This sounds like an interesting concept to which I would like to add a suggestion:
Make it open for entering and leaving and do away with the must-be-odd number of players.
My reasoning is as follows: In the end, each turn only one player influences the history of the fortress as the other maps are all removed from the contest (but maybe their players want to continue them). So, even if there were 11 participants with the first turn, in the end, 10 of these participants will have contributed nothing to the map which is used in the second turn (they will have contributed their maps and their stories to the community, of course). In the third turn, no more than two players have left a mark upon the map before it starts, and only if it is not the same player winning both bouts.
Therefore, I think this game-style is very flexible about attachment as you don't have hard territories staked out. Instead, for everyone but one the game starts anew with each turn.
And allowing players joining and leaving may encourage participation, especially by insecure players or those with unstable schedules. In addition, players can join in, and later leave to concentrate on further developing their version of the map, branching off at any time of their choosing.
This sounds like a good idea. Additionally, I think that a player should be allowed not to submit a save. This might allow the game to die out unnaturally, but could give more flexibility to the schedule. Also, I think there should be a certain period of time in which a player cannot submit a save after the player already has. This rejects any dynasties and also makes everyone start anew.
The only issue I can see with this is when two or three, or any small amount, of saves are all excellent. It would sort of feel like a waste if the new magma cannon was preferred to a life-sized replica of the statue of liberty, in my opinion.
I see what you are saying and I have a solution- If the Player knows that they have plans, they will be required to tell the other Players. This is called an "Opt-Out Notice" and by doing so, they agree to forfeit any future votes. They are also required to upload their Savefile as well. Here's a pic-
| | | |
Start Vote 1 Opt-Out Vote 3
& Vote 2
Basically, the Player "Opts-Out" during the Voting phase. That way, the other Players get the "Opted-Out" Player's most recent Save. The Player's Savefile is given to the Player with the LEAST votes (to increase the chances of Winning in the future) and that Player is responsible for submitting the future Savefiles from the "Opted-Out" Player's Savefile and their own. Unlike the Player's own Savefile, the Player is ALLOWED to vote for the "opted-out" file that they now own. That way, the game can progress as normal. And in cases where more than one Player would end up with the Opt-Out Savefile, they shall ALL be responsible for it. To be honest though, I don't really like it when people quit halfway through a game.
Or... The game "restarts" using the "Opted-Out" Savefile. How? Each remaining Player gets a copy of the Savefile and Abandons the Fortress. Then, they re-embark and reclaim the fortress that they abandoned. Because it's uncertain what is going to happen to the "Opted-Out" Savefiles Fortress during the long period of time that the Fortress was Abandoned (25 years, if I remember correctly...), it would make for an interesting narrative.