Since Jonask no longer has the time to maintain the thread, I have made a new one. The old thread can be found
hereStonesense is a third party visualizer that lets you view your Dwarf Fortress world in a classic isometric perspective.
This is the official thread for feedback, questions, requests or bug reports.
We are always looking for help on Stonesense, and we are in particular looking for isometric sprite artists.
So if you want to join us in creating the Official Stonesense tileset, let us know by posting in this thread!
Please note however, we must reserve the right to screen contributions.
We do this to preserve a consistent look for the official tileset, hope you understand:)
Latest VersionStonesense is currently being maintained and distributed as a part of the DFHack package and is compatible with Dwarf Fortress version 0.34.11, for more info, see
the DFHack thread.
The following links are provided for convenience,
but may not be up to date. Please see the DFHack thread for updated versions if they don't work.
LinuxStonesense Slate 2.3:This is the most recent stand-alone release.
It is only compatible with Dwarf Fortress versions 0.31.0 to 0.31.21For compatibility with the latest version of DF, see above.
Download Stonesense SlateOther versionsIf you want to use stonesense with a pre-0.31 version of DF, you need to pick one from
here. The Stonesense Content RepositoryThe Stonesense Content Repository is where you will find user made
extension packs to improve and customize your Stonesense installation.
And if you're a modder or artist, this is
the place to show people your work!
If stuff's not workingStonesense gives an error saying that it can't load creatures/large_256/*.png: Your videocard cannot handle the high detail sprites used. either open creatures/init.txt and remove the line containing that folder, or use this fix: you are unable to connect to DF, Ensure that you are using a version compatible with your version of DF. For any recent version of the game, you
must use the version of stonesense that comes with DFHack.
If the application fails to launch (version 2.1 only) ("The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150002)"), you might be missing some runtimes. This should really only happen if Windows update hasn't run in ages or for any other reason is many years outdated. You can try downloading the Visual Studio runtimes from Microsoft:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (2.6MB)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (2.6MB)
NB! Some people have noted that the second package works better from this source, put up by McBeer: (unofficial, but seems to work for
A LOT of problems)
Ubuntu 10.10 problemsIn Ubuntu 10.10 ("Maverick Meerkat") by default disables the ability of one program to read the memory of another. This is will stop Stonesense and any other DF tool from working. Please see
this thread for a suggested workaround. Thank you
rmunn for bringing this to our attention.
For version 2.3
* DF31.21 compatible
* Support for multi-threaded rendering
* Support for different grass types
* More animals, chickens, rabbits etc
Known issues:
* Full-map screenshot is currently broken
* Kidnapped children show up where they were snatched.
* Fullscreen mode shows some stability issues.
Screenshots:Videos: Intro by KaelGotDwarves Press:PC Gamer UK Destructoid TIGSource Game Set Watch Project homepage: (Current) (legacy)
On DFWiki: Stonesense is being developed by Japa, Caldfir, and Peterix.
Retired developers are Jonask, Solifuge and Kaypy.