Dont get used it.
Scott talk about that being a Premium Feature.
Oh dear, here we go again. I am going to play this as long as there are no "Premium Features" that give others advantage...
I'll take your share of the market then. Kidding of course, though I do agree. Or at least, in the sense that I won't be spending money on ones and zeros, without them being on a disc. Which reminds me, you can buy Capitalism 2 for $4 with shipping and handling already included in the price.
Now back on topic, I've discovered the joys of outsourcing my research. With that being said I'm now producing ~q10 cocoa beans, sugar cane, milk, and cocoa powder, so now I'm starting to research cocoa butter, chocolate milk, and licorice root.
I figure that once I fully expand on the chocolate market as much as possible without going into cake and ice cream I'll work on making black licorice and caramel candy. It sounds like a good idea to me at least, as all I'll really need is to build another plantation and a snacks research and development to do that.
Though with the inclusion of chocolate milk I might want to build a lumberyard and a beverage factory, which could then lead me into possibly branching off into paper products if I build a paper mill. Plus lumber is a pretty decent commodity to trade in.
...I want to make a wood joke but I'm too tired to do so. Goodnight.