Not once have I ever posted that people should "play with Barbies"... evidence you're just trying to cause conflicts/attacks.
Yes, evidence. That would be the exact reason I
quoted you saying that in the post before.
I think that would be leaning toooo far towards "The Sims"... the I play with barbies on my pc game.
If you find my tone unfriendly, perhaps you should reread your own, as it seems you aren't aware of what you, yourself have said.
And as for this...
I haven't made any attacks at all about this idea, you're just taking any dislikes for the idea as personally which is very unprofessional and immature.
Once again, if you don't like the idea, but don't have any actual criticisms or ways to guide the idea to being a better one, just don't post, rather than attacking the very notion that someone could even suggest something.
Posts like the following:
I disagree with this suggestion based on the following:
1) It wouldn't serve any purpose for us playing the game other than a drama element.
2) There's many more important features and bugs which need attention first. When thinking of having a random bug fixed or gay dwarves the random bug wins. Even more important is providing goblin sieges with actual tools/devices for sieging our forts.
"It doesn't serve any purpose, but I won't go into details of why I think this, or how it could serve a purpose," and "your ideas just aren't important to me, we should focus on Y, instead," along with the perennial "it might hurt FPS in some completely nondescript way" are just ways to shut down all conversation on any topic you don't like, and are utterly unsubstantiated.
These arguments are all invalid, because they can be copy-pasted onto
any topic the poster dislikes (and have been at some point), and have no relation to the topic at all.
If you don't want to talk about the suggestion, just don't post. If you want to carry on your baseless personal attacks, do it by Personal Message; That's what the "Personal" is for.
Dwarves have sex? I thought they just propogated by some type of budding or mold-spore like method that required a male/female of the species to be present. Oh, I guess they do have these relationship feelings. I've never seen evidence that dwarves love their significant others more than their friends. Why not make relationships less boy/girl driven and just have them form friendships randomly and then people can imagine whatever they like in their own personal fantasy world.
In the previous threads, things like castes that had tokens that designated the relationship-forming behavior was discussed.
The alternate to this was a personality trait that discussed sexual orientation, so as to make it a spectrum, where most high (or low, set the axis however you want) numbers means "completely straight", with "completely gay" on the low end, and "bisexual" in the boundary area. This would have the hypothetical advantage of making the characters in question have gradients of "gayness", with, perhaps, some sort of possibility to form relationships with either gender, but making one gender or other more difficult to form romantic relations with.
Of course, it depends on what sort of statement you want to make on the nature of (homo)sexuality, and how much of a "choice" there is in the matter, which is delicate ground to tread upon.
As for the relationships, spouses share items and beds and have a greater affect upon the thoughts/happiness of their SO.
This can, of course, be greatly expanded upon the more the game comes into focus upon the personal relationships and individual motivations and wills of the dwarves with the Personality Rewrites, although those are still somewhat vague and distant.
Hey, if you guys are so worried about this, are you going to put in a request for transgender operations at the hospital? I'm in no way homophobic, but the last thing I want is to have an ascii game with distracting sexuality. Sheesh, sex relations I think is just an incidental happening in the world my dwarves live in, if it actually happens at all. You all know those beards are actually where the spores/pollen are released and recieved don't you? And that all that drinking is truly because that's about the funnest thing they do all day (and an efficient source of additional calories as they must have something like internal-combustion to keep up with all that work).
Fanon memes aside, I doubt transgender operations are going to become part of vanilla, but you already
can achieve caste-swapping through memory hacking and interactions.
Sex is a part of the game, as the progenitor of life, although it is not part of the game as an explicit event that you somehow peep in on. To talk about sexuality is not necessarily to talk about sex, however.
Gay dwarves don't need to be anything more than dwarves that love other dwarves of their own gender, and act as such.
As you hinted at earlier, however, the notion of romance in general needs to have much more depth for romances of any kind to have meaning. As it stands, marriage currently means little past activating pregnancy flags.