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Author Topic: Let's play SOTS with ACM. With shade. And kudos for narrative.  (Read 7601 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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SOTS. Sword of the stars. Complete collection. Patched till 1.8.0, plus ACM mod.
ACM mod basically makes things a bit...well, different.
Link to the mod's forum (and from there to the mod manual)
For those (few) who do not know what sots is...well...

Early in the 22nd century, humanity escaped from Einstein’s cage. The giant, ring-shaped engines
of the Node drive gave us the power to leap to the nearest star at many times the speed of light.
After centuries of dreaming, we were finally free to leave the cradle of our home world.
It took us years to build the Earth’s first Colony ship. The Nova Maria was a symbol for all
mankind. Soon it was loaded with humanity's best and brightest. They prepared to depart, ready
to inherit a galaxy which we had long ago decided was devoid of intelligent life.
The universe was all out there for our taking…
Someone should have told that to the Hivers.
They came in silence. No statement of intention. No declaration of war. Without even a demand
for our surrender.
They hit us without warning; within seconds, our dreams of peaceful expansion were so many
burning meteors falling to earth.
We barely survived the first Hiver incursion. Years later we would find that we had faced only a
small nesting fleet -- we had yet to see the full power of the Swarm.
But the Hive was not the only threat.
When we ventured forth, we soon encountered the ruthless legions of the Tarka… and eventually,
the phantom fleets of the enigmatic Liir.
And so we learned how to build bigger, stronger ships. More powerful weapons. Humanity had to
explore, expand and even conquer, just to hold our own in a universe where weakness was
extinction. In order to survive, we learned to wield...
The Sword of the Stars

From what I could actually see, through a series of gameplay as humans:

Basically, you start living with the swarm. They are tougher and harder to pass through if you're tech tree decides to give you the short stick. Nothing less than police fighters suicide bombing works to bypass the "damage reduction/reflection" of swarm nests, and the queen? Missiles. Lots of missiles. Anything laser related gets deflected like it was dust on an adamantium tower shield.
Furthermore, they actually act like an embargo.
If you have swarm in orbit (since you no longer have planetary missiles) if enough ships come through or try to leave it's battle all over again.

To this we add increased research time, higher *risks* for risky techs, (literally near 100% and there is NO GUARANTEE you'll also get the cure available).
Asteroid monitors got an overhaul. Literally. They can rip through dreadnoughts like they were paper sheets.

Police cutters enter the game as small non travel through systems ships which seem to be awesome point defense and small swarm counterattacker. They are also pretty fast, dog-fighters per excellence, and can destroy asteroids...
But place a shield or something and they become utterly useless. they still tend to be annoying though.

Technical details of play:

It's going to be on a five minute basis for battles, with screenshots. Auto-battles will only be done on evident displays of superiority (ten DN vs a single colonizer? really must we battle it?) and will not be used to win Swarm fightings (for some reason, auto-battles give upperhand to players against swarms. Even when they can and will actually tear apart anything without point defense).
We will be playing as humans. For ease and because I like humans.

Here are the *humans* characteristics:
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Every other race will be present, plus random encounters set at 200%, we will be playing *milky way* style with a spiral of 200 stars (max is 350). ai settings will be on difficult mode. The rest will stay the same.
If you want you can name the other empires, though they will still be played by AI's.
What else am I forgetting?
Oh yes! It's going to be in the most narrative form I can manage. The stories one may tell...
If you want to suggest things, feel free to do so.
If you want to have a fleet named after you say so too.
The objective of the gameplay will obviously be the complete extermination of *sworn* enemy races. Hivers & Zuul.
The others might be allied or not, but those two *will* simply have to be killed.

Update with first turns will be out soon. Count on it. While waiting though, if you want to suggest anything (like increase or reduction of grand menaces and so on) please feel free to do so. Also, nothing is fixed in stone until I actually create the map, so if you prefer cluster, 2d, or so on, something harder or easier, we can put up a vote, but Human play style *is* the only thing I'm confident in. Everything else would be like giving a blind men a loaded gun.
Wait. We are still on a DF forum community. Why did I say that?!

“Well,” he said. “We’re in the Forgotten hunting grounds I take it. Your screams just woke them up early. Congratulations, Lyara.”
“Do something!” she whispered, trying to keep her sight on all of them at once.
Basileus clapped his hands once. The Forgotten took a step forward, attracted by the sound.
“There, I did something. I clapped. I like clapping,” he said. -The Investigator And The Case Of The Missing Brain.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Let's play SOTS with ACM. With shade. And kudos for narrative.
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2012, 11:43:09 am »

My marksdwarf with missing eyes does quite well, thank you.

I'd like a planet named after me.  Planet Euchre.  Sounds like a cool LP.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Death. To all. Except my dwarves.
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Re: Let's play SOTS with ACM. With shade. And kudos for narrative.
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2012, 05:18:16 am »


Solforce, Early chapters.
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The planet we call home is Copernicus. Named after a great scientist of the long gone past.
We at first called it Earth, but due to the incredible amount of self-conscious beings in the galaxy calling their own planets Earth, though in their languages, Solforce High Command decided to rename it Copernicus.

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This is the Milky Galaxy, in the far corner, it's us. The last arrivals.
We must never forget this. We are the last. We are the small. We are trivial.
But we are going to hurt them like hell. This galaxy will, be, ours.
Our scientists have incredible brains, and research, in the past, has brought forth useful and interesting...possibilities.

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As the commander of the entire Solforce military, it is my duty to ensure the safeguard, and expansion, of the Human race thorough the entire system.
One of the scientists suggested we seek out easier to research techs, while I was in favor of shields Mk1, he confronted me about how 268 months were a bit too much.

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So I opted for the Orbital Foundries schematic to be uploaded and charged in.
It's a reduction in cost of ships constructions, principally because in zero gravity metals are easier to move around, and to process. This also enables us (read the fine print, as always) to later on construct Refinery class ships. Which are cruiser ships whose job is the same as our Destroyer class ship Tanker; refuel our navy.

Speaking of which, I looked at the designs available to us, and decided it would be in our best interest to build up some colonizers. Just in case we got a lucky shot in finding an habitable planet near us.
The more, the merrier.
More people, means more research. More taxes, more soldiers. More resistance against enemy. More everything!

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Space however is an unforgiving place. This much, the Nova Maria incident taught us. After the devastation it brought, peace stopped being an option with Hivers. Slavery brought by the Zuul made us bitter enemies. The rest, we don't know. The rest, we hope never to cross our path. Remember the dead, for we are out for their vengeance!
Calmed down, the commander simply uploads the plans for a medium Defense platform.
This is brought forth thanks to the guys at the ACM, it's basically a Cruiser class defense, but downsized to Destroyer class...and costly as hell.
We aren't building it any time soon, but it's good to know we can rely on heavy missile power were the need arise.

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Missiles are the long range stuff. Point defense shoots them down like moths to a flame, but if there is no point defense...or not enough, they can hurt.
Their range is also way off the charts, they can stay in safety while barraging at a planet, or at other enemy ships, from far away, far from their lasers, their plasma cannons, or so on.
Problem is, the ACM guys got us two types of missiles: the normal flight ones, which while powerful against ships do naught against colonies, and the more powerful nuclear missiles, which while able to put a lot of *pressure* on colonies, also are extremely short-ranged.
They also increase bio-hazard. Which makes it tough to later on colonize a world already outside of your habitat area.

I ordered the construction of various Extended Range ships, but something was bugging me off.
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I soon realized we had diverted part of our workforce to trade.
Who cares about wallstreet? It's all just a game with cards. We needed those Philosophy teachers building guns and plying metal sheets, not speaking about this so called *socrates*.
Who the hell is he then? An old beard guy. Who knows that he knows nothing.
People don't need that. People need to know what end is pointy to stick it through the head of their enemies.

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As you can see it simply -doubled- our industrial output (down right corner).
People need to work!
And to research how to work better and kill faster.
That's why they were moved towards research, and less towards economy.
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In the Meantime the Alpha and Beta fleets were ready to depart.
The alpha fleet was sent forward, into the Spica system, while the Beta fleet moved towards Gienah.
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Gienah was a surprise, by it's report it was just barely colonizable, but it's size was a plus. Furthermore we did need to expand, a single world can do just as much for the war effort. In the meantime the third Extended range fleet, the Euchre fleet to be more precise, reached for the third and final Nodeline destination.

****Narrative Interlude****
Space is silent.
This is a matter of fact, no air, no noise. Traveling through the nodelines is even more eerily so.
Because sometimes, while the spaceship moves, you think you're hearing...wails. Small children cries, maybe a creak or two in the metal scaffolding, and you get the feeling everything will break up into pieces, and you will die a painful, and slow, death for lack of oxygen.
Psychiatry is actually a boon to get hired on board, or a curse.
Captain Jack of the Euchre ship was at his place, on the command chair, watching the nodeline space fold and unfold like with sparkling colors, it was the same sight an lsd drug addict has in a disco, but without music. Without noise.
When the nodeline folded one last time, they were out. Watching a new world.
A Green world, with sparkling waters and...cities.

An alert sounded down below him, were the officers for the radar and the communication were.
"SIGNALS IN-BOUND! Low-wave and more on the count!"
"Raise code alert to Barracuda 1" Captain Jack replied simply, nervousness inside of him building up. The hivers? A human and forgotten colony? Pirates?
"Barracuda 1 alert issued!"
"EVERYONE to battle position!"
"Sir! We are receiving communication from the planet"
"Patch it through"
When the screen in front of the Euchre's captain, Jack, flashed open, he wasn't ready. Well, he was ready for a human. Or a Hiver. Or a Zuul.
He wasn't ready for...for what? An oversized, scaled...salamander-monkey hybrid?
"mother of ..." The creature on the other side was surprised too.
They didn't pay him enough to be a diplomat for first encounters with other species.
Heck, he wasn't even payed enough to actually do his job.
They watched each other. In silence.
The screen sometimes flickered, but always came back to the same scene. From one side, Captain Jack, human of the Euchre.
From the other a Tarkas, still unkown to them, watching a fleshy pink humanoid thing on a chair.
 "Sinfaopghepagnpadimipadnhgip" was uttered in a strange language by the humanoid.
"Close contact. Hold fire. Retreat" was the quick reply of Captain Jack.
HE wasn't pay enough to be the first diplomatic contact with such a species. Let the commander handle it!
****Narrative interlude finished****

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First encounter with the Tarka went well. We held fire, they did so too.
They were an independent colony, so there wasn't an empire behind.

This does however bring forth an hassle.
The colony is costly, and cut off from the more cheap colonizer to reach, unless they pass through Tarka space. But would they let them pass? Would they ambush them?...For the moment, they had to wait.
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As the commander saw, after looking through all the data... Something had to be done, and fast. Maybe a commercial alliance with the Tarka? Would it work?

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In the meantime colonizer where built. They would sensibly help in the process of colonization, since they also brought forth infrastructure and people. More infrastructures would mean higher terraformation rates.

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The Tarka language basics was finished, but still no progress was made.
Solforce colonists simply couldn't wait longer in those horrible conditions.
Thankfully some research was done to solve that problem

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The Strafe section was finally available.
The basic armor class spaceship was put to rest, and the newest model, Armor Mk2 rolled into the field.
The old model got replaced with a newer one, with point defence.
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Then the war fleet was assembled.

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It's orders delivered...and it was sent.
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****Narrative Interlude****

"First assault fleet Standing by for orders Commander."
The message was received perfectly. Communication was stable.
On the other side however, the defense platform operators held still. Those strange creatures were moving through? Maybe they had something to do.
Yet they weren't diverting their course.
They were getting closer.
Opening his book -Human for dummies- he spelled as clear as he could be:
"Divert. Around." "Around." "Around!"
The ships silently kept moving forward.
The captain of the first assault fleet, standing in his proud Armor Mk2 Class ship raised a hand.

Missiles were ignited, and rapidly consuming their small fuel tanks drove right through the first defense platform.
A barrage of twelve missiles shook the defense platform, alerts in Tarka languages rolled all through the screen, their point defense was weak; they couldn't stop all the missiles. Plasma fires burst open from the laser conduits, and then war was declared.
A war the Tarka had no hope to win alone.
"Sir! Defense platforms are still up!"
"they can't scratch our hulls! ENGAGE PLANET"
The Captain was right. They couldn't. They could get lucky shots though. Which they did get. The fission engine of one Armor Mk1 class burst open, tearing apart the ship like a firework, killing everyone on board, without chance for the escape pods.
The second ship to be lost was an Armor Mk2. It did last long enough for half the crew to leave though, through the escape pods. During the resupply run they were taken on another ship, cursing the Fleet captain.

"I'm scared" whimpered a small Tarka looking high in the sky as strange fires burst open into the atmosphere, moving straight for the city.
"Hush little scale. Everything is going to be fine" replied her mother, though no, it wasn't going to be fine.

"Casualties in the enemy population estimated at around 119000000 imperials and 72000000 civilians sir!
We have lost two old Armor class ships and the lives of half the crewmembers to their defense platform"
"Have the report uploaded by tomorrow. I have happy news to deliver"

****Narrative Interlude Finished****

*Battle pics*

The commander issued more colonizers to be built. The Tarka colony was on the verge of destruction. A bit more, and it would fall.
So, better be prepared for planetfall.

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Various for the lols comments:
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“Well,” he said. “We’re in the Forgotten hunting grounds I take it. Your screams just woke them up early. Congratulations, Lyara.”
“Do something!” she whispered, trying to keep her sight on all of them at once.
Basileus clapped his hands once. The Forgotten took a step forward, attracted by the sound.
“There, I did something. I clapped. I like clapping,” he said. -The Investigator And The Case Of The Missing Brain.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's play SOTS with ACM. With shade. And kudos for narrative.
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2012, 07:22:43 am »

The update was quite long, and thus you deserve a kudos.

Count me in as a commander.
I just ramble incoherently for absolutely no reason.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's play SOTS with ACM. With shade. And kudos for narrative.
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2012, 12:38:00 pm »

Update 2


Sometime, life gives you lemon, while we did try and make those into fuel, it did not work out as intended.
Other times, you find yourself with the hassle of an alien population which simply, refuses, to die.
Other times you think the whole universe hates you.
On this last point well, I'll have to concede. The universe does in fact, hate your guts. yes, yours. No matter who you are or what you have done the universe HATES YOU.

First off however, a thorn in the side for too long, that Tarka independent colony had to be *resolved*

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But we did lack the means to do so...and research would have taken away too much time

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so it was opted for a quicker solution.

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Truthfully, we didn't end up needing it, (nor the assault class destroyer unlocked by it) because once the defense platform were down, automatic resolution of the battle gave us the win (manually there were something like 18 millions, automatic? 40 millions more)
The colony destroyed, we could know claim it for our own, use it's already terraformed atmosphere to terraform it again and increase our population.

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****Narrative Interlude****
"Must you go?" the red haired girl whimpered, holding hard onto her father's uniform.
"I have to, little princess, it's my duty, Solforce needed Engineers on sounds like Newdawn, doesn't it?"
"I hate Twilight books! And stop changing argument! Will you come back?" she whimpered, puffing her cheeks hard to avoid crying again.
"I promise I will. Don't worry."
"You really have to?"
"Come on, go back in the house, it's chilly right now and I can't have the truck driver wait on me forever"
"Bye then..." and then her father went, leaving her there, waving and crying at the same time.

The truck was silent. Lot's of Imperial class citizens were there, all looking at their fiancé's pictures, films, or even yet with watery eyes. Sure, they were soldiers, sure, they were trained to be tough, but colonization wasn't an easy business. Colonies were weak first. They were unable to properly defend themselves in case of threats, and even a single raider could tear the infrastructures apart with ease.
It was however a rewarding job. Following the old Roman laws, a piece of land from the colony was assigned always to the Imperial, who could then swap it for cold hard cash, or another lot of terrain in another colony. Some joked on keeping lots *in the air* till they could land an entire planet.

Others, kept on watching pictures.

****Narrative interlude finished****

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Gienah was a hole of tax money. A really big, unsatiable hole. It had to be filled, topped over, and closed. And it had to become productive.

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The order for mass colonization was thus given.

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Hey ohhhhhh Hey ohhhhh let's go!
Let's go and colonize! *sing it along the seven dwarfs song*

Then get sad.
This was what actually changed:
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You see those two sliders? Infrastructure and terraforming? infrastructure won't ever go above 100 on newly colonized worlds, but it must reach 100 for terraforming to go full force. Usually I always let terraforming go last, but the problem is that terraforming also is responsible for the industrial output!.
Since we *are* already late on expansion, I have ordered full exploitation of resources. Destroy the nature, and GIVE ME RESULTS.

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At least in this lifetime.
The colony on Nudawn was built, and became another *brick in the wall* "all in all it's just that, another brick in the wall".

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I then separated the First assault fleet, into "too much damaged" and Stworca's Fleet

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Fleet Captain Stworca was then reassigned to the capital protection...his famous elite skills of strategy at the military academy were known far and wide.

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His fleet was reassigned to guard the Homeworld. At least, after the successful battles at Nudawn, the soldiers needed rest.
And the old fleet Captain was found beaten pretty badly in a bar at the spaceport.
And scientists had gone overbudget...but it was solved when our *special agents* were deployed to *convince* them to GET IT DONE.

With peace at hand, they were proudly convinced to work on a way to increase our fleet's range.

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Since my patient was at it's limit, research was pushed to the extreme.
In the meantime Gienah was growing well with it's infrastructure. Sure, it still rained acid and sulfur vapors, and yes, it was still scorching hot. But it was a start.

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Furthermore, project long-jump was initiated.

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 By placing a tanker with it's belly full where possible with it's current range, I managed to generate an increased in range just enough to enable the Euchre fleet to move away from the far extremes of the spiral.
I don't know what the fleet will find. I just hope Hynek will prove to be somewhat useful.
With hopes and dreams...
Note to self: never feel relief.

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The Stworca fleet is stationed there though. Will a name suffice to enable a great victory over whatever the enemy is?
If the Homeworld falls we risk getting delivered if not a fatal blow a really hard to recover one.
Furthermore infrastructure on the homeworld is at 200 per start of game, but if destroyed and reduced under 100, it will only grow back to 120. Thus crippling our already small resources.

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Stworca fleet readies herself to meet the problem...
and that's when it's realized the problem are asteroids.
Now, Asteroids are tricky.
They simply go straight for the homeworld. Big ones break up into smaller ones, if you can't destroy them *fast* they inflict a really, really hard blow on the colony.
The first missile salvo through sensors is launched:
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here comes the big one.

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For a moment missiles seem to be ineffective...

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Finally, sensors calm down. No more asteroids, the colony is unscathed and safe. The power of a well place name can do wonders.

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The silver cross is assigned to the Stworca fleet.

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Someone comments about how *shooting rocks* shouldn't earn medals. That someone gets send immediately to work on the new colonies.
In the meantime, recombinant fissionable research is finished, and cybernetic interface are started...more output=more stuff built in one month.

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The ER colonizer can now reach 15 clicks away.
Will it be enough? Hopes, dreams...

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Why do I keep having them? They are useless. I grit my teeth at how useless it is.
Either I increase the range somewhat more, or we stay blocked, here, forever.

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We are certainly going to arrive late on the scene. We are certainly going to get ourselves into big trouble. Whoever else managed to reach the center by now is already entrenching himself. It's probably going to be a bloodbath, a massacre, a genocide of troops and cruisers.

On the plus side Gienah is just about to finish infrastructures and move on to terraforming...well, one can, not falling into that trap again. I'm sure something is going to happen.

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We can get out of there.
it's just going to take us something like 100+ turns.
Unless our research receives incredible boosts.
By then the rest of the galaxy will be stronger, smarter, and harder to fight...
So we could give up...

“Well,” he said. “We’re in the Forgotten hunting grounds I take it. Your screams just woke them up early. Congratulations, Lyara.”
“Do something!” she whispered, trying to keep her sight on all of them at once.
Basileus clapped his hands once. The Forgotten took a step forward, attracted by the sound.
“There, I did something. I clapped. I like clapping,” he said. -The Investigator And The Case Of The Missing Brain.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Let's play SOTS with ACM. With shade. And kudos for narrative.
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2012, 05:00:24 pm »

Fleet Euchre: Boldly dying where no human has died before!

Glad to be of help.  I need a raise.   :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's play SOTS with ACM. With shade. And kudos for narrative.
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2012, 01:24:05 am »

Spoilers for the next chapter:

"Where there is hope, there is always crushing despair".

"I'm starting to think the universe not only hates me, but is also racist towards me"
"A fleet is stranded!"
"Homeworld is under attack!"
"What the f?!"

stay tuned for the next update.
“Well,” he said. “We’re in the Forgotten hunting grounds I take it. Your screams just woke them up early. Congratulations, Lyara.”
“Do something!” she whispered, trying to keep her sight on all of them at once.
Basileus clapped his hands once. The Forgotten took a step forward, attracted by the sound.
“There, I did something. I clapped. I like clapping,” he said. -The Investigator And The Case Of The Missing Brain.

Delta Foxtrot

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's play SOTS with ACM. With shade. And kudos for narrative.
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2012, 06:54:25 am »

You make me itch for some Master of Orion 2. Posting to watch.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's play SOTS with ACM. With shade. And kudos for narrative.
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2012, 09:02:55 am »

Update 3


Project Long-Jump was done with mixed feelings.
We had hopes to strive for something, anything.
Our hopes were crushed.

****Narrative Interlude****

"Captain, there is dissent in the ship about this mission" the intern put things simply, it had been a long journey here.
"It was a volunteer only mission, there can be no room for dissent. You chose to come for glory, the higher paycheck and the accident money to your family if neither of us comes back alive."
"Yes sir, it's just, we passed that other ship, the extended range one stationed after Spica. The look on their faces, thinking they were going to be rescued..."
"Instead they got their fuel requisitioned. I know"
"Will the same happen to us?"
"I don't know. I hope Hynek is just a colonizable planet, or an indipendent colony of something easy to talk to. Get a refuel and leave it."
"Worst to worst it's just the fridge for us, right?"
"yeah". captain jack muttered as a reply. There was no *fridge* or stasis chambers, it was all a lie to convince people that there actually was a hope.
He was the only one who knew. The bastards didn't even tell it to him straight. He received the message after the point of no return was reached.
It was do or die. Hynek was the last hope for this century.
It just had to be colonizable.
It just...had to.

Five minutes later, the nodeline opened up. The planet was there.
"Preliminary scannings suggest colonizability is low, but not impossible. Better than Nudawn"
A set of cheers and loud hearable sighs were then heard.
Even if stationed there, surely the high command would send something, maybe a higher range colony ship too, and then they just be able to move onwards.

Life isn't like that.
"SIGNAL ON RADARS! IT'S BEHIND US!" screamed the radar officer
Nothing is ever easy.

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"ORDER! I DEMAND ORDER!" Captain Jack snapped, shooting the most nervous of them all. Silence ensued next.
"Bring the wounded to the infirmary. Get the ship on retreat, we reach the nodeline closest to us and further away from that thing. And we live."
At the moment, it sounded like a nice idea.

"Sir. Fuel is finished"
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"How many persons are on board?"
"three hundred sir."
"it's a pity. I only have twelv...eleven bullets. One is for me" "What are you saying? There's the stasis chambers on board, right?" "There are not" "wha...SIR! STOP! DON'" *BANG*
Silence, ensued, again.
****narrative interlude finished****

Nudawn is now facing extensive colonization procedures.

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So it would seem that everything is goin...
why do I keep on having hope?

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Now you see, Von Neumann's ships are bastards.
Really, they are simply bastards.
The king and queens of bastards are the Von Neumann's ships.
Not because, mind you, they are inherently powerful.
It's because they've got tricks.
Really, really evil tricks.

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first off they come as one Big one and two smaller ones.
they do seem outnumbered. Mind you though, it's only a semblance.
Small ones close in fast, with point defense missiles do nothing.
On their hand those small thingies shoot a beam. Which stops a ship and then pulverizes her. completely. No matter the size or anything. and that ship stays STUCK as it is.
it can still shoot, but, if taken at strange angles, it might no be able to hit properly.

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once the bastards have enough *resources* or *pulverized ships and people*
the big one (which by the way has the small one coming and going from him, and can build other small ones) starts creating another big one.

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and then...THEY LEAVE.

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so you get a name only.
to prepare for next time, I have ordered far-range weaponry to be researched, sniper cannons ought to do the trick.

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Gienah is nearly finished with terraforming too, and has turned a nice green and blue colour.

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people can actually go to the beach now. Though they still can't get into the water.

The fact that on Copernicus there is a limit of One child per couple gets people mad, but excess would only mean overharvesting.
after being for so long in the near poor state, the only way to counter this is to increase our finances above the million mark.
doing so gives us a +1 bonus, which counters the -1 per turn.

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our scientist got proudly convinced to "finish it quickly" and began research on pulsed fission drives.

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Hopefully this time around range will actually suffice.
Just as gienah becomes fully habitable...

-Alien fleet detected-

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The Stworca fleet, in a fit of frenzied rage from the Commander gets increased in size and ordered to move to the colony.

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They manage to reach the planet just as the planet's defense platform finish being built. Some called it slavery. I called it "doing the work fast"
Moments before reaching the planet however...

Something happened.
Maybe it was a sign of the universe being scared of how bad-ass we were.
Maybe it was because finally something good had to happen.
In any case, though no knowledge of their language was researched...

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This happened the month before their fleet actually arrived.
We accepted it.
We didn't care much. If they had drives to bring them here, it didn't matter what they were. Peace and their drives was going to be ours, if not, ways to increase our own.

A new chapter in Solforce history was about to begin.
The Commander was also kindly invited to rest for a couple of days in a psychiatric hospital, following a nervous outbreak after witnessing how many months it would take to fully understand their language.
“Well,” he said. “We’re in the Forgotten hunting grounds I take it. Your screams just woke them up early. Congratulations, Lyara.”
“Do something!” she whispered, trying to keep her sight on all of them at once.
Basileus clapped his hands once. The Forgotten took a step forward, attracted by the sound.
“There, I did something. I clapped. I like clapping,” he said. -The Investigator And The Case Of The Missing Brain.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's play SOTS with ACM. With shade. And kudos for narrative.
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2012, 06:09:13 am »

Update 4

(which means we are so dead soon, oh yes)

The Liir turned out to be pretty nice dolphins. Aliens or not, mammals or not, they are pretty nice aliens.
To keep relationships stable we set free all of their similar animals beings. Some people were sad about losing their dolphins, especially the aquaparks, but when a hundred armed marines knock at your door, you'd better answer.

Still, we kept being edgy, we didn't know wherever they would strike us any time soon, so the Stworca fleet stayed there.

Reports showed how the Captain of the fleet, playing an old rts game, increased the respect the Liir had, something about defeating with peasants a cavalry army...

Though nothing always stays good.

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What now? asteroids?

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Bring it universe! I Ain't afraid of no stone!

*The herald has come* The herald? Herald, STOP HIM! STOP HIM!

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He was fast, and on the run, all the defense fleet could do was barrage him trying to catch some ground.
Until he released from within it's corrupted bowels his allies.

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Our fleet engaged them with their point defense turrets, as the missiles were dedicated to taking down the herald itself.

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Being gravely under attack, many ships exploded, but the platform defenses held the line.
The last ship of the defense to fall was trying a courageous *head on* suicide assault.

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By doing so she unluckily entered their frontal rays range. The rest is history.

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**Narrative interlude**

screams upon screams filled the streets, panic in the population was held at bay only by the strength of the Imperial population. Outnumbering the civilians two to one, they began oppressive tactics of crowd control, violence filled the streets in a blink.

Up above, in space, the orbital foundries worked day and night, overharvesting anything nearby to make steel, and using said steel to make ships.
Military ships. Colony ships. Anything which could be used to sate the revolt.
Once the guns were pointed however...who would dare push the trigger?
**Narrative interlude finished**

The space ports managed to unleash a batch of military ships before being overrun and closed down.

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Due to a politic of "don't shoot them down" the casualties among the imperials were higher than ever.
The revolt, however, was Ended. Executions, public ones, mass ones, were held daily for the next week.

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Nudawn was more heavily colonized. The atmosphere was barely breathable, not like Gienah which was now growing as a bustling planet, but infrastructures were already there.

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After a couple of days however we received a message from the Stworca fleet. The liir diplomats seemed willing to...
ally themselves with us?

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We caught the ball as it bounced, the Liir were actually the first civilization of the galaxy, Zull and Hivers came in second and third.
The next second, we asked for their researchers.

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suffice to say that the next month, their brains and ours combined managed to breakthrough the secrets of pulsed fission.
This also will suffice to explain was we managed:
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with a 15 and 18 range, nodelines are finally Useable.
Old fleets will get scuttled and new ones will be immediately rolled in.

WE are starting to become serious.
If only the Liir gave us something we could do to show our gratitude. All they ask is to protect a planet more than a 100 months away.

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How they expect us to do it is a mistery though...
On other news, a long range fleet was assembled, counting more than 20 ships between tanker class, armor class and longrange class, and took the fight to the alien relict.

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****Narrative Interlude****

The captain gritted her teethes, moments before leaving the nodeline. She was 23, and one among the finest captains of the fleet.
"Captain, signal inbound! It's the Euchre!"
"It's only the automatic aid buoy" the captain replied. Nobody was possibly still alive.
"Yes sir. Leaving nodeline in three. Two. One." Space stopped distorting itself around them, the planet, Hynek, a small rocky pebble, yet so precious for their future, for Solforce future, was there.
"All arms, stand ready, Alert Saber level!"
The ships turned to face their enemy. An ancient alien relic from the past, a past so long gone that humanity had not even become a monkey.
There it was, drifting.
"Missiles ready, Sniper cannons ready." the weapon officer stated

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The derelict began breaking up. Piece after piece. It's deadly turret began scattering, it's hits just luckily getting the bridge of the spearhead of the fleet.
"Keep firing." the captain said. Her hands closed so hard her knuckles were turning white.
Finally, a last barrage punched through the remains, making whatever fuel it used ignite.

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"Father, may you now rest in peace" the captain murmured as cheers run through the entirety of the fleet, bottles of wine were opened, congratulations running through the channels. The colony ships would be inbound soon afterwards.
They couldn't rest though...they had a job to do.

****Narrative interlude finished****

Peace never lasts, successes are never eternal.

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Through this attack though, we learned two things:
The liir's had a strange way of fighting which involved staying in a corner, and they knew how to build cruisers.
Their war fleets would tear ours apart, had we been enemies.
Though I'm sure the Stworca fleet would handle it. Heck, there's a legend that says that you could leave only one broken destroyer to it's commander and it would bring down a dreadnought.
Exaggerations, absolutely.

The von neumann managed to pulverize half our ships though, before turning around to leave.
They kept coming with increased numbers, we must evolve or ready ourselves for some pain later on.
We colonize Hynek. A great day dawns, a new world for the commonwealth!

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In the meantime the Epsilon Eridani indipendent colony had problems with the swarm infestation. They did all they could to hold them off, but in the end they were blocked inside.

No worries, for Solforce is here to conq...ehm to help you out!

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there was no queen inside, luckily, so we cleaned it up and proceded to explain to the colony the benefits of not ending under our nuclear missiles.
They understood it very well indeed.

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We have our out of the galaxy arm colony. We can aim for the core. For the heart. For the center. FOR THE BLOOD.
“Well,” he said. “We’re in the Forgotten hunting grounds I take it. Your screams just woke them up early. Congratulations, Lyara.”
“Do something!” she whispered, trying to keep her sight on all of them at once.
Basileus clapped his hands once. The Forgotten took a step forward, attracted by the sound.
“There, I did something. I clapped. I like clapping,” he said. -The Investigator And The Case Of The Missing Brain.