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Author Topic: Einsteinian Roulette (Original Thread: Rules, Armory, Misson archive 1-11)  (Read 4083113 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 104
« Reply #10395 on: December 07, 2012, 04:17:16 am »

Teams A and B
[Team B Leader=Milno]

"I just talked to command, you are good to go." he said. "You can call all of your boys and tell them to leave their weapons in piles as they leave the buildings. We'll escort you to the APCs."

Milno crouched atop the statue and nodded towards the doorway. "So, can you contact the people over the police building through radio or will I have to fly you there? I can do it without any problem...Oh, and the people over there have more raw firepower than we do."

Talk to the man, escort the blueshirts to the APCs if they leave the buildings. If there is the need to carry the big man to the PD for him to talk to them, then do it.

To Teams C, D, and Command:
"I got the people here to surrender. Their leader will try to convince the Blueshirts in your building to surrender as well, C and D."

Spoiler: A-B Teams (click to show/hide)

"Go~od. I will gather the others and then accompany you there. No promises though."

He walks off back to the building, rather casually now.  Nothing to do but wait now, you guess.

Jim continues to wait for repairs.

And apparently you shall continue to wait because your teammates are way too busy fucking around, punching each other to do anything else.

[Team A Medic - Mesk]

"...oh shit."
Try to think of a way to treat May, in order to get a dynamic bonus to my next medical roll.

You think about the problem. Ok. Bleeding has stopped. Always good. But now she's gotta be clotting like a motherfucker. Might be having a stroke. Anti-coagulants would help that but then she'd start bleeding out again. Have to do it in sequence, just enough to break the clots and then add just enough back to clot the wound.

"May? May?"
Thomas tries to shake her awake.

No fucking respect, I'll prove myself to these fuckers.
"What's wrong with freak"
Slap May in the face.
Grab Bruce's arm, start twisting it against the joint.
No fucking respect, I'll prove myself to these fuckers.
"What's wrong with freak"
Slap May in the face.

After insulting May right in front of thomas, bruce proceeds to slap the comatose girl straight across the faceplate.
[thomas will:1+1]
[Thomas dex:4+1+1]
[bruce dex:3]
[Thomas uncon:6]

Thomas stands up. He walks over to Bruce, puts his arm around the newbie's shoulder and rests his faceplate against bruce's opening up a private audio visual conference over their helmets. Thomas is smiling. Bruce is about to say something when Thomas begins dragging his Monoatomic razor across Bruce's gut, his grin growing wider by the second. Bruce gurgles something, trying to pull away.

"Shh shh shh" Thomas says, practically beaming,"Ffffffffffuuuck yooooooooou."

He tears the blade through the rest of the way, finishing the forced seppuku, releases Bruce before flooring him with a massive headbutt.

Thomas shakes a bit of the blood of the strut of the razor before nonchalantly calling for a medic and returning to May.

 (And now Bruce shall have to face a fate worse then death, but often leading to it,: HMRC Medical care.)

Lars looked concerned.  "Now brethren, there's no need for violence..."


It looks like Thomas de-escalated the fuck out of things all by himself. Perhaps your true purpose here is to administer some sort of last rites.
"Seriously, just leave May alone for now, I think she's taken enough abuse.", Kyle rebuked Bruce.

Think on a way to treat May's wounds. Don't actually do anything, just think about it.

Well...may is suffering from a Coag-booster overdose...Bruce is suffering from an acute case of "Being fucking disemboweled."

Teams C and D

((Malpractice abounds! Good lord, its like the dice gods wish for almost every medical roll to go horrible in some way!))

Carefully check the corridor outside for traps and hostiles before moving to the next room and doing the same. Watch out for tripwires and use my motion sensor in the dark areas before switching on my lamps.

The door out of the room is locked, or barred or otherwise not opening. You jiggle at the handle when you hear something from beyond the two way mirror. It sounds like muffled yelling.

Team D Leader Faith, Fortress Entrance

Check explored areas for bodies once the others have moved on. If found, examine wounds and living status.

There don't look to be any bodies out here in the courtyard, living or otherwise. Well, besides your teammates. They're pretty much just bodies that haven't realized that fact yet.

Stacy, Team C Radio Operator, Outside Police Department.

Climb inside the window. Take a look around. Don't wander off, though.

You climb in through the first story window and look around. Looks like you're inside a holding cell, a big metal cage with benches on either side. The cell itself is held in a room just a little bigger then it with only one door that has a window in it. You can't see anything through that window from here though.

((Had to do my previous action in a hurry, so yeah, I didn't really think it over. Oh well.))

Help/stabilize Lucas so he can fire his gun. Blare speakers:

'This is your last warning, send someone to negotiate or surrender or we will come in there to drag you out!'

You proffer your services as giant robot kickstand.

'Ugh... Can't concentrate.'
Jobasio sighed and tucked his datapad away, once more becoming alert and casting a wary glance up and down the wall.
"Would anyone mind updating me as to exactly what the plan is, currently? Are the people inside going to attempt opening the front door, is the robot going to blast a hole in the wall, what? Sitting around here is nerve-wracking, to be honest."
He looked from teammate to teammate, then back to the wall, rifle in hand.

>Watch the walls, and try and figure out what the current plan is.

Now I'm stuck with a difficult situation here because I am equally in the dark to be honest. Perhaps your teammates have given up on both Negotiations and coordination and are now following the tried and true method of "Just do what the fuck ever."

Feyri Nirel ; Team C Mercenary

Quote from: Broadcast on Secure HMRC channels to all HMRC units in range.
Hey everyone, I'm dead tired of this.

We're being ignored by the UWM and treated as lab rats. Even the simple name of this colony they desire not to tell. The reason? It isn't important.

I mean, any reasonable person would just tell us what the bloody name is! They're hiding something, or we're just scum to be used...
Well, they did lie to us... Feyri mused as she listened for any reply. They lied to us, and we're being dehumanized by the people we're serving...

Her eyes fell downcast as her thoughts continued, turning melancholic as the ideas came. And then if we reach 10 missions, what are we then? Free people, only to rejoin society...then what? We're being labelled by the masses with no future other than death or derision. Why did I even get revived only to feel all this?! We'll only live for ourselves, or if possible, for each other...

...We're under dictatorial reign...I should've never read those stories of free speech or freedom. So this is what its like to be a slave to society.

Damn this. The HMRC should be a respected organization! Or at least their members...No wonder Steve is a grouchy do-

"I'll just get out of here. Don't mind me."

Retreat with shield raised to the entrance to the Police Station, casting glances back at any movement or sign of the enemy. Check the hallways for any movement.

OR, if anyone else requests, take point after requesting to be pushed up by one of our stronger people.

Spoiler: Team C and D (click to show/hide)

You climb through the window to the first floor and try to leave the cell, but, and here's something you probably won't believe, the door to this jail cell is locked for some reason.


Team D - Lukas - PD Entrance

Lukas hears Milno's message come in. "Did you get that, team? Should I cancel the particle cannon thing?" Maybe I just need to fire one warning shot just to be sure???

Keep charging but cancel if one of the team leaders tells me to.

The Power cells are all charged and ready to fire, though your vision is throwing up some sort of "Proximity warning" popup. You wait some more.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 104
« Reply #10396 on: December 07, 2012, 04:34:34 am »

"Watch out Sambo!"

Blast the glass and rush right through to pin the person on the other side!


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 104
« Reply #10397 on: December 07, 2012, 04:40:04 am »

Name:Flint/Deeper Scum - Team C - Fortress of Doom, Dungeon, 1st Floor

Flint listened to Feyri and silently agreed. The UWM did not care. They did not care about the HMRC. They did not care about the non-humans. They did not care about these colonists. They didn't even care about their own citizens. The UWM had become in its way the perfect government, craving power for the sake of power, with a single minded goal: the perpetuation of its existence. A government without ideals or even a goal other then survival. There must be a way to strike against this beast. Even the simplest act of resistance would help, but what to do... Suddenly an idea began forming in him.

"Hey guys, I've got an idea. You know that there's a disease around here. It will probably be even more prominent on the lower levels. There is something I'd like to try out once we finish on this level. It will help us with what we will face. I think it may be our only chance to try it."

Hopefully command wouldn't get suspicious.

Break the lock to the cell door with my chisel. If that doesn't work just break the door. "Death to the tyranny of doors!" Start exploring the beyond-the-door as quietly as I can.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2012, 08:17:30 am by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 104
« Reply #10398 on: December 07, 2012, 04:45:23 am »

"May? May?"
Thomas tries to shake her awake.

No fucking respect, I'll prove myself to these fuckers.
"What's wrong with freak"
Slap May in the face.
Grab Bruce's arm, start twisting it against the joint.
No fucking respect, I'll prove myself to these fuckers.
"What's wrong with freak"
Slap May in the face.

After insulting May right in front of thomas, bruce proceeds to slap the comatose girl straight across the faceplate.
[thomas will:1+1]
[Thomas dex:4+1+1]
[bruce dex:3]
[Thomas uncon:6]

Thomas stands up. He walks over to Bruce, puts his arm around the newbie's shoulder and rests his faceplate against bruce's opening up a private audio visual conference over their helmets. Thomas is smiling. Bruce is about to say something when Thomas begins dragging his Monoatomic razor across Bruce's gut, his grin growing wider by the second. Bruce gurgles something, trying to pull away.

"Shh shh shh" Thomas says, practically beaming,"Ffffffffffuuuck yooooooooou."

He tears the blade through the rest of the way, finishing the forced seppuku, releases Bruce before flooring him with a massive headbutt.

Thomas shakes a bit of the blood of the strut of the razor before nonchalantly calling for a medic and returning to May.

 (And now Bruce shall have to face a fate worse then death, but often leading to it,: HMRC Medical care.)

((Well, he had it coming.))
You know what they say: It's all fun and games until a psycho-kinetic Armory Master rips your balls off.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 104
« Reply #10399 on: December 07, 2012, 04:48:56 am »

Team D - Lukas - PD entrance

"Uhm, Miyamoto? Maybe this is not such a good idea after all. I think we may be standing too close and I am worried that my shot might take down the building with our teammates in it."

Abort shot! When ready, get Lukas and others nearby to cover and try to shoot some holes in the fortified wall with the handheld particle cannon (sniper thing) instead.

((sorry for double post btw))
« Last Edit: December 07, 2012, 04:51:39 am by Prosperus »
You know what they say: It's all fun and games until a psycho-kinetic Armory Master rips your balls off.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 104
« Reply #10400 on: December 07, 2012, 04:56:15 am »

Team D, Jobasio; Outside the Police Fortress

"This is getting tedious, not to mention dangerous. We're splitting our forces, not communicating-- what are you finding in there? No contact, yet?-- and is anyone going to give me a lift up there? I am sure as, well, whatever is sure in life not accomplishing much standing around down here."
Jobasio spoke at length through the comms, shifting his weight impatiently- and uncertainly- from foot to foot. His sweeps of the wall above become more frequent as he waits for a response. 'They're putting us all at risk, damnit; are there no tactical thinkers on this team?!'
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 104
« Reply #10401 on: December 07, 2012, 04:56:44 am »

-[Thomas & Bruce] snip-
(( Einsteinian Roulette at its best :P ))
Past Sigs
Nikitian kneels in front of his computer, fresh lamb's blood on his hands, and prays to the dark powers for answers about armor thickness.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 104
« Reply #10402 on: December 07, 2012, 05:36:05 am »

((That was hilarious. Thomas seems to have gone a bit serial killer on us. :P))

Team D Leader Faith, Fortress Entrance

Faith sighed. She could understand caution, but this seemed more like they were being stymied by low walls and a lack of obvious things to shoot. Plus now Feyri was getting a bit agitated.

"So... do we have a plan anymore, or...?"

She figured as long as she was being useless, she might as well continue to give diplomacy a shot. She cranked up her speakers for another futile attempt.

"Seriously, what do you have to lose by sending someone out to talk to us? It's not like you can just wait us out, and even if you did manage to defeat our crack team of murderous psychopaths, giant killer robots and magical fires and everything, what's the point hanging around here? We've seen the farming areas, you know. You're fucked without some evac or outside supply.

Oh and we've got a second squad that got your buddies to surrender in the governing district and the UWM proper is coming in after us, plus the one guy you managed to hit of ours is fine again. Even saying you've got the numbers is misleading here."

Futile diplomacy.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 104
« Reply #10403 on: December 07, 2012, 06:43:56 am »

Thomas, what is wrong with you? We need a medic for Bruce!

Quote from: Simus, To: Jim
Jim, tell me you saw that. If you did not see what Thomas just did to Bruce, I'm attaching the relevant video file.
Quote from: syvarris
Pyro is probably some experimental government R&D AI.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 104
« Reply #10404 on: December 07, 2012, 06:50:51 am »

Get out of the way of Bishop, preferably behind something that will stop Sambo getting cut apart by glass and/or shot. Have laser rfile ready to fire.

Over comms, but not speakers, say:

"I'll be in there right behind you Bishop. Are we talking, or just shooting? We never even bothered with interrogation rooms back in the army. Just shoot the arseholes and go through their stuff afterwards. Saves bullshit, liars and traitors."

Shoot anyone that takes a shot at us as the glass is broken.

(( Urrgh, the one time my net busts, it's when I'm rocket-launched into an interrogation room. ))
It's a game. Have fun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 104
« Reply #10405 on: December 07, 2012, 07:21:12 am »

"This is getting tedious, not to mention dangerous. We're splitting our forces, not communicating-- what are you finding in there? No contact, yet?-- and is anyone going to give me a lift up there? I am sure as, well, whatever is sure in life not accomplishing much standing around down here."

"Excuse me, Jack." Feyri said as she stared down the jail cell wall, On guard for any sound or putting her audio sensors towards the floor//walls to get a clearer hearing other than her own team's work, after examining what kind of composition-in-general the floors and walls, and ceiling was made of. Rock...metal...wood? "but we're run into a tactical problem here.

"Doors. A locked door. Probably rigged it with explosives and retreated towards the inner areas, probably the Armory. Yes I'm thinking out loud. I won't bother how much I don't like this place, but hey- nobody answered me if a fungus could live without oxygen, and in a depressurized atmosphere anyway so whatever."

Feyri took a deep breath before slumping to the ground, sitting as she held her gauss rifle at the ready, aiming past the door. Her thoughts were muddled.

Calm down.
How can I calm down?! I've seen and heard nothing bu-

After a few seconds in a state of preparation, fear and excitement, Feyri took another deep breath and issued a transmission in the clearest voice she had over the squad, and interteam comm on a secure channel.

"Hey all. Feyri here. The guys at the Police Station called us Deeper Scum, aye?

"Well, I think we're following their cryptic curse. I don't think they think we're miners anymore. I think they want us to go deeper into this fortress. Whether taunt, jeer, challenge...I don't know. Their weapons can break bulletproof plastic shields though. Riot shielding, I hope I'll-
Stop rambling. Focus, girl.

"Let me restate. Deeper, Scum."
« Last Edit: December 07, 2012, 07:26:03 am by Tiruin »


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 104
« Reply #10406 on: December 07, 2012, 07:51:15 am »

Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


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You know what they say: It's all fun and games until a psycho-kinetic Armory Master rips your balls off.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 104
« Reply #10408 on: December 07, 2012, 07:57:37 am »

(( Finally Feyri takes control of a bunch of pychos from prison. Maybe. She's still not as good a kisser as Faith, regardless of what Jim says. ))
It's a game. Have fun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 104
« Reply #10409 on: December 07, 2012, 08:00:28 am »

((wat XD))
« Last Edit: December 07, 2012, 08:08:26 am by Tiruin »
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