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Author Topic: Adcessuspagina: Warhammer 40k mod Succession Game (Looking for players)  (Read 21291 times)


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Re: Warhammer 40k mod succession game
« Reply #75 on: April 25, 2012, 06:32:27 pm »

Allrighty then... I'll get started as soon as I've downloaded a clean version.
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand


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Re: Warhammer 40k mod succession game
« Reply #76 on: April 25, 2012, 07:55:05 pm »

Okay, a couple things. 1. I'm relatively new to Warhammer 40k (only played the PC RTS game :( ), so if I make any mistakes in-character, let me know what I've done wrong, ok? =P And 2. Apparently a lot has changed in the mod since the first release... lol   I'll do my best, and the fort probably won't go down on my turn (especially not from how well-off we are as far as food and drink goes), but I may need pointers on the odd occasion.

From Tal's Recordclip
This is the record clip of Talvieno Controltrades. It menaces with spikes of volume. Etched on the item is a stick figure of a grox. The grox appears to possibly be doing something.

The audio recording begins, heavily laden with static. "Ahhhhh... Okay... Never had one of these before, so..." High-pitched feedback screeches through the room, and you wince, wondering how this oaf could've ever become overseer of Entrypage. "Ach, no... okay, I think I've got it now... no... Augh, it's like everything else." The sound of someone beating the recordclip against a table emanates loudly from the device, and you turn the volume down with a flick of the finger, rolling your eyes at his incompetence. Moments later you're forced to return the volume patch to its original state, as the voice continues, in a quieter, clearer tone. The static is almost gone, but the recording is somewhat lower quality. "Okay, I think I got it this time... Ach, what a nightmare. Okay, so... Let me begin.

"My name... my name is Talvieno Controltrades - that's Gubernocommercium in the native language here, but it's a bit of a mouthful, so... but anyway. A few years ago I wound up here, in Entrypages. Not sure how - I was kinda on the border walls outside the farms on the roof, and they had to build a' impromptu ramp ta get me down. I don't remember much... um... well, I do remember a bit, but I've forgotten most of it - my life before I came here. I remember - I remember blue skies, far as the eye could see... I remember green grasses and a sweet smell in the air... ach, I miss that, goddamn. Seems like worlds ago... and mayhap it was. I don't remember where or when it came about - not to mention how - but later I found myself on a ship. She was s'posed to be the best ship this side of the Empire... 'least... that's what they told me afore I got aboard. Toilets stank and had ne'er been cleaned, saw spiders all through my little bunk... some were sleepin in the mattress, too - inside the mattress, I tell ya. That thing was hard as a rock... but then... no, I can't remember...

"I do remember the cap'n, though - real ornery guy, sayin we'd be impacting on the planet surface, dayside... I'd been in there for well o'er six months - I just wanted to see th' light of day again, no problems from me... Tho... for some reason tension raised, and tempers started to flare aboard the ship - I don't recall why. Jus' that the bigger the planet got on the viewscreen, the more people yelled at each other - like it was evil; gettin in their heads. Finally someone got killed - knived to death. I didn't see who, but the crew blamed me for it... an' everyone believed them. What with democracy and all that - it was a weird ship - it was determined I'd be left adrift in space til I died of a lack of oxygen in the suit, or stellar radiation. They took me and put me in the airlock - I fought like mad, let me tell you," Talvieno laughs uncomfortably at the unpleasant memory. "I didn't want to die, jus' like any other air-breathin' creature alive. I didn't want to die..."

"But goddamn, the view... By all that's holy, if you've never been adrift in space before, you've got to try it sometime... Adrift among the emptiness of space, the darkside of the planet dominating your vision... stars and nebulae sprinkled 'cross the void... cupping stardust in your palms... the gentle glowing of the atmosphere below... feeling so... so free... 'twas like magic... damn, I wouldn mind goin' back up there, not for a minute.

"But I didn't leave it there - I caught hold to the inner wing rudder as the ship passed by and held on for dear life, 'cause you know - beautiful as space is, I still didn't want to die... but that's when they changed course and I lost my grip... and for a moment I thought I was lost - just 'til I smashed my head against the thruster cone. I blacked out...

"I dunno how I got down to the surface - perhaps pirates? sightseers? I couldn't have survived the fall through the atmosphere, so someone must've taken me down, but there I was... I forget a lot... I remember a bunch of helmeted folks telling me to follow them. I was holdin' a spear - I ain't never held a weapon in my life... and I was stabbing enemies like it was natural to me. I didn't feel a thing wrong about it. It felt normal... But then the enemy forces came over the ridge from behind and tore down our flag - enraged, I stormed towards them, and one of them pointed... The ground exploded 'neath my feet.

"Next thing I remember was that I was here - 'Stupid migrants', they were saying, trying to get me down from the top o' the wall. I didn't know if they were the same people I'd fought, so I've gone with the migrant story ever since... hopefully nobody'll know I wasn't born here 'til I die, at least... I'd like a proper burial, too, though.

"But such a hellhole I found myself in this time... the toilets onboard the ship weren't nothin' compared to this place. I guess it's all for the best, but goddamn... People walkin' round everywhere without socks or shoes, some kids without shirts... Anybody's upset they just lock them in their rooms and don't let them out. Grox - grox beat anything I've ever seen, but they've got such good milk... That alone makes it all worthwhile, I suppose... Never seen rats so large, either. Can't believe how strong they are, but I guess they just adapt. Make good pets, anyway - I've got a couple of my own. Urna and Verbero, I call 'em. Not a mating pair, no - don't want to mess with babies runnin' everywhere - not that my room isn't enough of a mess already. But I'm gettin' sidetracked... I do that. Anyhow...

"Turns out I had a wife... Specula... Pretty little thing - pale skin, russet hair... the most gorgeous eyes you've ever laid eyes on, too. Whene'er we get bats in here I gotta get 'em out for her, she's terrified of the things... She's terrified of most things, really, but we had a couple daughters at least - really sweet girls. She says sometimes I forget things... She says if I give it a while, it'll come back. I'm keepin' this audiolog to try to help my memory come faster - not sure that it's working yet... I can't remember how I met her, but I don't dare tell her, she'll break down."

There are several minutes of silence here in the clip, followed by slow humming in a deep voice, presumably that of Talvieno. Occasionally he mutters "such beautiful eyes" and other such things, before finally seeming to snap out of it. "Oh, goddamn, where was I... Okay, right... Um... I'm overseer now." He laughs deeply, amused. "I have no idea how it happened. Everybody here must be crackpots to pick me, but I won't blame 'em for it. No, no, not at all... If they want to let me be overseer, then by all means, I'll gladly take the spot - but not for forever, though. I want to spend some time with my girls.

"And... um... I think that's everything."
He seems somewhat taken aback by this fact, and mumbles quietly through the rest of the tape as the static gradually increases. "I... um... okay, I'll make another log here soon. I kinda like this recordclip, though... real nice of her to get it for me..." And the voice fades out.


Anything I ought to know, anything uncompleted I need to finish?
« Last Edit: April 28, 2012, 12:53:31 pm by Talvieno »
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand


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Re: Warhammer 40k mod succession game
« Reply #77 on: April 25, 2012, 08:05:15 pm »

That was... Interesting... Quite a history you got there.


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Re: Warhammer 40k mod succession game
« Reply #78 on: April 25, 2012, 08:38:46 pm »

That was... Interesting... Quite a history you got there.
Enh, I just wrote it to match the personality ingame, and to give a reason for the fact that I know next to nothing about the Necromunda part of the 40k universe (and am likely to make some glaring in-character mistakes)... Wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, man. lol

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Plus, I just felt like writing.
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand


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Re: Warhammer 40k mod succession game
« Reply #79 on: April 25, 2012, 08:56:15 pm »

Nice background check! If you have any questions about Necromunda feel free to PM me and I'll answer what I can. Or...

Download the necromunda rulebook and read the fluff pages 59-67. It has a good bit of vague background on the whole thing.


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Re: Warhammer 40k mod succession game
« Reply #80 on: April 26, 2012, 08:55:05 am »

I read through it - really good stuff. It'd be awesome if we could do that in Dwarf Fortress, but a nine mile high (what's that, 5k z's?) spire sounds a bit much... lol

Oh, and if I haven't said it before, really great mod, by the way. :)
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand


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Re: Warhammer 40k mod succession game
« Reply #81 on: April 26, 2012, 06:58:04 pm »

Thanks for the compliments. I think somewhere I read that while the spire is several kilometres high, the underhive is only a few hundred metres deep. Of course wen you look at our tallest buildings, they are p.damn high, so best to imagine an underground space where such a structure can stand upright in.

Also, Hives vary wildly from world to world. I dont believe Hive Primus is the largest hive in the Imperium :D


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Re: Warhammer 40k mod succession game
« Reply #82 on: April 26, 2012, 07:53:17 pm »

From Tal's Recordclip
The recording ends here, and you pull the little lever on the side to skip to the next track. Soon loud static is spewed from the device, though moments later it gives way to the now-familiar deep voice of the former overseer.

"Okay, um... It's Spring - I can't remember what month, though - but give me a break, I've only been on this planet for a few years." A voice in the background speaks - that of a female, though you can't quite make out the words.  "Nah, no way - impossible. Come on now!" Talvieno laughs. The unknown voice speaks again, and he continues, "Okay, my wife says eight years, but I don't see how that could be true. But anyway... Um... Well, we've had a lot happen just so far. I kinda got sidetracked and forgot to make weekly recordings on my recordclip, so I'm hoping this'll help catch me up, or whatever.

"If I recall right, it was just after I became overseer that Cratera, one of the citizens, got a fey mood. He claimed a craftsdwarf's workshop - right out in the open. I wanted to follow the previous overseer's example and put a wall around it - just in case, you know - but there weren't any room, so I just let it be. He was askin' for stuff we didn't have - gems and bars of gold - you know, ridiculous stuff. Stuff we ain't never gonna have. We're underhivers, for cryin' out loud, and that stuff's all up there at the top of hive spires with the nobles and rich folk... I've seen 'em from a distance, I have... Never been in an actual hive, and Entrypage is jus' the ruins of an old one... Or somethin' like that, I ain't much of a historian...

"Anyway... Um... There was a fellow named Conclave - powerful warrior, in the military. Autogunner who'd killed a decent number of enemies, sentient and animals alike. But a few wolf spiders rushed 'im while he was outside... I scrambled the militia, the gangers all ran in... but it weren't enough. Conclave got killed, dead. We gave him a proper burial, though... People started sayin' I was incompetent - not worth bein' overseer. I just wanted to prove 'em all wrong. But it didn't get better from there."

A female's voice interrupts him - understandable this time. "Tal, it wasn't your fault. You did the best you could."

"I know, I know, Specula." He seems both slightly annoyed and grateful, and you hear a faintly audible kiss. "Let me speak - you said it'd be best if I do this alone." You hear her laugh in response, but it fades as she presumably walks away.

"Okay, where was I... um... hrm... oh, right. The caravan. I didn't expect it so early - I guess I never really noticed when it came before, but there it was - merchants from the nearest Hive. Odd folks, they are... Dress odd, talk odd... Just weird all around. But they've got food, wood, and weapons, so we're grateful to have them here. Unfortunately, their cargo ships took a look around and passed us right by - didn't have a clear path to the docking bay. A few solitary merchants came through the twisted passages from the surface and set up their wares, at least... But the hive liason got his foot bitten off by another wolf spider - and there wasn't a goddamn thing I could do to stop it. We didn't have much in the way of products, so I sold them a few trinkets in exchange for... Well, mostly wood. We have plenty'a wood now - all the wood we'll ever need, I reckon. We also got a good deal on some food, so I bought that too - but we couldn't buy much. Didn't have much to sell. I started up some of the mechanics on makin' mechanisms - I figured we could sell those.

"While I was down at the depot, overseeing everything - it's my job, you know - some of the folks up in the farming spire started yelling to us - 'Scavvy ambush! Call out the soldiers!'. Of course, I didn't want it to seem like I was only following orders from the watchmen, but what choice did I have? They likely think less of me now... But anyway, we took out the ambush easy - they never got inside. Every one of 'em dead. It was a straight, clean battle, too. I love a good thrill... Can't say I'm much for killing, but hey - we're just defending our good people, yeah?"

Here he pauses, and you assume he's deep in thought. He doesn't remain silent for long, as Specula's gentle voice jars him back to reality. "Yeah, thanks, Spec. Um, anyway... This was about when I took a good look at our military situation, I think... Who set these hivers up like this? The gunners are stationed year-round to guard the entrance - no breaks, no practicing or drilling. I couln't have that... So, I did what I thought was best. I organized a second gunner's squad, and set all the gunners up to train right behind the depot, in full view of the entrance bridges. Even gave them their own little firing range. I carefully designed it for maximum efficiency - bullets missing the target and impacting with the wall at the appropriate angle will ricochet into a room below and can be gathered back up and remelted for scrap metal."

"Ooh, such long words," speaks Specula from the shadows, in a slightly seductive voice - but Talvieno sounds puzzled, and somewhat distant.

"Yeah... I... I don't know how I..."

You hear the abrupt, overloud clattering of the recordclip dropping to the table, the sound of someone falling to the floor, and the worried cry of Talvieno's wife asking repeatedly if he's okay. The track ends abruptly, leaving you wondering what happened.

Is there any other way to get blood fungi other than caravans? I've been getting cancellation spam ever since the beginning about how there isn't any to be had.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2012, 12:57:27 pm by Talvieno »
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand


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Re: Warhammer 40k mod succession game
« Reply #83 on: April 26, 2012, 08:24:25 pm »

The gunners are stationed year-round to guard the entrance - no breaks, no practicing or drilling
I actually set it to have 5 out of 10 on duty at any one time. Each season they should rotate shifts, the others going off to do hauling jobs and engraving(?). The first squad is sufficently trained. I felt the bullets would be better spent on a new squad.

Is there any other way to get blood fungi other than caravans? I've been getting cancellation spam ever since the beginning about how there isn't any to be had.
Yeah they should have planted some in summer... I set the manager job up so they would be used for yeast asap, but something happened and I didnt get any on my turn :(

How much exported value are we up to now? Need to get a few thousand before the Guilders will come
« Last Edit: April 26, 2012, 08:33:50 pm by Abregado »


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Re: Warhammer 40k mod succession game
« Reply #84 on: April 26, 2012, 08:36:08 pm »

The gunners are stationed year-round to guard the entrance - no breaks, no practicing or drilling
I actually set it to have 5 out of 10 on duty at any one time. Each season they should rotate shifts, the others going off to do hauling jobs and engraving(?)
Yep, that's how it was, sorry. Hiver Tal has a bad memory (and apparently I do too, lol). I figured a training room right next to the gates made a bit more sense than stuff off by itself (granted, I'd only given them one archery target at that point).

Is there any other way to get blood fungi other than caravans? I've been getting cancellation spam ever since the beginning about how there isn't any to be had.
Yeah they should have planted some in summer... I set the manager job up so they would be used for yeast asap, but something happened and I didnt get any on my turn :(

How much exported value are we up to now? Need to get a few thousand before the Guilders will come
Yeah, no, we don't have any fungi and they wouldn't plant any, either. I'd been getting the yeast cancellation nonstop, so I finally just turned it off. And we definitely exported over a thousand's worth of goods - it just wasn't as much as I'd hoped.

Oh, and what's up with the tame grox? They sit on the nest boxes all the time, but lay no eggs?
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand


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Re: Warhammer 40k mod succession game
« Reply #85 on: April 26, 2012, 09:54:09 pm »

Yeah i played with it a bit and marked it down as a bug to be fixed in the next release. Most likely they will just get live young until I can figure it out. :(

I purchased some blood fungus mucii from the traders, surely there are some left. Perhaps use the "Cultivate blood fungus" reaction to create some seeds from ripe plant..


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Re: Warhammer 40k mod succession game
« Reply #86 on: April 27, 2012, 02:56:42 pm »

Hmmm... No, we don't have any blood fungus mucii. And the "cultivate blood fungus" reaction is grayed out (or "redded" out, really). I'll just let it go - hopefully the next overseer won't neglect to buy blood fungus in large quantities. I asked for quite a bit, I think.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2012, 02:58:21 pm by Talvieno »
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand


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Re: Warhammer 40k mod succession game
« Reply #87 on: April 27, 2012, 03:03:27 pm »

It takes roughly a seaon or so for hatchlings to be had. I tested it and that seems to be the rough standard for the egg templates I used.

each season you should get 1-2 hatchlings (I usually average 2, I upped thier clutch to 3 while I was expierimenting with scrap protection reactions.) Best to cage them or pasture them on lookout duty when they hatch.


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Re: Warhammer 40k mod succession game
« Reply #88 on: April 27, 2012, 03:47:18 pm »

It takes roughly a seaon or so for hatchlings to be had. I tested it and that seems to be the rough standard for the egg templates I used.

each season you should get 1-2 hatchlings (I usually average 2, I upped thier clutch to 3 while I was expierimenting with scrap protection reactions.) Best to cage them or pasture them on lookout duty when they hatch.
Nope, not really... I pressed 'T' and hovered over the nest boxes - but nothing was there. Nothing at all. No eggs, nothing. Not only that, it says the grox aren't even claiming the nest boxes - they're just sitting on them. :P lol   Maybe I have an older/newer version than you do, I don't know.
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand


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Re: Warhammer 40k mod succession game
« Reply #89 on: April 27, 2012, 04:05:00 pm »

I was using the latest 34.7 release. Try rebuilding them.
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