staff part wood and part luminescent, with the tip forming a symbol of entwined vines and an Emerald. To the untrained eye, he appears as a man far in his dotage, but Ima can sense deep wells of energy emanating from around his body, his aura, if it was to be called so, glowed a radiant blue.

"Montago, you are one of the last to arrive. The attack shall start before dawn. Who is this other one?"

"An Elven slave, sire. A valuable ally to us that I've found...on my way here."

"I will not ask, then. I have gazed upon the land, and there are worse things brewing other than the tyranny in Gin. A storm of proportions not known since the past Age is moving quickly inland, and I can sense...unnatural creatures lurking nearby.

"You, Elf! Who are you to command beings not of this world? To bring back those who have passed from the mortal coil? Speak! Or you shall be the first to fall tonight by my word."
The Elder levels his staff at Ima with a grim countenance. The people flanking them edge back a little, but confusion is amongst most of their faces and their weapons are not held to kill.

Montago turns to look at his friend with a concerned eye. Even if he wanted to side with her, they were outnumbered about more than twice their current force.

"Speak truly now. A Diviner doesn't want to be lied to." Rano muttered.

Meanwhile, in Blackmarsh

Blast the nearest foe with an orb of darkness.

Zakroff returns his gaze upon the nearest cloaked man. Drawing upon memories of the numerous county fairs, and knowing he had forgotten his daggers back at home, he goads to them while holding both hands in front of him, with both palms facing and parallel to each other.

For moments, nothing happens. The sound of the duel behind the four is the only sound that is heard until faint snatches of darkness form around the void between the Rogue's hands, congealing into a single point as large as his head, emitting a high-pitched screeching hum.

"What have you done!"

The orb increases in size, swelling up to Zakroff's chest, and all at once collapses upon itself, forming a miniscule tear in the air. A second later, the very void between Zakroff's hands explodes in a tumult of energy and force, hurling the Rogue back into a granite wall, luckily, consciousness decides to stay with the man as he pushes himself up, regardless of a broken bone and a sore back. In the chaos that follows, he could see one of the cloaked men warping in figure, before being stretched and pulled into the minute vortex. The other two grasp onto any object in their vicinity to avoid the same fate -being mostly stray barrels and a lantern post. Pallas and it's adversary also are affected by the act. The Knight levels it's blade and plunges it into the road, holding firm by the pommel as it drives an auxiliary strike to it's enemy using it's gaunleted fist. Unfortunately, the being is able to circumvent the strike and cut a deep gash along the wrist, ignoring the bracer. However, it's grip is loosened and turned into ash as the Knight's wrist flares up in retaliation, the being screams in agony and hate as it is pulled to it's fate, just like it's other ally.

Strangely, Zakroff does not feel any force pulling at him, or affecting him at all. The vortex soon disappates, leaving no mark that it was present other than two missing cloaked men.

However, the effects of the event have considerably strengthened the remaining two, while weakening Pallas. The Knight straightens itself using it's sword, pulling it out and spitting to the side. If it's side was not enclosed by the helmet, that is.

"Shades. The bane of any traveler."

Spoiler: Shades (click to show/hide)

Ask the risen corpse what it's name in life was (if it can even talk) and rename the dog fluffy

Tyver kneels and looks up to the sky, holding up both arms in utter joy. "Aha! Success is mine!" he shouts, oblivious to the figure before him and the dog at his side.

He then stands up with a wide grin on his face. "Dog, you shall be known as Fluffy from now on."

The dog replies with the best impression of a shrug it could make. "That's Original."

Tyver then looks at the risen corpse. "What is your name?"


The Rogue's smile slowly slips off his face and is replaced by a sneer. The energies around the being felt malevolent, if the dog's word about Necromancy was to be trusted. It wasn't good.

Suddenly, another shriek pervades the area, which the corpse-man runs to follow, leaving Tyver and Fluffy behind.

"What was that one's problem?"


Summon some bones to trap the Specter. Infuse the bones with dark energy to make sure it doesn't escape.

Another tendril comes by and shatters yet another gravestone. Upon closer examination, Cog can sense that it is truly a Spectre, a malevolent being. The only description given to him by his mentor.

Cog stands from behind an Angelic statue and smiles. "You are mine, Specter."

He quickly gestures towards the loam soil, drawing his hand up in slow motion, along with a word of command. The ground shakes in response, and fine white powder comes out of the many graves nearby, forming the distinct structural shape of bones around the Spectre. It shrieks in agony as the trap compresses against it, but the pitch is one of joy as it's tendrils wrap around each bar and tighten, breaking it's prison easily.

Cog's smile turns to one of annoyance. The entity broke his spell before he could muster up the strength to fortify it! He issues a command towards the Ghouls to attack, buying him some time to gather his powers and think of a counterplan.

The first Ghoul approaches from his right and clambers up a nearby mausoleum wall, attempting to leap at the being using the momentum from it's jump. The other Ghoul approaches from his left and moves on all fours at the Spectre.

The Spectre turns it's attention to it's right and sends off two tendrils to divert the Ghoul, striking it's right shoulder bone and shattering the arm while disabling it's current attack plan before retracting them. In this time, the first Ghoul manages to perfectly aim it's strike, but lands on one of the tendrils other than the Spectre itself who easily repulses it, flinging the poor being into the walls of the cenotaph with a cracking of bone.

However, this distraction proves fortunate for the young necromancer, for another being cloaked in similar attire of the Spectre lunges from behind a tombstone and tackles the Spectre from behind, clasping a hand over it's shriek-hole, stifling it's noise.

The tendrils stop moving and raise themselves, shooting towards their attacker and entangling him.  The man seems resolute on keeping his hands clamped around the Spectre, and the tendrils have little effect against their enemy. The sigils on the man's vestments glow a garish white and yellow, singeing the tendrils before returning to their original state.

"What! Where did he come from! I could use one of those!"

Spoiler: Undead Human (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Ghouls (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Spectre (click to show/hide)

Ignore barfight, attempt to find records on necromancy.

Shalla lights up one of the lanterns strewn about and proceeds to search the various aisles and shelves for any records of 'Necromancy'. Despite the hundreds upon hundreds of tomes, grimoires and texts lying about, she easily finds what she is looking for. A History book about the magics of the world. Necromancy, it seems, is one of blackest of arts, literally and figuratively, to be known to the sentient races of the world. One art, of the several forbidden magics. The writing style of the tome leaves much to be desired, though, in the current Age.

Quote from: Excerpt from the Tome of Magicka

...Necromancy is a special mode of divination by the evocation of the dead. Ever since the beginning of time, it has been practiced; known to stretch from the realm of the aether, to the ever-life and to the dreamworld, as a Necromancer can speak with the dead -vocally or mentally. The fundamental structure lies on what is termed as Wisp, a mundane 'spirit': where the term spirit may refer to any sentient being's essence after death, or a creation that thrives in the ever-life; both pertain to the same creature and meanings are regardless. The Wisp functions as the core of all Spiritual art, with other 'undead', as is the term, being governed by their personal essence (bodies of the recent and long deceased)...however, a Necromancer can only control as much as his own life force permits, that of which is only known and can be known by elders of the lore itself.

...The practice of Necromancy has no true baseline as it's founding date. What is known is that...The Society of the Crypt functioned as the first formal practitioners of Necromancy, with their leader adopting the sobriquet of  Lightbane. Ever since recorded time, the leadership of the Society has not been known to shift, leading to the idea that Lightbane has never lost power as the head. Though, in the Second Age, he was betrayed after a large revolt for the cult felt he was growing too powerful, and trapped his soul in a grimoire, taking the sacrifice of one of their best Necromancer-Captains along with about a hundred acolytes... spirits or undead are not naturally part of this world, their summoners must take heed that loyalty is not to be expected from any creature, dead or risen, unless the summoner can find a way of 'welcoming' the being. Usually, most 'undead' are content with a sacrifice of sorts, as the life force of said sacrifice is converted as the bond between this plane and the next...

...radical use of the dark arts are suceptible to chaotic events unfolding in this mortal plane; from empowered natural calamities to rifts existing between realms...

...reason on why Necromancy was destined to be a hidden art, for there are known to be otherworldly entities that are bent on the domination of this mortal plane, as destiny has no repercussion here, life flourishes and actions carry their own consequences.

There was much to read over, concerning the history of Necromancy, but the barfight outside seems to have escalated. The sound of an explosion and of bodies breaking against stone is of greater concern. The tip of her Ancient Staff glows a bright blue, then fades to it's original state after the explosion and Shalla can feel the presence of other beings converging on her general location through the staff. On the bright side, nobody is going to miss a few tomes from the Library if push comes to shove.

Spoiler: HmH ; Ima Erifithili (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Talarion ; Leon Jyos (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: adwarf ; Zakroff Alzar (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 03:26:45 pm by Tiruin »


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Re: Kings of Death - A Necromancy RTD: Turn 18: Ominous Consternation
« Reply #63 on: April 22, 2012, 11:06:41 am »

"Dammit, this shouldn't have happened! Pallas be careful you can't die here." Zakroff said as he once again set to work, but this time he focused on the shades, they were beings of darkness so he would break them, and make them his servants.

Break the Shades, and force them to become my minions.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kings of Death - A Necromancy RTD: Turn 18: Ominous Consternation
« Reply #64 on: April 22, 2012, 11:27:25 am »

"I am Ima Erifithili. I owe my life and freedom to a necromancer, and would never refuse power alike his own even if I had a choice in the matter.
"Unlike my numerous colleagues who bring dead back out of curiosity or greed for power, I wish to use that power to free the Wheels' subjects in the honor of my liberator. I would be lying to say I have no curiosity or greed for power myself, but at least they serve a definite goal."
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 09:38:48 pm by HmH »


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Re: Kings of Death - A Necromancy RTD: Turn 18: Ominous Consternation
« Reply #65 on: April 22, 2012, 12:50:09 pm »

Enidri snickers:
"Causing any damage on my armor is an offense to me and to the man who assisted me in its forging. Prepare to come from whence you came, foul creature."

Dash and hack it with a downwards vertical slash, pulling it closer with the hooked end of the halberd while dragging it against the ground.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 12:56:01 pm by Caellath »
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kings of Death - A Necromancy RTD: Turn 18: Ominous Consternation
« Reply #66 on: April 22, 2012, 12:51:26 pm »

"Well, let's get started, then..."
Have the mass of flesh drag the three men inside as they enter. Send a gust of putrid air at them to nauseate and blow the door shut.


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Re: Kings of Death - A Necromancy RTD: Turn 18: Ominous Consternation
« Reply #67 on: April 22, 2012, 01:37:45 pm »

Hey get back here here!
Follow the newly risen human and attempt to get better control of it
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 04:41:36 pm by antlion12 »


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Re: Kings of Death - A Necromancy RTD: Turn 18: Ominous Consternation
« Reply #68 on: April 22, 2012, 02:02:01 pm »

((@Tiruin: You could try adding glow to the female guard's dialogue. It is nearly impossible to see it at the moment.))
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kings of Death - A Necromancy RTD: Turn 18: Ominous Consternation
« Reply #69 on: April 22, 2012, 05:50:18 pm »

"WHOA! Where did he come from! Ghouls, get back here! Dammit, I need more bones. Rise, minions, rise to do my bidding!
« Last Edit: April 24, 2012, 08:07:59 am by kisame12794 »
The non-assholes vastly outnumber the assholes but the assholes can fart with greater volume.
((You're an arm and a torso in low orbit. This was the best possible resolution of things.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kings of Death - A Necromancy RTD: Turn 18: Ominous Consternation
« Reply #70 on: April 22, 2012, 10:01:12 pm »

((@Tiruin: You could try adding glow to the female guard's dialogue. It is nearly impossible to see it at the moment.))

Sorry, using the Darklight forum theme. It's mostly like  8)

Those using Core/Normal Forum theme (The white background), how do the colors appear? Visible?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kings of Death - A Necromancy RTD: Turn 18: Ominous Consternation
« Reply #71 on: April 22, 2012, 10:47:14 pm »

Those using Core/Normal Forum theme (The white background), how do the colors appear? Visible?
I have to highlight most of these to read, and the white text is not visible without highlighting.

UPD: Oh, wait, you've added the glow. Anything I notice, I can read, so I have no problems now.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 11:09:50 pm by HmH »


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Re: Kings of Death - A Necromancy RTD: Turn 18: Ominous Consternation
« Reply #72 on: April 22, 2012, 10:49:15 pm »

The black glow allowed me to read the female guardsman dialogue. And I have no problem in reading the light blue dialogue whatsoever.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kings of Death - A Necromancy RTD: Turn 18: Ominous Consternation
« Reply #73 on: April 23, 2012, 08:15:15 am »

Updated the OP. Hope it's now more understandable for new viewers.

And Battle will be upgraded now. Both sides will be able to act in retaliation to each other if no other events happen. To shorten battle for turns.

Lore will be coming a week or so.  :P I think I'm going too far in geographical terms. ((Realism! Ho!))

What does everyone think?
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 08:59:22 am by Tiruin »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kings of Death - A Necromancy RTD: Turn 18: Ominous Consternation
« Reply #74 on: April 24, 2012, 08:02:19 am »

IronyOwl and Talarion, waiting on you two.  :)

"WHOA! Where did he come from! Dammit, I need more bones. Rise, minions, rise to do my bidding!

you will ignore your Ghouls, then?
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