The level eight spearows are a lot more effective that the level fives. Whereas the level fives took three or four pecks to kill a kakuna, the level eights only take about two, meaning between one and a half and two times the experience per capture. Given that each pokeball costs 200 pokedollars, and we've quite a bit more capturing to do, then it'll potentially make a very large difference. And so we return to route 3 to catch more Spearows.
Johuotar, having two peck PP left, was on softening duty.
Orb was on duty for softening the next one up, though with a single peck available, it could prove difficult. None of the others could soften without one-hitting, though, so this was our only choice. I could take advantage of the fact that, although Johuotar had no peck pp left, there was plenty of leer pp, and so Johuotar was in first position, to leer as much as possible before a single peck from Orb to do what it could.
Johuotar got in two leers, and Orb got in a peck. Unfortunately, the other Spearow got in a growl on Orb first, and so the damage was limited. I threw the pokeballs anyway, and the second one was successful.
And so I went to the PC, retired Johuotar, Orb and Darvi, and retrieved Howard and Lossoc.
I trekked back to Viridian forest, and continued grinding.
Howard took down 20 Kakunas and 2 Metapods before being left with only two peck PP left, and I started to use Lossoc.
Lossoc only took down 12 Kakunas and 5 Metapods before being left with only three peck PP left.
I grabbed some more pokeballs and went spearow hunting.
I caught one spearow fine, but accidentally one-shotted the next one. The one after was caught without issue, though.
I then retured Howard and Lossoc and Brought Prendegast and Cheevios into play.
By the time they had been almost used up, Barbarossa had been brought up to level 14. I got tired of grinding at this point, and decided to forge my way forward into mt. moon. First, though, I had a trainer to tackle.
Barbarossa dispatched each of her pidgeys witha a thundershock each. I needed two free spots in my party, so I retired prendegast and had Meatshield leading the party.
I got my first item here - a watergun tm.
A level 10 Geodude appeared. This is the highest level that one can appear in mt. moon, and so I wanted to catch it.
I had Meatshield use an ember to soften it up.
The second pokeball finally caught it.
I also found a potion, bringing my stocks up to 3
And another, giving a total of 80 HP of healing available
A rare candy was found, a very valuable find
An escape rope was also found. The primary use of this is to be sold.
A HP up was found
I also found a Mega punch TM. This'll probably go on Meatshield at some point.
And a moon stone was found.
This guy is the first mandatory battle of the tunnel. He has a Rattata and a Zubat, both level 13. Three scratches and three leers later, he was defeated.
And behind him was another moon stone.
This guy is the super nerd. He has a Grimer, Voltorb and Koffing. Before engaging, I topped up Meatshield with a potion.
The grimer took a leer and two scratches.
The voltorb was also dealth with with a leer and two scratches.
The koffing took two leers and two scratches, and Meatshield was topped up with a potion afterwards. But now came the big question of which fossil to take.
I ended up going for the dome fossil.
Which left me with a free path to route 4.
And a free hidden great ball.
And a whirlwind TM.
However, upon further inspection, it appeared that there would be no way to get into the tall grass without going past the point of no return.
And so I committed myself to Cerulean City.
The first order of business was the rival battle. Each of his pokemon I could get type advantage on, so I lead with Barbarossa.
Barbarossa: Thundershock (paralyzes pidgeotto)
Pidgeotto: nothing (paralysis)
Pidgeotto: quick attack
Barbarossa: thundershock
Barbarossa: thundershock
Pidgeotto: sand attack
Barbarossa: thundershock
Pidgeotto: faint
Yella sent out abra, so I sent out Orson. I potioned Barbarossa up and tore the abra to pieces (it only tried to use teleport).
Yella send out rattata, so I sent out Meatshield. I knew that the rattata knew hyper fang, so I had to take it out quick and Meatshield was my biggest hitter.
Meatshield: ember (burn)
Rattata: tail whip
Meatshield: scratch
Rattata: faint
Yella sent out Squirtle, so I sent out Barbarossa.
Barbarossa: Thundershock
Squirtle: water gun
Barbarossa: thundershock
squirtle: bubble
Barbarossa: thundershock
Squirtle: faint
And so we heave beaten Yella, bringing this update to a close.