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Author Topic: HellFire-The Masterwork succesion fort! 34.05 Be glad its not evil.  (Read 34099 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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After my quickly defeated, zombie infested succession game Bleedtrials, apparently some people wished to have a succession of the succession game...I was surprised. And well, here it is. With Masterwork!

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Everything a dwarf wants, flux and metal. Now for the !!FUN!! part!

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Do you feel the hate?

As custom for my glacier hells, I did not bring a single axe, but instead three picks. I also dumped seeds due to lack of soil, save for 5 plump helmet spores incase we get mud. I also brought along a hunting mastiff for the expedition leader's guard.

I brought ten pieces of wood for a butchers, since we need drink I dumped every last bite of food for booze. I brought two frill lizards for butchering, they will probably be our food for awhile.


Heres a picture.

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Turn List

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Few remember the story of Bleedtrials, despite being nothing but a nightmare our insane monarch once had, he had forever set off to defeat the "vile evils of the glaciers" sending off dozens of expeditions to them. Our war with the dark stranglers wont help much either. I just hope we make it to this forsaken glacier, and most of all, we manage to save some booze...

Oh, and one last thing...WHO WAS SOBER WHILE DRIVING!!!!!

See that pit? Thats where our wagon landed, and exploded...Good luck LordBucket!


Seeing how this is masterwork, heres some ideas for overseers.

1.Golems, turn your army into freaks made of slade!

2.Dark stranglers are your mortal enemies in this fort, kill them, butcher them, eat there delicious dark flesh.

3.Slade can be used in constructions now! Conquering HFS is now valuable! (But really, dont, well all die.)
« Last Edit: May 05, 2012, 01:51:35 pm by Corai »
Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellFire-The Masterwork succesion fort! 34.05
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2012, 11:56:52 pm »

The reign of LordBucket, part 1

Image by ~s0fus-snk

(Two weeks ago)

Fishybang: (singing) "...oh, the roving hills of holly, amidst great big laughs of jolly..."

LordBucket: "Fishybang?"

Fishybang: "...reminds me happily of times of home, yet still my heart demands I roam!"

LordBucket: "Are you even listening?"

Fishybang: "...cuddly, snuggly, baby bun-"

LordBucket: "FISHYBANG!"

Fishybang: "...whoa, what? Why'd you interupt my marching song?"


I don't know why I agreed to lead this group. Most look like they've never set foot outside the mountainhome before. Hardly the ideal group to found a new fortress with. Oh...wait. I do remember why. This, boys and girls, is why responsible dwarves don't allow themselves to get sober. It's amazing how crazytalk starts to make sense once you've been off the barrel for a while. And these past few weeks...ehh. I don't even want to think about it. Let's just say that my luck hasn't been the greatest lately. Nobody wants to hire a refugee from a remote fort that was overrun by zombies during its first week. I shuddered at the memory. Yes, the fortress of BleedTrials was best forgotten.

So when when my buddy Mr. Frog showed up at the well with Fishybang and offered to buy me my first drink in ages if I listened to their proposal, telling me tales of a fresh mountain filled with gems and adamantine, of course I agreed. One thing led to another...and before long I had agreed to lend them my vast experience (one week in a failed fort?) and legendary skills (...running from zombies?) to lead their expedition

(Today: 1st Granite)

Somehow, looking backwards at our wagon-drawn trail through the snowy, desolate plains surrounding us...I was beginning to suspect we were lost.

Fishybang: "Come! Dancing bunnies, join my song! You know you want to sing-a-long!"

Some more lost than others.

LordBucket: "So where is this glacial mountain you promised us, Fishybang? I see glacier, but where's the mountain?"

He stopped strumming what I can only assume was an imaginary lyre, just long enough to turn to the rest of us and smile happily.

Fishybang: "Oh, I'm sure it's just over that next ridge. Or maybe the next one. Or...maybe not. But we're definitely going the right way! The voices were very certain that if we just kept heading west we'd reach it eventually."

LordBucket: "Wait...voices? What voices?"

Fishybang was spared having to answer that question by the sound of cracking ice beneath us. Followed by the sound of ice giving away completely. Followed by the sound of our wagon and my skull hitting the ice 3 z-levels down. Luckily, we all seemed to be ok.

Fishybag: "Hellllooooo!!!!! Are you oooookaaaay doooown theeeeere? Wooooow, I loooooove how the caaaaavern maaaaaakes my vooooooooice sooooooound!"

At least, as ok as we were before the fall. Brushing myself off I stood and surveyed the pit we had fallen into. The wagon was smashed beyond any hope of repair, and our few goods lay scattered across the ice.

LordBucket: "Ok. New plan everyone. We strike the earth. Here. Now."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellFire-The Masterwork succesion fort! 34.05
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2012, 11:59:18 pm »

......I love this already.
Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellFire-The Masterwork succesion fort! 34.05
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2012, 12:20:36 am »

Im quite or carzy guy everytime :P
Quote from: AustralianWinter
Rakust finished her design - a skirt called "Clambreaks". I am not touching the woman, ever. And I'm not talking to her either.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellFire-The Masterwork succesion fort! 34.05
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2012, 12:38:21 am »

Im quite or carzy guy everytime :P

When I first loaded the game up and saw you standing safely on the edge of a 3 z-level pit smiling down at us poor fools at the bottom...the story suddenly all came together. :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellFire-The Masterwork succesion fort! 34.05
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2012, 01:36:19 am »

I'd like to request a dwarving as Fenrir, any dorf.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellFire-The Masterwork succesion fort! 34.05
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2012, 02:17:13 am »

I'd like to request a dwarving as Fenrir, any dorf.

Done. You're now Fenrir Cobrafloor, a leatherworker/mechanic who recently volunteered for smoothing duty.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellFire-The Masterwork succesion fort! 34.05
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2012, 03:22:31 am »

The reign of LordBucket, part 2

1st granite
Taking a quick survey of our situation, we have:

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...basically booze, a couple seeds, three picks and a couple animals to slaughter.

Our first priority is not starving to death. Fishybang offers to butcher our lizards while Ral, Mr. Frog and I start mining. I designate two areas two dig: first to smooth out the edges of the nearby cliffs to make a suitable base camp, and second to begin our dig downwards until we reach stone. Everyone else hauls.

11th Granite
After nearly two weeks we have a small base camp established near the top of the glacier, with a butchery and kitchen pumping out lizard sausage / tallow meals, a few stockpiles, and a small hole-in-the-ice with 3 beds. That will have to do for now. A few grumbled at having to share beds without even a door to enclose the room, but with so little wood and no prospects for getting more anytime soon, it's important that we conserve what little we have.

Meanwhile us three miners continue to dig down into the ice of "the pit" looking for stone. As cold as it is the ice resists melting well enough to make a suitable construction material, so we've begun using it to build a wall to keep out whatever predators this land might have in store for us.

14th Granite
We seem to have encountered a problem.

4 levels below the bottom of our pit, we've struck stone. That would be good, except that the heat of the earth has melted the ice stairways we've carved. This leaves a gap that we can't easily mine a stairway through. Digging stairways down results in simply an empty space below the dig site. A different design will be required.

24th Granite
The first stage of our perimeter wall is in place.

It makes sleeping feel safer, but it's important to remember that the wall offers no real safety, because anyone and anything can easily descend into the middle of camp via the ice ramps completely surrounding the pit. That will all need to be mined out eventually, but I feel it's more efficient to begin making the wall as we go rather than mine everything out and then spend months building a wall.

More importantly, however, we've come up with a solution for accessing the stone beneath us that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing in its design. It will take a few more days to finish, but once the hallway connecting all four ramps is finished, we'll have the beginnings of a standard 17x17 city grid in place. Though I'm leaning towards simply mining the whole level out and putting up constructed walls later. There may be gems and ore in those walls.

Also, Fishybang cooked up the last of the assorted I've never had fricasseed lizard liver before, and I don't particularly care to again. But at least we're no longer in danger of starving to death.

11 Slate
Progress is slow but steady. I've ordered the deconstruction of our workshops and stockpiles above ground, and we've begun moving everything into disorganized piles below ground. Now that we have stone to work with, our Mason, Lorban, has made some chairs and tables to place in the hallway to give us a basic dining area. It's nothing special, but it's better than eating on the floor.

4th Felsite

We now have a small hollow carved out on what will eventually be the top "functional" level of our fortress. Digging out an area this size is slow. It was nearly a month between the previous picture and this next one.

I'd still prefer to mine out the level and build constructed walls, but that will have to wait. We'll make use of the space we have now, but the next few rooms we carve out will make use of natural walls to speed up the process. Our miners have too much work to do. Making everything pretty can wait.

A few other events of note:

 * I've given Fenrir a new job as  mechanic and set him to building mechanisms to his heart's content.
 * Fishybang has slaughtered our two horses. We now have stringy tasteless delicious horse meat to go with our loathesome disgusting nutritious lizard meat. Yum.

Our food and alcohol supplies are looking good. However, at present we have no way to produce more. A lone dog is our only remaining animal, we've no arrows to hunt with, there are no shrubs to forage, the surface snow won't support a farm, and we have no water to irrigate the stone beneath, us. I have a plan to solve that problem, but it will probably take the next few months to implement. Also, we've seen our first hints of wildlife. CoraiUnki spotted a sneaky-looking weasel near our perimeter wall. He didn't get in, but it has me concerned. Surely there are more dangerous things on this glacier and at present we're in no position to defend ourselves.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellFire-The Masterwork succesion fort! 34.05
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2012, 03:23:18 am »

The reign of LordBucket, part 3

11 Hematite
Shortly after the retaining wall for our future farm is finished, the temporary butchery and refuse stockpiles in our hallway simultaneously erupt with miasma.

It's unfortunate that food is going to waste. It will be another month before we have water for farming, and another month or two after that until we have harvestable mushrooms to eat. Still though, we have plenty of food for now. I am unconcerned.

19 Hematite
A mining accident leads to a premature cave-in above our future farm site. One of our miners, Lorbam, was stunned by the 1 z-level fall, but he is otherwise unharmed.

10 Malachite
Fishybang: "Two arms! Two arms!"

LordBucket: "What? Invaders already!?!? But we're not ready for a siege! To arms, everyone! Grab your picks! Get underground!

Fishybang: "No, not 'to arms.' 'TWO' arms. They have two arms."

LordBucket: "Who has two arms?"

LordBucket: "...oh."

It seems that a husband and wife, along with their two children have shown up on our doorstep.

 * Eshtan Shadowmatches, novice fisherdwarf
 * Ashmon Soldeleroi, competant axedwarf
 * Becor Spidercoil, child
 * Obok Urnmuscular, child

I question the usefulness of fishing skill on a glacier, so Eshtan will join Fishybang in our food service industry. Ashmon I promote to the rank of militia commander. We will need to build a barracks so she can begin training.

13 Malachite
The irrigation project is almost ready. A lockable door has added to the retaining wall around what wil soon be our farm, and we've dug out a long vertical shaft to drop a block of ice to be shattered onto the stone floor below, giving us water. The lever is in place, and now it's time to remove the last-- oh. Apparently floor grates can't prevent the cavern from collapsing.

Fortunately nobody was injured when it happened. I also seem to have miscalculated how much ice would be required to irrigate the ground. I expected that the ice blocks would melt to 7/7 water, spread out and fill the farm area, requiring that the excess be released into the hallway where it could evaporate. It appears they instead became 1/7 water, and made more or less a splotch of arable soil in the middle of the room. Maybe because I only dropped one level of ice. Hmm.

Still, the roughly 50% coverage we ended up with should be sufficient for our needs. There remains several z-levels worth of ice above the farm. So long as it is not mined to the surface where the light might spoil our crops, it will be possible to add more water at a later date. But probably only once. I will include a rough sketch of the design should more water be required. For now though, what we have should easily be sufficient feed well over 100 dwarves.

4th Galena

Things are generally going well. The farm is up and running. We've carved out some quick-and-dirty future peasant rooms, though at present we lack a suitable material for bed-making. We still have 7 wood, but I'm saving that. And we've yet to find any metal deposits at all. Though even if we had I wouldn't be using up our wood to smelt it to make beds with. Unless we find some metal and a suitable fuel source, we might be stuck sharing beds until a caravan brings us wood.

We do have one issue, however. Lorbam is still unconscious from his fall when the cavern collapsed. He's thirsty (despite being unconscious) and we have no suitable source of water for him. It took months to arrange ice to be melted for the farm. All I can do is hope that Lorbam regains consciousness before he dies of thirst.

Meanwhile, with plump helmets in the making, food and booze will soon be taken care of. The underground city level is sufficiently carved out for our immediate needs. It's now time to turn our attention to defense. And to do that, we must eliminate all these icy ramps giving the entire world access to our entrance. It is time to level the surface.

I would prefer to start at our entrance and work up and outward, but past experience tells my that doing so is just asking for mining accidents. We've already had two. We don't want anymore. Instead we will start at the top and channel our way down to our entrance. We will simply depend on Ashmon and any other militia we recruit to defend us until we can clear the way enough to construct a defensible fortress.

1st Limestone
At last! A few days ago we harvested the first of our plump helmets, and Fishybang today brewed one into our first batch of dwarven wine! It tastes...

...awful. Still, now that we have a replenishable food supply we can be sure to survive at least until the zombies arrive. That's reassuring. I think.

Also, I have assigned CoraiUnki to be our manager, broker and bookkeeper, and given him quarters in the nobles district as befitting his new rank. It will be useful for have a manager so we can assign workshops. Though apparently he was unsatisfied being the only dwarf in the fortress with a private bedroom, as well as private office and dining room while most the rest of us eat in the hallway. He insisted that his office wasn't good enough. Fortunately Fenrir didn't mind taking some time off building mechanisms to smooth the floor for him to bring the room quality up to his expectations.

Somewhat annoyed at CoraiUnki's sudden demands I've gone ahead and asked Fenrir to smooth another noble room, and we've moved the beds that used to be in the hallway into that room. It's still a crowded barracks for the rest of us, but at least we can close the door now.

I have ordered the construction of a trading depot. Since Ashmon and her family were able to reach us it's possible that others may follow.

I noticed Lorbam walking around recently. Apparently he did not die of thirst. This is good.

Finally I have allocated one of our precious wooden logs to be made into a training spear. Fenrir has set up a repeating lever in a nearby room to help our militia commander, Ashmon, with her training.

7 Limestone

Fishybang: "Hey, Bucket! How goes it?"

LordBucket: "I am well, Fishybang. How goes our brewing efforts?"

Fishybang: "Awesome! Well, mostly awesome. I tried brewing wine out of the blood coming out from under the training room door, but it didn't work. So only plump helmet wine for now."

LordBucket: "Wait, did you say blood?"

Fishybang: "Yep! It was all pretty and red too! A bit bright, but not bright like pink, more like bright in the way that magenta isn't, you know? Well, gotta go!"

It seems that danger room training is a bit more dangerous than I remember it being. At least, it's dangerous when our axedwarf is unconscious and laying totally naked on the repeating spike trap.

...why exactly Ashmon was laying naked on the floor of the barracks...we may never know. At first I thought she might have dropped her gear when she lost consciousness, but I saw nothing on the floor besides her and pools of blood.

Fortunately the blood splatters on the walls and floor were noticed in time. Ashmon sustained only minor injuries:

Perhaps the repeating spear trap in the training room was not such a good idea. At least not until we can get some armor.

It has now been six months since our arrival. Food and alcohol stores are low, but rising. We've had a few mishaps, but nothing we haven't been able to handle. Once the surface has been leveled we can begin construction of a keep above ground, and once we have a militia we can begin digging in earnest for the treasures of the earth. And hopefully get some beds made, too.

I have high hopes for success.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellFire-The Masterwork succesion fort! 34.05
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2012, 01:09:44 pm »

Win! But since we seem to have food troubles.....

"Hey Lordbucket, dont worry its not another demand"

"Oh, good, what is it"

"You know the Dark Stranglers"

"Oh those myths..."

"Myths like zombies?"

"Go on"

"They can legally be butchered I believe, so if we ever get desperate..."

Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellFire-The Masterwork succesion fort! 34.05
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2012, 01:40:28 pm »

Fenrir, dwarf-of-all-trades it seems.


Oh, I'd advise against future danger room use. IIRC they have been made quite deadly in Masterwork.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2012, 03:29:05 pm by Vanaheimer »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellFire-The Masterwork succesion fort! 34.05
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2012, 04:58:55 pm »

since we seem to have food troubles.....

Not really. The farm has 90 tiles of arable soil. It's probably enough to last the entire lifetime of the fort. It's just slow to start because we only had 5 seeds, so we're having to plant, collect, brew to get seeds again, repeat. It will probably take a few seasons before we have enough seeds to plant the entire field. Especially since apparently nobody has any growing skill to speak of.

Dark Stranglers

can legally be butchered

Are they likely to show up during my reign? This package uses Fortress Defense, right? The way I remember it...stranglers rarely show up even in the first two years of a fort.

I'd advise against future danger room use. IIRC they
have been made quite deadly in Masterwork.

...ahh. That explains it. Though I'm still unsure why she was doing combat drills naked.

Incidentally, I notice we don't have our next overseer lined up yet. Any volunteers?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellFire-The Masterwork succesion fort! 34.05
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2012, 05:02:18 pm »

since we seem to have food troubles.....

Not really. The farm has 90 tiles of arable soil. It's probably enough to last the entire lifetime of the fort. It's just slow to start because we only had 5 seeds, so we're having to plant, collect, brew to get seeds again, repeat. It will probably take a few seasons before we have enough seeds to plant the entire field. Especially since apparently nobody has any growing skill to speak of.

Dark Stranglers

can legally be butchered

Are they likely to show up during my reign? This package uses Fortress Defense, right? The way I remember it...stranglers rarely show up even in the first two years of a fort.

I'd advise against future danger room use. IIRC they
have been made quite deadly in Masterwork.

...ahh. That explains it. Though I'm still unsure why she was doing combat drills naked.

Incidentally, I notice we don't have our next overseer lined up yet. Any volunteers?

Ill probaly do it if noone does, but since were at WAR they come earlier.
Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellFire-The Masterwork succesion fort! 34.05
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2012, 10:34:21 pm »

Still no new Overseers lined up? I'm disappointed at the lack of interest. Corai: maybe change the thread title to include "overseers needed"?

Hey, you! Yeah, YOU! You reading this thread. We need some overseers. The fortress is totally stable right now, so don't be too scared by the mods or glacier. Next overseer is likely to get a siege, but it's just dark stranglers. The only real threat this fortress is likely to face in the next few years is tigermen when they show up. We still have no metal, no ore and no fuel sources. So we're going to have to get creative eventually.

Next update should be tonight / tomorrow morning. Not sure if I'll finish my turn in that update, but it's possible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellFire-The Masterwork succesion fort! 34.05-Overseers needed!-
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2012, 12:12:05 am »

*raises hand*

I'll give it a shot, see how badly I fail. I promise not to kill it :lol:
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