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Author Topic: Einsteinian Roulette (Original Thread: Rules, Armory, Misson archive 1-11)  (Read 3938883 times)


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 38
« Reply #10170 on: December 04, 2012, 05:43:43 am »

"Okay boss, but I must warn you, this suit is slow, so whoever follows me will be in the killzone for some time. However as long as they stay behind me they will be safe. I can't say the same thing about myself."


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 73
« Reply #10171 on: December 04, 2012, 06:03:13 am »

Team A and B

"Simus, fire that damn grenade launcher and take out as many of them as possible! Mesk, come with me, he might need a medic! Everyone else, give us cover fire while the two of us move to rescue Milno!" Jim ordered, springing into action and sprinting through the doorway to find Milno. Should anyone fire a rocket at him, he'll attempt to use his mass manipulation amp to fling it back the way it came.

((By preparing to fire, I meant like aiming in and such. Just clarifying.))

Milno, warning you now, this grenade hits near you and I don't hit the manual override in time, it's going to be worse than a crude rocket!

Fire! If there's any chance that a team member will be caught in the blast, activate the manual override to prevent the shell detonating.

Cover Fire!

[Team A Medic - Mesk]

"I know, I know!  On it!" replies Mesk to Jim, already sprinting to Milno's position.  "Milno, what's your status?"
Run to Milno's position, crouched to provide a smaller target and sticking to cover where possible.

"Fire in the hole!" Shoot a MFM heatwave at the Sniper.

[Team B Leader=Milno]

"Teams C and D, I just had a faceful of improvised rocket launcher. You may want to pay attention to anything like that. Team B, provide cover fire to Jim, he's running this way."

Milno smirked and drummed his fingers on the prototype, glancing up to try and see the shooters as he waited for Jim to make his way towards him. Noticing the conversation, he decided to pipe in with a status report.
"I'm fine. There's this piece of rebar which went through my leg, but leave it be. I don't want a bigger breach in my suit. Also, I'm considering getting back inside and finishing what I started if there is still enough of the building left after you guys open fire."

He also noticed Mesk was going his way with Jim... "Kick me and I'll kill you, Mesk. Permanently. And this was my fair warning."

Then his head snapped back to the task of taking down enemies and checking if Simus would initiate friendly fire.

Check ammo and fuel, stay behind cover and fire at the bastards, using the cloak for protection if needed. If shit starts to go down/rocket launcher is spotted/Simus round comes this way, turn EMM and that "Safe Dodge" system (created to prevent smashing into things while dodging) on and strafe out of cover, shooting at the bastard(s) while doing so.

Spoiler: A-B Teams (click to show/hide)

((You guys are talking in Anime time at this point))

"Ingram, guide our fire!"

Covering fire for Jim and Mesk!

[Team B: Sniper: Thomas]
The world suddenly became simpler to Thomas. He had a target. He had a weapon. He knew how to use it. His mind, his thoughts, they all narrowed down to one thing. The shot. And how to pull it off. He adjusted his grip on the rifle, and pulled the scope up to his eyes. His mind raced. He prepared as best he could for the shot that finally put him back in his element.
[Bruce con:3]
[Lars con:1+1]
[Jim dex:2+1]
[Mesk dex:4]
[simus con: 6]
[May uncon:2+1]
[may end:5]
[Milno con:5+1]
[thomas con:1+2+1]

Mesk and Jim leap from cover at the same instant, hurling themselves out into the courtyard and taking a hard right, sprinting for the side of the building and the back garden that lays beyond it. As they run the rest of their team opens fire, Bruce and Lars attempting to cover them while the other simply try to destroy their opposition. 

Lars, still screaming the praises of every god that comes to mind, empties half his magazine toward the building on the right, severely damaging the stucco and mortally wounding a handrail on the second floor balcony, but missing every enemy by at least 3 meters. Bruce's attempts at covering fire are slightly more effective: He doesn't actually manage to hit anyone, but the 5 giant crystals his attacks produce are enough to stun, mystify, terrify or otherwise distract some of the shooters trying to draw a bead on mesk and Jim. He's lining up for a 6th shot when a gauss pistol round clips his left shoulder, tearing his suit and cleaving a shallow gash in his flesh. He grabs his shoulder, more in surprise then anything, and presses himself back against the wall.

Halfway to Milno and Mesk is pulling ahead, completely ignoring the shells lancing past him like supersonic hornets, tearing thin gashes in his suit and skin. Jim, lagging behind at this point, isn't so lucky. One round catches him in the leg, doing little damage but throwing him wildly off balance as a second, a sniper round, straight in the side, where his left hanging ribs would be if he still had any. It tears easily down through his synthetic muscle and expends it's energy against his metallic hipbone on the other side. He lurches Violently but manages to stagger forward just far enough to fall behind one of the many concrete planter boxes, his vision awash with warning messages and screens showing power and control system backups kicking in. Mesk, Undeterred, makes it to Milno without a hitch, ignoring the half dozen small tears in his suit.

Milno, for his part, is introducing the Blueshirts to his little friend, firing wild bursts at any movement he sees in the building, stopping only when Mesk skids to a stop beside him. He takes a moment to check his fuel and ammo: Plenty of fuel, 93%, but ammo is a different story, Only 25 rounds remain. Across the no man's land of the courtyard, crouched in the doorway into the plaza, Simus is lining up her shot on the left building. Everyone else is concentration their attention on the right, ignoring the hail of fire coming in from the left, but simus sees it. That, and the Left building is a lovely undamaged building. What better testing ground for this grenade? She loads the high-ex shell, braces the launcher against her shoulder, and lets one fly. The shell, just a glint of metal flying down range, travels in a gentle parabola all the way across the courtyard, trough a second story window and into the building somewhere. An instant later the inside of the house is alight with a warm internal glow and all the windows have been shattered. For a few seconds the house simply seems to glow with internal heat and then, without warning, a large section of the front of the house collapses in  on it self, falling like a controlled demolition  and leaving a gaping, cross section of a wound behind. The distant forms of men skitter around in that wound like maggots.

The squad's resident love birds open fire as well, May with her MFM and Thomas with his scoped laser rifle. Of the two Thomas is by far the most effective: May, lacking a definite target-she can't see anyone she can identify as a sniper from here-manages only to make a small part of the right house's upper balcony area uncomfortably warm. Thomas, on the other hand, sweeps his laser across unsuspecting shooters, slicing through body armor and flesh alike. He only stops when he notices May stagger back from the doorway, holding her stomach as blood seeps between her fingers. She makes it to the wall beside him and slides down it, still holding her gut.

The fighting has gone on only a few seconds, but already there seems to be far less people shooting at the team then there were moments ago. And then someone fires a rocket from the building on the right, the point if hard steel and fire screaming down toward the doorway and the men and women hiding in it.

Team C and D

Stacy, Team C Physimancer, Police Department.

"Seriously, heavy metal. Well, maybe not heavy metal. How about a spot of post-Altered freestyle cyber-grunge?"

Think on this as I sit around waiting for people to give the go-ahead on murder.
Name:Flint - Team C - PD entrance

Take a shield, find something to act as a white flag (my clothes maybe?) Wave the flag at the door and then start slowly moving forward while covered by the shield and waving the flag. If shot, move to nearest cover.

You take one of the large pieces of metal as a rough shield and look for anything to use as a white flag, but you can't find anything. Instead you decide to write "We mean you no harm" on another piece of scrap, scraping it in with the metal finger of your exoskeleton. Feyri gives you a strange thumbs up as you begin waving it around for those in the station to see. A moment later a gauss sniper round tears into the metal and puts a massive dent in it.  Someone in the building screams :"DEEPER SCUM!"

Jobasio glanced at Flint's creation, then inched sideways along the wall away from the door, letting his gauss rifle hang from its strap as he crouched beside the shields.
"Not sure if I'll be able to lift one of these things and still manage a foward walk. Let me see."

>Away from the doorway, check if I can lift one of those shields, and if so figure out how hard it would be to walk.

You manage to get one of the shields up but it is far from easy. You can't lift it, the best you can do is sort of walk it forward slowly. Not exactly the best.

Bishop looked at the shields uncertainly, thinking about how this might turn out.

"I don't know about you guys, but I think that if it comes to a fight, we can take these jokers. Just watch out for improvised explosives, those will ruin your day big time."

Do a quick scan with my motion sensors to check where the shooters are, then use something shiny and disposable as a small mirror to poke around the corner to count the windows and number of shooters with.
As with Miyamoto you can't really tell how many shooters there are using your motion sensor, but as you peek out to look you do count that there are 1, 2 ...5...8..12 windows, so no doubt at least that many men.

Target and shoot attackers with gauss sniper rifle. The enemy attackers. This is non-conditional. Because I did shit all last turn. Fire!  

((Holy wow! I teleported into Milno's action. Yeah, that's right! I am that good. :)   ))
You lean around the corner and begin to fire. You manage to get 3 shots off, putting each one into a window slit and the man behind it, before someone puts a round into you.
The round, a pistol round, catches you in the right side, and you grunt, holding your side before falling back into cover.

Team D - Lukas - PD

Lukas awaits the response to Flint's actions. If nothing happens, Lukas stays put. If the enemy fires upon Flint, Lukas activates bullseye mode and attempts a sweep with his 'laser arm' at the small gaps in the wall.

You activate your bullseye mode as you step out into the doorway as your vision goes red and things seem to slow. You take your time and sweep your laser across the entire upper story. It doesn't make it through the wall, but it makes it through the 4 upper window's armor plating, cutting a new slit  in the armor and the men behind it. You step back into cover as the firing begins anew.

'Okay, we're gonna move in. I just got word from Milno they might have rocket launchers and that they're not afraid of using them. We can try to subdue them once we're in, but we won't gain anything from standing here shouting at them. They obviously think they could hold out forever in there, so negotiating is futile right now.'

'Okay, Flint and Lucas grab a shield and form a convoy for Feyri, Pancaek and Stacy. Bishop and Faith form a convoy for Sambo and Jobasio. Be sure to keep some space between yourselves, so that if they have a rocket launcher we won't get hit all at once. I wil go forward and make a hole in the wall so you can  breach the compound faster. Everybody agree?'

Once the team is ready to go, activate thrusters and fly in a zig-zag pattern towards the wall, try to spot a weak point/possible entry point at ground level. Fly my way through or, failing that, punch my way through that wall.

Before leaving, Miyamoto whispers to himself. "C'mon Gilgamesh, let's do this."

Well...considering no one seems to be with you yet, beyond jackinthebox, you decide not to go charging into the fray as of yet.

Team D Leader Faith, Police Station

"...I still say we should try to talk them down..." Faith muttered, moving to pick up some scrap metal.

Grab some wreckage to use as a shield.
You pick up one of the bits of metal that Flint created, holding it easily with your new suit. Should have gotten one of these years ago.

Jobasio frowned a bit as he dropped the shield and moved nearer to Faith and Bishop.
"I'm guessing by 'covoy' you mean a moving cover, correct? If so, that sounds, reasonable, I suppose. I'm sure you'll be able to draw their fire in your suit long enough for us to pick off a few of them... hopefully... and once we're inside their largest advantage shall be negated."
He glanced down at the sights of his rifle for a second, running a hand along it for a moment before looking back up.
"One thing, though: If we're going in there, I really doubt it would be wise to use amps in such close quarters. Agreed? I hardly want to end up caught in a blast like those poor fools back there," He jerked his head back the way they came for emphasis, then hunkered down as the others got ready.

He flicked off his mic for a moment and whispered to himself, patting his rifle absently, "Go on, nothing to fear here. Dying here isn't your destiny. Not to some bunch of mindless peasant rabble. Get in there, keep calm, put down as many of them as you can whilst keeping yourself alive. Should be a piece of the proverbial cake."

>Examine gauss rifle's sights.

>Follow the plan! Stick behind Faith and Bishop once the robot/battlesuit combo is in, try and reach the fort without being shot. Keep my head down and be ready to grab the shield or drag someone if any of the others go down. If we come to a halt for whatever reason, ready my rifle to pick off whoever's shooting at us.
The gauss rifle's sights are just simple iron sights.

You wait for the plan to kick off as your team mates proceed to take their own potshots at the building.

(Oh god it's 3am I'm so fucking tired.)


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 38
« Reply #10172 on: December 04, 2012, 06:08:12 am »


Get away from the doorway sharpish, into cover in the courtyard. Load Razorwire shell, and fire into the breach on the left building. Use manual override if the round goes too far off course and endangers a team member.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 06:09:45 am by PyroDesu »
Quote from: syvarris
Pyro is probably some experimental government R&D AI.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 73
« Reply #10173 on: December 04, 2012, 06:38:27 am »

Name:Flint/Shielded Miner - Team C - PD entrance

This is it. I've had enough.

"Okay team, you heard the man, we're moving out. Remember, these are thugs, criminals, taking advantage of others, killing innocents. One day some of you may have been like them. However, now is the time for you to redeem yourselves, by devoting yourselves to the greater good. By subduing them, we not only complete our objectives, but we eliminate a force of evil in this colony, taking revenge for the lives they have taken and the chaos they have sowed. So, spoon squad, MOVE OUT!"

There may still be a chance that some of them would surrender, but for now they had to fight.

Follow the leader's plan. Give rousing speech. Take laser from Miyamoto if he's still giving it. Use one of the corpses like charcoal to scribble "We mean you no harm" on the shield.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 10:16:21 am by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 38
« Reply #10174 on: December 04, 2012, 06:55:43 am »

Hey I've been shot.
Get away from death boom, if i fail at getting away, shoot the death boom.
At best it's a pool of ink thats here for no reason; at worst it's a puddle of hateful alien death penises that want to murder-rape you into chunks.
So how are you today?

Harry Baldman

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 38
« Reply #10175 on: December 04, 2012, 08:08:48 am »

Stacy, Team C Physimancer, Police Department.

Take a brief look at the building, poking out of cover for a second. Look for any entrances down on the ground. How well are they protected, is there any way to easily bypass them? Consider how ready I am to use the field manipulator again.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 38
« Reply #10176 on: December 04, 2012, 08:31:51 am »

Remaining crouched down to one side of the door with the others, Jobasio decided to make the most of the team's hesitation. He slung his rifle over a shoulder, pulled out his datapad and began to open up a new file as the others made ready about him, hefting plates of metal and talking.
'I bloody hope this thing has a drawing feature...'

>Utilize the time before we move out by making a new file on my datapad.
Draw up a conceptual design for a bullet-proof shield, made to fit over the front of a scoped gauss rifle and clip into place so that only the rifle's barrel and scope protrude from the other side, allowing the user a great deal of protection whilst allowing them to pick targets and fire freely.
When not in use, the shield can be carried strapped to the back, with the rifle hanging over a shoulder. Glance at the scoped gauss rifles used by the team if I need any inspiration.

>Once everyone else gets their backsides into gear, quickly save the design, put the datapad away and get out my rifle. Step up to the moving shield and get ready to advance as described earlier.
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 38
« Reply #10177 on: December 04, 2012, 08:40:42 am »

((Oh no. The tinker-fever! IT'S SPREADING TO THE MISSION THREAD!))


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 38
« Reply #10178 on: December 04, 2012, 08:45:49 am »

((Hehehehe. Actually, Jobasio hasn't discovered tinker-- or the VR in general-- yet, he just had an idea. :P Same thing, though, really...))
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 38
« Reply #10179 on: December 04, 2012, 09:26:51 am »

"Algis, shield us!  Pathmas, we ask for your favor!"

Take cover anywhere there is cover!  Once nice and covered and not blown into gibs by the rocket, return fire!
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 38
« Reply #10180 on: December 04, 2012, 09:37:52 am »

"Right, I counted 12 windows so there's at least that many shooters. How many did you just nail Lukas? If we are gonna go, we need to go NOW!" Bishop stated, slapping the idiot who brought out a datapad up the back of the helmet in the middle of a fight.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 38
« Reply #10181 on: December 04, 2012, 09:42:49 am »

((So finished re-reading...I took quick peeks instead of using my scoped gauss rifle instead to determine where shooters are? :/))

Feyri Nirel ; Team C Mercenary Scout

"We've visible, they see us, we're in the darn open if we make a move out other than exit through the entrance we came...

"Can someone provide me cover as I take down the shooter? I don't like his style. He took out our white flag."

"Right, I counted 12 windows so there's at least that many shooters. How many did you just nail Lukas? If we are gonna go, we need to go NOW!" Bishop stated, slapping the idiot who brought out a datapad up the back of the helmet in the middle of a fight.

"The more the merrier then. I'll get their attention, you people MOVE!"

Scope out the nearest window and fire two shots into it - unless any ranged hostiles are seen where I fire into them instead, all the while using my broken shield as cover along with the cover I'm in currently while going along with the team's plan.

Spoiler: Team C and D (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 10:14:12 am by Tiruin »


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 38
« Reply #10182 on: December 04, 2012, 10:12:28 am »

"Blast it! Jim, I'll be with you as soon as I can, just give me one second here to deal with those snipers."

Use the Microwave Field Manipulator, hit the largest cluster of enemies/anyone with better weaponry. Do NOT fire too close to any teammates, as I don't completely trust my aim.

"One of these days I'm going to actually conduct successful diplomacy on a mission. Probably not today though..."

((Why was my action ignored?))

"Missile! Fall back!"

Try to use my MFM to blow up that missile in mid-air if there's time, jump back away from the door regardless.



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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 38
« Reply #10183 on: December 04, 2012, 10:30:04 am »

((So finished re-reading...I took quick peeks instead of using my scoped gauss rifle instead to determine where shooters are? :/))
((Using your scoped rifle would mean staring for a long time with it, enough time to be shot like Sambo was. I think the GM just tried to avoid getting you shot just for looking.))
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Mission 8: Civilians killed: 38
« Reply #10184 on: December 04, 2012, 10:39:32 am »

Team D - Lukas - PD

Lukas shouts back to Bishop: "I have no idea. I didn't really count. Let's get the rest of them!"

Lukas activates his laser droids, picks up a piece of metal to protect himself and moves out of cover while holding out his 'gauss canon arm' to return fire to any attacker. He tries to move closer to the welded door.

« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 11:15:10 am by Prosperus »
You know what they say: It's all fun and games until a psycho-kinetic Armory Master rips your balls off.
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