Parisbre56:Hi, this is Parisbre56 and we're interrupting our regular program here at PB5 to bring you a special report from the voting process on AP-1774. We go live on the scene with our brave reporter Flint Westwood. Flint?
*drunken singing and party music in the background*
Flint: Hello there Paris. As you can see the votes are in full swing. Names are being shouted left and right and- CHEEERS! -and as you can see it won't be long before we reach consensus. Things were a bit quieter at first but- What do you mean Megadeath is too ominous for a base name? -after the drinks started going down and someone threatened to name the base Fart Backyard if we didn't decide for a name, the voting process really started moving. Of course Foureyes over there *points at Vich* helped a lot too. Thanks Foureyes!
Parisbre56: Wow, sounds like you're having a great time there.
Flint: Yep. All the guys here are great and we're fully commited, because in anything you do you have to be fully committed, you've got to give 110% and-
Parisbre56: Yeah, yeah, I can tell. So what are the polls saying so far?
Flint: Well, let's have a look at our first card. *holds up a napkin to the camera*
Layer 1
Steve's Glory: Unholy_Pariah,
The Wastes of Time (Vastitatibus Temporis): Radio Controlled, PyroDesu, Parisbre56
DeathtrAP-1774: Sean Mirrsen,
No Name: Remalle
Layer 2
DeathtrAP-1774: Unholy_Pariah, Parisbre56
Dustball-1774: Radio Controlled,
SR1774: PyroDesu,
The Wastes of Time (Vastitatibus Temporis): Sean Mirrsen,
Layer 3
Land of the gravimetric nutcrushers: Unholy_Pariah,
Garden of Eden: Radio Controlled,
Fool's hope: PyroDesu,
Steve's Glory: Parisbre56,
Himatsubushi: Sean Mirrsen,
Flint: As you can see, "The Wastes of Time" is clearly ahead with 3 L1 votes and 1 L2 vote with "DeathtrAP-1774" following closely behind with 1 L1 vote and 2 L2 votes and "Steve's Glory" coming a close third with 1 L1 and 1 L3 vote. Even though the Wastes have a good lead, many people have yet to cast their votes and *napkin shakes* -HEY! Watch it with the robodancing! Some of us are trying to work here!- the situation is still very very fluid and-
Parisbre56: Yes, we can see that. I bet Simus must be happy.
Flint: Well, I don't know, you can never tell with those robots. And Simus is her usual "expressive" self, so that makes matters even worse. *sigh*
Parisbre56: Well, nothing new there! How is the base name voting going?
Flint: If you take a look at our second card- *holds up another napkin to the camera*
Layer 1
Canary Base: Unholy_Pariah, Parisbre56, Remalle
Paradise Lost: Radio Controlled,
Aquitaine Base: PyroDesu,
Rat's nest: Tavik Toth
No Name: Sean Mirrsen
Layer 2
Fool's hope: Unholy_Pariah,
Seashore Retreat: Radio Controlled,
Algi's Rest: PyroDesu,
Aquitaine Base: Parisbre56,
Layer 3
Algi's Rest: Unholy_Pariah, Radio Controlled,
Canary Base: PyroDesu,
Fool's Hope: Parisbre56
Flint:'ll see that the situation is much less defined then the planet naming one. "Canary Base" has a clear lead with 3 L1 votes and 1 L3 vote with "Algi's Rest" following closely with 1 L2 vote and 2 L3 votes and "Aquintaine Base" barely ahead of "Fool's Hope" for third place with 1 L1 and 1 L2 vote.
Parisbre56: Yes, I see. Well, that was our update from the field coming from our reporter Flint Westwood. Any comments before we go Flint?
Flint: Well, yeah, I just wanted to say that I'm really happy to have been given the opportunity to be here, because you know, these are great people, and we're fully commited to doing our best to exploring this planetoid and coming back alive, because in anything you do you have to be fully committed, you've got to give 110% and- *burito lands on Flint's head* OW! DAMN THAT'S HOT! WHO THREW THAT? WHO THREW THAT? *beat* Anyway, this is Flint Westwood, PB5 news reporting live from AP-1774, back to you Paris. *stares blankly at camera for a second* OKAY, YOU ARE GOING TO TELL ME WHO IS THE STUPID MOT- *transmission cuts*
Parisbre56: Well, that's HMRC voting for you, *awkward laugh*. We'll be back for the results of today's voting process on AP-1774 later in our program. Stay tuned: up next the sad story of an obsidian man who wouldn't give up...