Well, although I'm playing .92b, I've been going pretty well with my fort until...
Yep. My vault's screwed. I'll take it as a sign to update.
Saved and backed that save up. Let's see if my mostly untrained vault-dwellers can take this thing down. It has power, but we have overwhelming numbers (110; 10 of them children and babies). GET HIM!!!
Ho-ly CRAP!!! This thing is HUGE. It's so big, it's as big as a garden variety Deathclaw when you see it on the horizon. Your average Vault-Dweller is what, size 70? This thing is 35.714x bigger than your average Vault-Dweller. 110 of my guys against a size 2500?!?! I think I'm persuaded to find a new place; provided I can outrun this demonic skyscraper. Where's my dart gun when I need it? Crippling it would at least lend me a fighting chance to escape.
Sorta underwhelming, but I survived. Had a few eyebots, claptraps, and Mr.(robot)s in my base as makeshift security. They did not disappoint. They hurt the thing pretty bad (pretty cut up; arms and upper body, a bruised heart and kidney, and broken false ribs) with a few parts knocked away themselves (both hands and antenna of a claptrap and a named eyebot got destroyed). The battle was just in front of the mouth of the cave towards the front door of my vault, and lo and behold, my bots managed to trick the thing into a small wall of cage traps (damn thieves and snatchers) I happened to have lined up (Nice work Claptrap). Now I own a wounded demon building. Oh, do I wish we had dungeon masters, I want this to be my new guard dog.