"Thanks Jim....."
Examine hallway.
It's a hallway. It has a door on the other end. Yep.
Jim tried the door on the other side. If it, too, was locked... then it got the same treatment as every other locked door.
"Don't worry about it. I suggest you stay back a bit in case this door also needs to be melted."
(Is it possible, if need be, for Jim to just spend a few turns relaxing to get his MP (so to speak) back?)
You poke the open button and walk through the door. The inside is a large round room with a control panel on a metal stand in the center. It has one button on it: Down.
[Team A Medic - Mesk]
"You see anything?"
Take a good look around.
"Oh, and everyone? Maybe we shouldn't speculate so much until we get some actual evidence? Just a thought. I mean, all we've found so far are corpses, and, well, speculating based on that evidence will just lead to a... dead end."
(Door on the other side, Serious?)
Hall. door on other side: open. Elevator beyond it.
Team D Leader Faith, Temporary Storage
"Our suits should be radiation shielded, yeah. And as Bishop says, it's not like we can just leave this part closed off forever because we don't want to go in there.
Um, could you move? I kind of need to- wait, why are you worried about radiation anyway? You're a robot, aren't you?"
Try to get around Lukas and attempt to Aux my way through the password. Not too aggressively, though.
Yeah I actually wrote out a big thing about this but um, well you found out that the panel won't let you try to enter a password if there's a radiation warning. So you used the pry bar to rip off the panel and hotwire it open.
And then everyone in that hallway got a radiation warning of
Name:Flint - Team C - Sterilization, north hallway
Exosuit... That can lift that thing... MINE!
"Uhh... I have uhh... left the monitor on the control booth open. I have to go close it. Can't leave it open, wasting power. Think about the children! Or something... Don't worry, I'll be right back."
Run back to the control booth! Move ship closer to walkway!
Flint didn't feel particularly bad about leaving his team behind. It was full of giant robots and people armed to the teeth. Plus he couldn't do much about the door except stare at it intently and hope it opens. Finally, he didn't think his suit would do much about radiation.
He could do much more to aid the team as a giant robot anyway.
Yeah, you got a [aux:3-1] so nothing happened.
Bishop - Team D - Tech
"Oh yeah, sure, but you won't be able to use the laser with them on. You'll probably blow it apart or crush the laser when you try to use it with the amps on. Now, keep your hands still and let me take a look."
Inspect Miyamoto's battlesuit hands for a way to turn on the inbuilt amps. Try not to get blown apart.
You got a 5+1, which resulted in your activating his amps and getting yourself hucked across the room. No injuries though, just sick ass backflips.
Team C - Feyri Nirel ; Armored Mercenary ; Temporary Storage
"Loosen the plates, Bishop. Perhaps I can lug it around for you? Also, has anyone...tried to examine the bodies' scent or internal state? If it were a disease, there would surely be any residue...and I still won't believe people did this under that kind of effect."
Remember that ship earlier, re-examine memory if it still carries any power in it.
Miyamoto ; Radio Controlled
Stacy ; Harry Baldman
Feyri Nirel ; Tiruin
Pancaek ; Pancaek
Flint ; Parisbre56
Faith Valentine ; IronyOwl
Jackinthebox ; Yoink
Bishop ; Zako
lukas ; Prosperus
sambo ; sambojin
And you never saw anything that could tell you if it had power or not, so yeah...you don't know and your memories won't help you. Ships don't have blinking lights on them or anything.
Team D, Jobasio; Before the door to the Sterilization room
"...Could we hurry up with this door, perhaps?" Joballeo glanced questioningly at the others from his spot crouched to one side, keeping his gauss rifle trained on the door ahead, "This pose is murder on the knees."
>Stay there, wait for door to be opened.
>Basically do what I described in my last action.
You stand around and enjoy the radiation.
I think thats everyone.