0.6 is indeed the latest public version, it's just us being silly by skipping right past 0.7 and 0.8, probably because i got tired of making tiny little updates of "wow TWO MORE THINGS". And also because it's hard to not do things when the mojo strikes. :U
The version that's going to be released next is v0.9, and is probably one of, if not THÉ biggest update as of yet, given the amount of things we've added and changed. Not gonna lie, i'm pretty proud of it. :U
Also, when all originally planned features are done, it'll be a v1.0 release. Past that, i have some ideas for additional features, and finally, if we ever get around to it, v2.0 will have co-op multiplayer. But that's a great big if, so don't get too excited (for your own good, disappointment is very likely).
@Facekillz: It gets so much more colourful with the glow effects. ;o
@LordSlowpoke: Maybe? Maybe. Let me tell you about my maybe. On one hand, i'd like to taunt reward the players who against all odds would manage to defeat EPIC MAN MODE >:C, but on the other, i don't want the rest of the players missing out on such things. :C
@MaximumZero: Well hey, at least you can play music on SOMETHING. I don't do music as much as i do hellish cacophonies of undead cats being stomped to paste while screaming hatred at various pear trees. >.>
Addendum: Oh yeah also, progress is a bit slow at the moment, since Chartle is busy doing other things, and Sebastian is plagued by an ear inflammation. Me? I'm just taking it at my own pace to avoid stress. :U