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Author Topic: Age of Man  (Read 80696 times)


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Re: Age of Man
« Reply #45 on: April 05, 2012, 07:45:40 am »

Ambush time. This is all up to luck. Plus, a two handed spear tends not to be a good throwing weapon.

Hope the GM doesn't mind me munckining this. How many hunters do we have with us?
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..

Mr. Palau

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Re: Age of Man
« Reply #46 on: April 05, 2012, 09:40:59 pm »

try to set up an ambush with so e of the men chasing the gazzele into the rest who will then stab Em with their spears.
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Re: Age of Man
« Reply #47 on: April 06, 2012, 04:08:38 pm »


Then, start to skin, butcher and preserve the gazelles.

Try to make various tools out of the bone. Make portable tents (ehm... Forget this. 3 Gazelles are probably not enough for a tent.) out of their skin. Dry the meat. Try to make a backpack.

Mr. Palau

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Re: Age of Man
« Reply #48 on: April 06, 2012, 04:32:30 pm »

Yeah, we should butcher the Gazelles, as we are the one with a good knife and some butchering experince. Have the rest of the tribe gather sharp rocks and pieces of wood for handles, so we can teach them how to make their own knifes, so they can help us butcher kills latter on. With the meat we should do as Dragor23 suggested, dry it and save it for latter. If we don't have drying tech just take it back to the cave. With the skin we should make cloths out of it, once all the flesh is removed. We have a cave already so I see no need for tent in the near future. I don't think we would need backpacks either as we have few things to carry as of now, and we can make back sashes out of plant fibers that could increase our carrying capacity to hold more things. Oh and make sure to cut off the antlers of the Gazelle, as those can be made into tools. If we don't have the knowledge to make tools out of antler for now in the mean time we can display them above the cave to show off. Once we finish all this have a party, and make sure to initiate child production, our tribe needs some more people.

I agree that in the future we will find ourselves in need of backpacks and tents, likely the latter before the former, but we need some proper cloths first to protect us in the winter and once we kill more things we can begin making tents. Backpacks will only become necessesry when we have a large number of possesions and we need to move around a lot. Totally agree with the boon tools, as bon is easier to shape than rock it can be made into a much more precise tool.

On second thought though the plan articulated in the first paragegraph should be carried out like so: 6 people go back to the cave, including you in the 6, carrying the the Gazelle corpeses. 5 go collect sharp stones and pieces of wood to make knives for the rest of the tribe. When 6 people arrive at the cave everyone but you leaves to go and collect more sharp stones and pieces of wood. You begin to butcher the Gazelle, putting the meat on the cleanest part of the cave you can find, puting the bones in a pile, and stacking the hides. When everyone is back they (and you if you are finished) begin cooking the meat. We then have a party and begin the process of making children.

We will save the other materials for the uses articuled in the first paragraph, which should be completed later.
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Re: Age of Man
« Reply #49 on: April 06, 2012, 04:36:59 pm »

Can we control the tribe so much, that they're doing this what we say?

Mhh, I dunno.

But also, try to make out of the guts of the gazelles containers! Pretty much waterskin out of their stomach and this shit. Also, eat the organs too. We cannot waste any food. Food is imporant, food keeps us alive.

...Also, can we make fire?
« Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 04:41:23 pm by Dragor23 »


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Re: Age of Man
« Reply #50 on: April 06, 2012, 05:19:54 pm »

I found an image for our spears.

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Mr. Palau

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Re: Age of Man
« Reply #51 on: April 06, 2012, 05:47:20 pm »

But also, try to make out of the guts of the gazelles containers! Pretty much waterskin out of their stomach and this shit. Also, eat the organs too. We cannot waste any food. Food is imporant, food keeps us alive.
OP addresed the other stuff, so I'm just gunna say  the idea of making their stomachs and intestines into waterskins and other waterproof containers is a good idea. Also for the organs have the tribe cook them along with the rest of the meat, Dragor is right food is important and some of those organs are ery noutrisious. Make sure to to clean them out before eating though.

I found an image for our spears.

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That looks pretty cool

Pic of us
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I could never get the images to work right  :'(.
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Re: Age of Man
« Reply #52 on: April 06, 2012, 06:30:32 pm »

Also, use a tendon as cord.
Bind it to the two ends of your spear, so we can carry at over the back.

Mr. Palau

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Re: Age of Man
« Reply #53 on: April 06, 2012, 08:58:26 pm »

What should we do after we make oureselves cloths and have cooked the meat and made the contianers and give everyone knives?

Personally I think we should teach everyone in the tribe how to properly butcher somehing with their new knives. Of course to do that we will need to go out and hunt something. So we kill that thing then teach people how to butcher things. Then with our now butcher-knowledgeable tribe we go on a killing spree until we have enough skin to make tents. Then you know find the other things to make tents like branches to hold it up and thread to sow it together. By that point we shouldn't have to rely on the cave anymore for shelter and we can find a good place to set up camp.

Now here's the tricky bit. Do we want to have our camp be very mobile, and move from place to place constantly, or dispatch bands of hunters to roam far and wide in search of food to bring back? We should probably wander for a bit, absorb some of the tribes we meet into our own, and have some kids. Then once we have a good sized tribe of 100 people or so we should have all of the women and the men who are employed in processing corpses and other trades besides hunting and gathering settle down. The other men should roam far a feild in search of animals to hunt, and we should also dispatch gathers to pick fruit from far away and bring it back.

Now we would need a way to make sure they come back. New evidence suggests the first cities, as in permanent settlements, were formed around small temples or places of particual religious significance. For evidence of this just search Gobekli Tepe and Nevalı Çori, Gobekli being a large temple complex without a city, and Nevali a large temple with a city. Nevali existed for 1200 years without agriculture based on radio-carbon dating. There is also the theory that they formed around trading communites. Both of these are likely true, but the trading community could really only be formed around an important natural resource. People whould have to demand that resource enough to keep coming back, with food for us. We really should try both the religious method, humans are naturally religious and all we would need to do would be to organize pre-existing huntergather beliefs into an organized religion revolving around our priesthood. People come to trade with us for the resource, or if we can't find a resource other things we will make, and while they are there take part in some religious ceremony for which they have to pay the preist some amount of food. The religionshould be simple preferably animistic, polytheistic, and nature worhiping. Our tribe was probably doin most of that before we got here.

Once we have a viable city, the hardest part on the road to the modern day, agriculture should begin to develop around the city without our interventio. If we can we should try to speed that up as it takes a long time.
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Re: Age of Man
« Reply #54 on: April 07, 2012, 06:58:53 am »

That's why I want the tents.

Mr. Palau

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Re: Age of Man
« Reply #55 on: April 07, 2012, 09:27:07 am »

I'm sure there are enough animals around the cave for now though to make tents. Then once we have tents we can be more mobile.
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Re: Age of Man
« Reply #56 on: April 08, 2012, 03:42:32 pm »

Okay, we have two days of food. I hope it's not gonna rot away.

But we know plants, that are edible!

We should gather as most as we can and try to hunt more.

Our goal should be a week of food.

Mr. Palau

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Re: Age of Man
« Reply #57 on: April 08, 2012, 05:20:31 pm »

Okay, we have two days of food. I hope it's not gonna rot away.

But we know plants, that are edible!

We should gather as most as we can and try to hunt more.

Our goal should be a week of food.
Ok so if we can assign people in the tribe to do things (GM said we could do this last page I believe), have 9 people gather the plants. We should then pcik the smartest person in the tribe and teach him/her to make knives (all of the tribe already has spears, they made their own), with one other person to make knives we can have him make knives for the entire tribe, and we will be able to do other things. When the tribe has knives they can help us butcher things, which will enable us to hunt faster.

Yeah we should get a weeks worth of food and then develop preservation techniques.
you can't just go up to people and get laid.

Mr. Palau

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Re: Age of Man
« Reply #58 on: April 09, 2012, 03:25:11 pm »

Okay, we have two days of food. I hope it's not gonna rot away.

But we know plants, that are edible!

We should gather as most as we can and try to hunt more.

Our goal should be a week of food.
Ok so if we can assign people in the tribe to do things (GM said we could do this last page I believe)

I said some things, you'll need more respect before pretty much acting as the tribe's ruler.
Hmm so we should do some amazing things in order to earn respect... brainstorm people, BRAINSTORM!
1) Javelin, to you know throw and hunt things. This will demonstrate our intellect, and our skill at making tools.
2) Make knives for everyone in the tribe and show them how to use them. This should get us a lot of repect because it demonstrates our intelligence aswell as our skill with our hands and to top it off our butchering skill.
3) Go on a solo hunt for an impressive animal, like a lion or a bear, kill it and then wrap ourselves in its hide and return to the tribe with the carcuss. This will demonstrate our hunting prowese.
4) Of course the most impressive might be some combination of the above, like make javelins and knifes for the tribe while out solo hunting a lion, kill it with javelins, return to the tribe and teach them how to butcher animals, and then wear the skin of the butchered animal.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2012, 05:05:37 pm by Mr. Palau »
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Re: Age of Man
« Reply #59 on: April 09, 2012, 05:33:22 pm »

I think they already got the idea how you make knifes.

They got stone tiped spears.

Make random drawings in the cave! :P
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