Since we're making rendered items, I feel I should share a little tutorial for making shadowed objects.
The easy and fast way of getting a sprite is just to render something in space and save the render with alpha, resulting in this:
I chose a glass mug for this demonstration for hardmode.
This looks fine, but there's no shadows, and quite often, you end up with a black fringe around it, though it's not visible here cus firefox is smarter about that than stonesense is.
To fix this, there's a way of rendering the sprite that takes a little more work, but, provided you aren't using a shitty renderer like I am, gives better results.
First thing we do is slap a floor under our object. bitches love floors. Then, we make three renders, one normal, one with the object having a matte black material applied, and one with the object hidden.
If your object is transparent, you want to make the matte black material to have the same transparency.
Now is the fun part. First, we will get a mask of the object and it's shadow.
Take the black object, and the empty render, put them on two layers, with the empty on top, and set to divide blend mode, if you have it. If you don't, then this tutorial is not for you. You should get a mask, that looks like so.
Keep this somewhere.
Next, we take the black layer, stick it on top of the normal layer, and set the blending mode to subtract. You should get the object and shadow against a black background.
Now, we take said image, and put an inverted version of the mask image on top of it, set to divide again. This will result in the following lsd trip.
Now it's just a matter of applying the mask onto this image to get the final sprite.
Hope this helps.