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Author Topic: Embarking on a Kobold cave, a step by step guide for anyone  (Read 21390 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Embarking on a Kobold cave, a step by step guide for anyone
« on: April 10, 2012, 07:05:49 pm »

How to embark on a kobold encampment:

For the purposes of this guide you will need Legends Viewer. There are no doubt plenty of other ways by which you can embark on a kobold encampment, but this one is easy.

Get it here, it's bloody marvellous:

It is worth noting that this guide will work with any world which contains kobolds, but in order to find out where on your 16x16 embark zone the cave is located you’re going to want to use a world created with the advanced world generation option to make caves visible.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

If you don’t use this option you can still find out in where the cave is, it will just be more difficult, which I’ll explain at the end, so plan ahead!

Let’s begin!

Open up your world in legends mode. You needn’t go scrawling through all of the different options, because we’re going to use Legends Viewer to filter out all the information we need, but first we need to have DF export the XML Data and the map/gen info, which default to the x and p keys respectively.

Exporting this information might take a few moment depending on the size of your world and how powerful your computer is, so give it enough time. Once you can scroll through the options of Legends Mode it’s safe to say that it’s done, so exit DF.

Now go ahead and open up the Legends Viewer executable. Near the top left under a series of tabs you’ll see a list of everything that Legends Viewer needs to piece together information about the game, these are what we exported before. Go ahead and click the topmost button next to “Legends XML / Archive”

Now browse to your main Dwarf Fortress folder and find the exported xml date, which should be under the name of whatever your region was saved as, such as “region1” by default. Once you’ve opened that Legends Viewer should find and load the rest automatically, assuming you exported them properly. If not you can browse the other categories and add them manually, which can be useful if you’d prefer to use one of the alternative maps that can be exported from Dwarf Fortress. In this case the default is fine.

You’ll see a large map appear in the middle of the window. Click on it.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

This will cause the map to expand and fill the window. It’s the same as the region map that you would see when embarking, so you can use it to find out exactly which 16x16 square to embark in. But first you need to find the Kobolds. There are two things we need to take note of to do that.

The first is the Toggle Sites button, press it and all sites will be highlighted, and you can find out details about each one by mousing over them.

The second is the Site Population overlay. When you press it a list of all of the different species in your world will pop up. Scroll down to Kobolds, highlight it and hit Accept.

Your map will now look something like this:

The coloured overlays show wherever in the world kobolds can be found. Go ahead and mouse over a few to find out some information about their population. You might occasionally find kobolds outside of a cave, but the major population centres are what we’re going for. Pick one you like the look of.

Take note of the name here, ‘Cuthabe Cuquimo’. We’re going to use this to make sure that we’re embarking on the right spot later.

Now go ahead and fire up Dwarf Fortress and load your world. All you have to do now is find the cave, which shouldn’t be difficult since the region map and the map shown in Legends viewer are one and the same. Here you can see I’ve found the cave from before.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It’s definitely the right place, so all that’s left to do now is embark. Place your embark zone over the cave icon and get going!

There’ll be no lack of the little bastards and their stolen loot dotted around the embark, and plenty more will be inside the cave which leads down to the cavern layers.

What you do with them from here on out is totally up to you. Enjoy.

NOTE: If you didn’t use a world with the advanced generation option for Make Caves Visible you won’t get a little cave icon on your embark-zone map. Instead you’re going to have to work out for yourself whereabouts the cave it. Thankfully it’ll be in the same place on the region map nonetheless, so you only have a 16x16 square area to check!

Make a copy of your save and load that. If your computer can handle it, try making a 16x16 embark and finding the kobold cave that way. If not you might have to make multiple smaller embarks in the 16x16 area in order to pinpoint it, but it can be done and it will only take you a couple of minutes and a little savegame juggling. Make sure to embark on a world with Make Caves Visible set to Yes next time!

ANOTHER NOTE: I’m using a graphics pack in these screenshots. Ideally I had wanted to use the ASCII graphics, but I’d had a few problems with the map that DF generates not being the correct size. If you use ASCII graphics and you run into this problem you can always export one of the alternative “detailed maps” from Legends Mode and use that with Legends Viewer. They’re not identical to the region map, but you still ought to be able to find the area without much difficultly.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 07:10:43 pm by KodKod »
Tell me what you see. It's a mortal wretched cacophony!
KodBlog: A rage in progress. Updated 20/04/12


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Embarking with Kobolds, a step by step guide for anyone
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2012, 07:10:47 pm »

Adding to the library.
Under "Hacks, Exploits, and Tricks" which will probably be renamed right about now.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 07:12:22 pm by Girlinhat »

Loud Whispers

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Embarking on a Kobold cave, a step by step guide for anyone
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2012, 07:20:56 pm »

Ah, I didn't expect them to have that many weapons.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Embarking with Kobolds, a step by step guide for anyone
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2012, 07:24:44 pm »

Adding to the library.
Under "Hacks, Exploits, and Tricks" which will probably be renamed right about now.

Thanksies. I'm glad it's not going to suffer an indignant death followed by a hollow funeral, attended only by myself, the grieving widow, who would shed a single tear at its passing from this world.

Ah, I didn't expect them to have that many weapons.

They have many weapons, so if you want to slaughter them remorselessly you're going to have to pack quite a few of your own. From what I've seen it's not usually several hundred kobolds at once since they're so scattered, more often than not you might be fighting a few at a time. But they're lurking in the caverns, believe me, just waiting to slice your throat while you sleep get horribly mangled by a giant cave spider.
Tell me what you see. It's a mortal wretched cacophony!
KodBlog: A rage in progress. Updated 20/04/12


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Embarking on a Kobold cave, a step by step guide for anyone
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2012, 07:30:16 pm »

... Legends Viewer.
Get it here, it's bloody marvellous:

Ieh-gehhh! open source, too...

this... This... THIS is Exactly what I needed for my therianthropic SCIENCE STATISTICS work!

*Runs off to start-up Visual Studio, cackling all the way.*


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Embarking on a Kobold cave, a step by step guide for anyone
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2012, 07:33:48 pm »

...Guess I gotta move now, KodKod found my cave.

Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute

Loud Whispers

  • Bay Watcher
  • They said we have to aim higher, so we dug deeper.
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Re: Embarking on a Kobold cave, a step by step guide for anyone
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2012, 07:36:44 pm »

...Guess I gotta move now, KodKod found my cave.

You mean the cave with the sign KOBID LIVS HAR on it?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Embarking on a Kobold cave, a step by step guide for anyone
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2012, 07:38:23 pm »

...Guess I gotta move now, KodKod found my cave.

You mean the cave with the sign KOBID LIVS HAR on it?

Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Embarking on a Kobold cave, a step by step guide for anyone
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2012, 07:39:10 pm »

...Guess I gotta move now, KodKod found my cave.
You mean the cave with the sign KOBID LIVS HAR on it?

I wonder how many of them I've collectively doomed by even posting this guide?

Oh my, that excites me.
Tell me what you see. It's a mortal wretched cacophony!
KodBlog: A rage in progress. Updated 20/04/12


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Embarking on a Kobold cave, a step by step guide for anyone
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2012, 07:44:30 pm »

...Guess I gotta move now, KodKod found my cave.
You mean the cave with the sign KOBID LIVS HAR on it?

I wonder how many of them I've collectively doomed by even posting this guide?

Oh my, that excites me.

As long as there snackrifices I wont be raising a kobold-army anytime soon.
Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


  • Bay Watcher
  • Fond of despair and alcoholism.
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Re: Embarking on a Kobold cave, a step by step guide for anyone
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2012, 07:50:29 pm »

As long as there snackrifices I wont be raising a kobold-army anytime soon.

"And if you kill anyone, make sure to eat their heart to gain their courage. Their rich, tasty courage"
Tell me what you see. It's a mortal wretched cacophony!
KodBlog: A rage in progress. Updated 20/04/12


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Embarking on a Kobold cave, a step by step guide for anyone
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2012, 07:54:36 pm »

As long as there snackrifices I wont be raising a kobold-army anytime soon.

"And if you kill anyone, make sure to eat their heart to gain their courage. Their rich, tasty courage"

Hey! Our pointy-sticks actully break skin now! Dont undere-

The spinning rain-drop hits CoraiUnki in the head and the severed part flys off in a arc!
Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute

Loud Whispers

  • Bay Watcher
  • They said we have to aim higher, so we dug deeper.
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Re: Embarking on a Kobold cave, a step by step guide for anyone
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2012, 07:59:16 pm »

Hey, water is a valid projectile for breaking bones :|


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Embarking on a Kobold cave, a step by step guide for anyone
« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2012, 08:26:12 pm »

...Guess I gotta move now, KodKod found my cave.
You mean the cave with the sign KOBID LIVS HAR on it?

I wonder how many of them I've collectively doomed by even posting this guide?

Oh my, that excites me.

Hello dwarfkind, my old friends, I've come to talk with you again!
Amidst the zombies softly creeping, and rended bodies lying, bleeding,
And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of !!science!!

 In restless dreams I walked alone Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the hovel of a kobold camp, I turn my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the gristly sights, That split the night
And touched the sound of !!science!!

And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand kobolds maybe more
Vermin talking without speaking! Vermin hearing without listening!
Vermin seared with tongs with voices unprepared! No one dared,
Disturb the sound of !!science!!

"Tools," said I, "you do not know !!science!! like a teacher knows!
Feel my whip, that I might beat you! Skewered on the spit that I might eat you!?"
But my words like silent raindrops fell And echoed in the wells of !!science!!
 And the people bowed and bayed To the heathen god to which they prayed.
 And the sign flashed out its warning In the words that it was forming
And the sign said "The words of their doctorates are written on the fortress walls
And dining halls" And whispered in the sound of !!science!!

(Sorry simon and garfunkel, I like my version better!)



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Embarking on a Kobold cave, a step by step guide for anyone
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2012, 10:01:04 pm »

Would this same method be possible for finding dragon caves?
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