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Author Topic: Einsteinian Roulette (Original Thread: Rules, Armory, Misson archive 1-11)  (Read 4079659 times)


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette:Mission 4: Hard landings
« Reply #4020 on: June 21, 2012, 02:05:22 pm »

((@kisame12794: You should bold that action.))

(( Distance Long. Check. Large Area of Effect. Check. High Temperature. Check. This can only go terribly, terribly wrong.))
((As far as he just manages to kill himself, it is ok. Things may get really bad if he destroys part of the dam.))

((Bah. If he drains the lake, only makes our job easier.))
The non-assholes vastly outnumber the assholes but the assholes can fart with greater volume.
((You're an arm and a torso in low orbit. This was the best possible resolution of things.))


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette:Mission 4: Hard landings
« Reply #4021 on: June 21, 2012, 02:10:48 pm »

(@Nik: I wouldn't blame him for getting the two of you confused; I can't keep the two characters straight either since their names are practically the same. Maybe we should start referring to one of them by their last name only. >.>)
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette:Mission 4: Hard landings
« Reply #4022 on: June 21, 2012, 02:27:13 pm »

((Bah. If he drains the lake, only makes our job easier.))
((I'm afraid the current after the dam is compromised could drag everything below the waters.))
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette:Mission 4: Hard landings
« Reply #4023 on: June 21, 2012, 02:40:07 pm »

((The main objective is to PREVENT the destruction of the dam. If it's destroyed, you've already failed.

The current would likely rip those old buildings apart, crushing anyone inside. So you'd all be dead, too.))
[Will:1] You scream. You scream like a little girl in pigtails and a tutu, flailing ineffectually like a starfish on meth.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette:Mission 4: Hard landings
« Reply #4024 on: June 21, 2012, 02:58:45 pm »

((@SeriousConcentrate Actually, I didn't blame anyone (well, maybe myself for coming up with such a common name ;) ), just wanted to help to sort out the confusion. Oh, and if I were you, I wouldn't bother with that last name policy or whatever 'till the mission is over - chances are, I'm not going to survive it, so everyone will be spared of the ambiguity  :P ))
Past Sigs
Nikitian kneels in front of his computer, fresh lamb's blood on his hands, and prays to the dark powers for answers about armor thickness.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette:Mission 4: Hard landings
« Reply #4025 on: June 21, 2012, 03:19:23 pm »

(I think it's more likely I'm going to end up with a robot buddy than it is you'll perma-die. :P)
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette:Mission 4: Hard landings
« Reply #4026 on: June 21, 2012, 04:50:11 pm »

((Our objectives have no direct bearing on the dam, save for possible side effects to our actual objectives as mentioned. They might also prefer the dam intact, but we were given no direct mention of that.

Also humans can totally squawk in surprise. :P))

Faith glared at the laser pistol guy. Not that he could see her expression behind her faceplate.

"Do not do that with actual weapons."

Help position Lukas in a crouching/laying down position, ready to fire on anything down the hall.

LUKAS: Position self in crouching/laying down position, ready to fire on anything down the hall.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette:Mission 4: Hard landings
« Reply #4027 on: June 21, 2012, 05:14:09 pm »

Seems they've finally noticed me. I'm hanging at halfway down, if they get too close, I'll dispose of them.

Anything up with ya'lls man?

Wait and see exactly how close they get, if they get to within 50 meters of the dam base, heat an area, half-circle from the base of the dam, centered directly below me, radius of 100 meters to 500 Celsius.
(Alright, so. Lets assume that you're basically heating a 1/4 sphere shall we? Since the dam and the ground are near to a 90 degree angle and I assume you don't want to just heat an area roughly an atom tall, because thats the closest you can get to a circle in reality. Ok then so, v=4/3pi r3 so v=4/3pi 1003. Lets do that rather roughly and V=(1.3)(3.14)(1,000,000)=4,186,666 meters, and then divided by 4 for that 1/4th, =1,046,666 meters3. So...yeah. )

You watch as the men get closer and closer, passing the 50 meter mark and continuing on. You flip open your Manipulator and enter in the parameters of the strike and then begin going through the math needed to handle it. You rapidly become mentally fatigued as the seemingly endless calculations take their toll. As you slam away at the keyboard you continue to glance down at the men below, making their way inexorably closer. You begin to get sloppy, wild with your calculations, banging away helplessly against the endless numbers, to the point that you're close to breaking, whispering to yourself "Just fucking end!" over and over. Eventually the screen goes blank and a single line of text appears.  "Execute?" You push enter and close the machine, your head aching.

Almost immediately the machine begins beeping, screeching and buzzing, it's alarms getting ever more urgent and shrill by the moment until it suddenly distorts into a deep groan, a low sputter and then a sound like metal sliding on metal.  You hold the machine out in front of you just in time to watch in turn yellow and then white hot before crushing in on itself like a tin can. It shrinks smaller and smaller, crumbling down without a sound till it's nothing but a hot pin prick of white light hovering above your palm. And then the air is torn by a sound, a roar in the depths, a great and reverberating moan that climbs to a deafening screech as the point of light glows brighter and brighter still. The air distorts and boils around you, sloughing off and away from the light with great force. Your metal fingers glow red then yellow and begin  to bend. The glow of the ball is quickly becoming blinding, your visor struggling to darken fast enough; already the world around the orb has become nothing but darkness, like looking through a welder's mask. Streams of light as thin as spider's silk drift gently away from the growing orb of light; where one touches your arm it leaves a molten trail 2 inches thick. The ball continues to grow.

You have made a mistake.

((@GM: I forgot to tell you, but Milno was not supposed to turn back to taunt Faith. He talks while looking forward, and he only turns back when I write him as doing so.))

Milno keeps staring at the hall while hefting his gauss rifle after standing up.
"You with the projector, stay by my side. Shoot the moron if you see him."

He takes a takes  quick look at his arm before aiming his rifle at the end of the hall, taking care not to push it into the danger zone where whatever cut the metal rod is.
"Steve, do you have anything, like a manual or set of instructions, to teach someone with almost no medical skills how to put a dislocated shoulder back in place?"

Milno stands up if he hasn't done it yet, allowing Lukas and Faith to do the same. He keeps aiming the gauss rifle at the end of the hall and shoots if an enemy appears.

(in reality, that is to say as rolls go, it actually doesn't make a difference. You'd still have to do all the rolls you had done, it would just have been written differently. In this particular case, it didn't matter.)

You stand up, keeping your weapon trained at the end of the hall and silently thanking yourself for the armor. Nothing is moving down there, at least not right now. It seems like the man must have run off down the stairs.

"Hold it in place where you think it should go, and slam it against the wall. Hard as you can. There has to be a way to remove the wires."

Examine wall near wires, staying far enough away to not get sliced. Stay low so my comrades can shoot over me.

As Milno, faith and Lukas untangle themselves you crawl over toward where milno was and take a look. You can't see any wires but you do notice something odd. the wall to the right has a thin slit cut in it about 5 inches above the ground. The left wall has a slit at the same height, but it's a good deal longer. Huh.

Thomas frowned. He hated being insulted, even when they didn't mean it. With some deep breathing and counting, he restrained himself. He opened Mays radio channel, speaking through his teeth.
"Hi May. So, can you look around, and tell us where the rebels are?"
He switched to the general channel.
"Well, I don't speak whatever language this man is speaking, so I think I'll just take him with."
He turned off the outgoing radio and switched on his speakers.
"Do you speak Basic?"
While he waited for the mans response, Thomas examined the machine. He looks for labels, gauges and input devices.
The man just keeps babbling in whatever language he's speaking so you take a moment to look at the machine. It's more of a control panel then a machine, clearly part of the workings of the dam. It has lots of digital readouts and some switches and dials beneath each readout, but the readouts, as well as the labels placed above them, aren't in a language you recognize.

Look around at surroundings, especially for rebels.
[End:5] You roll over and manage to drag yourself to the lip of the dam, propping yourself up before looking around both at the dam and the surroundings. You can't see anyone on the dam itself, but there are plenty of rebels heading toward the base of the dam not far from you. Oh, and there's Nick...holding the sun in  one hand. You make a mental note to lay off the pain killers.

((@Spinal_Taper You probably mean Nick. Nik is currently having a nice little dream with his lower half of the body gone, so talking to him is pretty much like talking to yourself. Not that there's anything bad with it, though, or, just got a thought, you might be trying to mislead the ones eavesdropping on your conversations without confusing anyone on the team, or something like that - if that's true, then talking to Nik is absolutely justified, and I beg forgiveness for my ignorance.  :) ))

Dream of Ham sandwiches as members of the 'Corps, participating in their own HMR missions.
[Will:5+1] You dream of Ham sandwiches in little sandwich spacesuits running around on their own little missions. Oh, now they're all dying horribly. That one got torn in half and is crying for his mother. Well, this is depressing.

((Our objectives have no direct bearing on the dam, save for possible side effects to our actual objectives as mentioned. They might also prefer the dam intact, but we were given no direct mention of that.

Also humans can totally squawk in surprise. :P))

Faith glared at the laser pistol guy. Not that he could see her expression behind her faceplate.

"Do not do that with actual weapons."

Help position Lukas in a crouching/laying down position, ready to fire on anything down the hall.

LUKAS: Position self in crouching/laying down position, ready to fire on anything down the hall.

Faith helps Lukas to the side and then into a Prone position. He aims his rifle down at the end of the hall, watching for any movement. He has to avenge his knee after all.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette:Mission 4: Hard landings
« Reply #4028 on: June 21, 2012, 05:16:44 pm »

Thomas begins a video and audio feed to Steve.
"Can you understand this?"


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette:Mission 4: Hard landings
« Reply #4029 on: June 21, 2012, 05:19:43 pm »

Thomas begins a video and audio feed to Steve.
"Can you understand this?"
"Hey Thomas! There's rebel people going to the Dam."
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.

Powder Miner

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette:Mission 4: Hard landings
« Reply #4030 on: June 21, 2012, 05:24:24 pm »

"!@!@#$!#@!#!@$!@#!@ WATERRR!" Neil kind of hides behind Milno because he doesn't have much else he can do.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette:Mission 4: Hard landings
« Reply #4031 on: June 21, 2012, 05:34:35 pm »

((@GM: Thanks for the explanation and sorry for the unfortunate nagging.))

"Steve, do you have anything, like a manual or set of instructions, to teach someone with almost no medical skills how to put a dislocated shoulder back in place?"
Retroactively ask Steve this question. If Steve does send a manual, attempt to fix the shoulder.

If not, check the walls with the rod and determine if the "cutting lines" are actually being maneuvered from inside the rooms.

((Since I should have included that in my actions aside from writing it down as dialog and forgot it somehow. My bad.

@PyroDesu: Gooooood luck, and I hope you have not just compromised the mission. Just hope the GM is kind enough that this turns out to our benefit. And incidentally...Yeah, you get the overall idea.))
« Last Edit: June 21, 2012, 06:08:38 pm by Caellath »
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette:Mission 4: Hard landings
« Reply #4032 on: June 21, 2012, 05:48:20 pm »

Run. Run up the side of the dam as fast as I possibly can.

Guys, I don't know what level of the dam you're on, but if you're anywhere near the halfway point, run. Run like you've never ran before.

One of the field manipulators I had just decided to become a star. I just hope this does not compromise the dam, or, at least, only compromises it so much, leaving the upper area mostly intact.

((Every. Time.

Every Time I try to do something moderately useful with a MFM, I make things disappear, and not the things I intend.))
« Last Edit: June 21, 2012, 05:56:34 pm by PyroDesu »
Quote from: syvarris
Pyro is probably some experimental government R&D AI.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette:Mission 4: Hard landings
« Reply #4033 on: June 21, 2012, 06:04:33 pm »

((Well, "melt everything in an area 600 feet across" was awfully ambitious. It's a weapon, not a death weapon.))

Activate kinetic amplifier. Keep watch on doorway behind us, ready to pounce if something tries to come up behind us.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette:Mission 4: Hard landings
« Reply #4034 on: June 21, 2012, 06:07:36 pm »

((It appears to be floating in your hand. It may be that issue like on the first mission, where you can't remove it from your hand. May want to include some solution to that problem before you carry the 'sun' up the dam. Also, totally called it.  ;)))
[Will:1] You scream. You scream like a little girl in pigtails and a tutu, flailing ineffectually like a starfish on meth.
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