Having let my knowledge of horrble deadly poisons out, how many of you would eat cookies if I made them? Etc.......
I'd eat them. After all, just because you work out how to build an atom bomb doesn't mean you're evil. And frankly, you don't seem the type of person to poison cookies to laugh at the people who eat them and die... Talking about killing is one thing. Actually doing it is another.
Speaking of mental health, I have a relatively minor concern that occurred to me recently:
Medications. I have ADHD (Inattentive), and it's relatively severe. I won't go into the details, as it's a fairly common condition. Anyway, I basically require medication in order to function as a productive member of society. This presents a problem, as I doubt things like Concerta or Focalin are commonplace in DF. While I suppose alternatives are available, I don't know enough about chemistry/biology/pharmacology to know what they would be. Can anyone suggest a way that I might be able to operate at normal levels, using what's available in DF?
I have no idea... I hadn't even thought about that... I've got the same problem. lol ADHD. It isn't that bad, though, although it used to be severe. I just learned to control it over time (for the most part).
I exhibit many of the sympthoms of asperger syndrome, but am not diagnosed. I have never been a normal child, and my older sister said I used to sit in corners and talk to myself as a toddler. She literally beat me into being social. Older sisters are awesome.
As for ADHD medications, most are norepinepherine analogs, agonists, or reuptake inhibitors. Most also effect dopamine levels, and are based on amphetamine structure compounds.
You might experience some benefit from certain addictive drugs, but the dangers of addiction and withdrawl are high.
I am cheating by using google, but it looks like cocaine might be effective, being a triple uptake inhibitor. (Seretonin, dopamine, norepinepherine) refined cocaine would be stupid, but orally chewed coca leaf might be an effective, if highly addictive solution to your problem.
Most of the psychoactives I know of are acetylcholine agonists/inhibitors, not norepinepherine.