Killer confectionary is one of my specialties.
Ricin red bean mochi is another fine choice, but most western children are put off by the bland rice dough, and unique texture of the red bean jam.
My years in various hives of scum and villainy on the 'Tubes must have really messed up my instinctive horror response as while I still fear to ask how you know so much on this particular subject the fact that you do isn't particularly disturbing beyond that. Almost makes me worry.
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RAKninja: If I get you a good crossbow you wanna ride one of my elephants? If you prefer a recon role I could try and 'persuade' the next batch of elves to donate a Giant Cheetah/Jaguar for your use instead.
heavy cav. recon by fire.
elephant is a bit too heavy though. would be a tank analog. i dont use tanks, i used a bradly fighting vehicle. something like a tank, but also an armored personal carrier. infantry uses the same thing, but they have the cargo bay modded out to carry a squad of troops. we cav boys had room in the back for two, the rest was taken up with extra 25mm, 7.62mm ammo and something like 8 or 10 missiles.
so, how bout a rhino? failing that, i guess a giant jaguar works.
RAKninja - you're captain of the guard, which I normally send into battle along with the squad, so therefore, you're a soldier. You also have a small army squad at your disposal (disposal might be a poor choice of words). As to computer repair, I fear that the secrets of computer technology would soon be lost... that kind of thing requires the proper tools to create the proper tools to create the integrated circuits, and we don't have the proper tools, or the proper tools to create the other proper tools.
ah, you use the fortress guard different than i do. i use it as a police force, and a training unit, where wounded veterans who are not "combat effective" anymore can pass on their skills to raw recruits, save for the CoG himself, a permanent fixture.
not having fought with my fortress guard much, i assume military orders take precedence over jailing jobs? would suck if i were advancing on the siege, ready to take it down singlehandedly.... then i mosey back into the fort to throw urist mctantrumpants in jail because he broke a mason's workshop and hit catten mcchild in the head with a x pig tail fiber shoe x.
Might need to make due with rope reeds man. I dunno if there's any hemp here.
what do you think rope reed is?