Yea, I've had some pretty shitty expansions too.
I was doing import flipping for a bit, but then the Massive Bot attack happen, and when you got burned doing it, really hurt.
And due to BallC success with Sporting Goods, I tried sporting good store. That did shit.
And then I also tried doing a Watercraft store... that did really shitty too.
But through all of that, I never stopped expanding my core business. My farmer market, and it's production chain.
I'm up to 36 products, all made by me, 100%, and due to the Store Rebalance, I've been forced to sell my excesses on the b2b market. And last day they both made 12m.
Since doing an IoP, and using that money to finally move into Processed Foods, and getting alot of my facotories up to 1000m. My company has a bright future.
I recently sold some of my stock, and started up a new company.
Chaotic Odds and Ends.
Chaotic Odds and Ends purpose will be to eliminate my need to buy from the b2b market. It's goal is to generate the containers I need, raw materiels, and electricity and water. I'm hoping that Odds and Ends will have production excess, which will then be put on the b2b market, which will hopefully pay for it's operating cost, but maybe even for it's expansion cost.
So, b2b market sales, require you to watch them, and to reprice them as needed.
Also, I totally hear you on the shitty production on lumber. I got one at 100m, and its 24hr production is only 6234. Though maybe that's enough. I need it for artificial vanilla.