Nonsexual, as in, "the idea of any part of my body penetrating or being penetrated with any other thing, by any other thing, is innately repulsive."
That does not mean I don't appreciate attractiveness, however. It means I don't get hot and bothered by anyone or anything. By not desiring a life partner of that sort, I find myself more attracted to intellectually compatible people, for stimulating discussions. I do have a dirty sense of humor, but this runs the gammut across basically all forms of kink, due to my lack of innate preference. It should not be interpereted as closet bisexualism, as again, the mere thought of sexual contact of any form is repugnant. It should be interpereted as "all sex is dirty, and as such all forms of sex are "kink". Therefor, why discriminate against one form or another when making humor?" All sexuality is fair game for being the butt of humor, as far as I am concerned. There are no sacred cows.
I have a friend who I visit a few times a year, and often vacation with who has the same "nonsexual preference". Ironically, he is also a he. This has led to all sorts of colorful imaginings by some members of my family, as you might well imagine.
I do not use the term asexual, as this has very precise meanings in biological sciences. It literally means "without sex", but is defined as a form of reproduction. I do not reproduce, and do have sexual organs. Therefor I am nonsexual, not asexual. (Germs are asexual. They have no gender. I am nonsexual. I have gender but don't employ it.)
In short, my sexual preference is "no, thank you."
Despite this anomaly, I am relatively conservative (in the oldschool sense. None of this modern neocon BS.) In lifestyle choices, prefer to wear simple clothes, *hate* dressing up, (I feel that clothing serves a utilitarian function, and should be comfortable and servicable. I have no interest in being attractive, as it garners unwanted attention.) And live a very sparse lifestyle. You would be amazed how much money I avoid spending by not chasing after skirts. I have absolutely no interest in fashion, glamour, celebrity gossip, and have only utilitarian/intellectual interest in architecture and engineering. (I loves me a well designed building.)
I don't care about other people's sexual antics, as long as they keep their urges controlled in public. I am equally grossed out by clingy hetero newlyweds who pretty much broadcast to the universe that they bang like rabbits every time the lights go out, as I am by similarly broadcasting samesex couples of any flavor. Seriously, get a room.
There. I feel I have adequately parked that derailed train of thought sufficiently far from traditional social mores as to not warrant any further discussion on the matter.