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Author Topic: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game (Waitlist Open)  (Read 11037 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #60 on: April 09, 2012, 02:04:45 pm »

+-- Michael "Angel" Raguel (Filiusenox) --+
Marissa Allen smiles as the car pulls out of the lot. "Oh, it's no trouble, really. I have to screen applicants, and I noticed that you're not too far from my apartment."

As she drives, she carefully takes side-streets and the occasionally illegal turn to avoid commuter traffic. So, where did you say you were from, again? I don't recognize the accent."

+-- Terrence Kennard (SingularByte) --+
"Oh," Mister Edwards replies distractedly as he dials a number, "I was thinking about 1500$? We can negotiate, of course, when I come back."

You look the documents over in the backroom. There isn't a lot of information about the previous owners listed, and some of it isn't even in English (French, you'd guess), but it would appear that the last time it sold, it sold for around 9500 francs. There is no information on why anybody sold it. The rights of ownership are spelled out rather clearly: As the owner of this painting, you may not enter it into a Gallery for sale though you may freely display it. If you acquire the proper license, you may sell it privately however.
You notice that Mr. Edwards has already signed the release forms, effectively giving you possession of the painting. Perhaps he hasn't yet noticed this?

+-- Elizabeth "Liz" Karsten (Hailfire) --+
As you speak to Joe, Mister Edwards makes a call and Terrence enters the backroom with some paperwork.

Joe looks at you as if you have two heads. "Ah...I'm not really sure. Are there particular...fields?" He glances at the stack of books you've led him to as the bell above the door rings. Glancing over, you catch a glimpse of Mr. Edwards getting into a car. "I believe she wanted something called 'Conversing with Spirit Guides,' though?"

+-- Charlene "Charlie" Tanner (Deep Waters) --+
A shopping bag on her arm, Annie practically bounces past you on her way to the exit. "Well, I guess we better pick up that book now, huh? I told him to just ask you, since it's just a guide to building hard drives, but he didn't want to bother you with it. You know how Aurel gets..."
She flashes you a smile. "Anyways, it's just down the street."

The two of you walk along for a bit before coming across a somewhat run-down used bookstore. Annie glances at the sign up top, and nods. "Well, this is it! I hope they don't take too long..." As she enters, you glance back for a moment as a taxi pulls away from the building across the street: A slightly better kept store by the name of The New Age Haven.

+-- Noemi Schor (RogueArchivist) --+
You glance around, but this is a residential area and aside from some rather well-lit alleyways between apartment buildings there doesn't look to be many places for someone on foot to hide away. There is, however, a conspicuously empty moving van across the street from the targeted building. Someone has left the cargo doors open, and the drivers or owners don't appear to be anywhere in sight.

+-- Robert Herriman (McClay) --+
You quickly jab Dr. Hartford's number into your cell phone, beads of sweat dripping down your brow. What if he's dead? What if something worse has happened? You could really use a fifth of whiskey right now.
The shop is empty, and the backroom, used to store meat, is freezing. Your breathe coalesces in the air, but despite this you're flush. Maybe it's just the sudden anxiety talking.
Still no answer, but it's only the second ring. Finally you start to shiver. To your left a hunk of cow meat slowly rotates on its meat hook.
"Hello," Dr. Hartford's familiar voice speaks, "Rob?"
Fame is a vapor. The only earthly certainty is oblivion.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #61 on: April 09, 2012, 05:47:23 pm »

              "Doctor, you have to leave town! They guys who gave me the blood have come back asking about what happned to it. I think they killed one of your aides and are after you too. Make up some story for your family and leave an unsent letter on your desk explaining how your going to take a vaction. Do this as fast as you can or they will kill you."
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone

Deep Waters

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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #62 on: April 09, 2012, 08:01:43 pm »

I stare at the store for a moment. That odd feeling of nervous uncertainty- the one I'd had just this morning, looking at a pile of mail I hadn't brought in and a magazine I never had a subscription for- had just returned with a vengeance. For all that I'm doing my best to ignore the way my encounter with that old woman (What was her name? Ludi, Lulu- uh, something Russian, I think...) had me shaken, the way the garish artifacts of New Age mysticism glinting through the shop's window filled me with something other than a vague disdain was showing me that the experience had affected me a lot more than I'm willing to admit. Without noticing, I take a step forward, toward the shop. By the time I notice that I'm getting closer to the shop, I'd already taken three more steps. I stop, feeling conflicted.

"You don't even have any idea of what's going on," I muttered to myself, both frustrated and sheepish, "You can't find any answers if you don't even have your questions in order!"

Still, in spite of my self-admonition, I find myself taking another reluctant step towards the store.

"Alright, that went quicker than I expected- Cheetah?" A voice asks from behind me, first sounding pleased with herself, then surprised and confused, "Where are you going?"

I hear Annie draw herself up beside me. It takes me a moment to tear my gaze away from the store, but by the time my eyes fall to look at Annie, her own eyes had already turned to see what had grabbed my attention. She frowned, before turning to study me for a moment. I squirm a little under her scrutiny. After a moment, she murmurs, her voice low yet eager to reassure, "Hey, you know that thing with the old lady earlier was a fluke, right?"

I nod, not sure whether I'm agreeing with her or humoring her. "Yeah..."

"Whole thing's total bullshit."


"Charlie, you're not just saying that, right? You agree with me, right?" the sharpshooter presses, sounding uncertain and somewhat worried. I smile at her, weakly but sincerely,

"Yeah, you're right. It's all just crap being fed to the mindless masses so that they'll open their wallets up a bit quicker." I reassure her. Annie relaxes and beams back at me, grabbing my hand to drag me to one last store. As she chatters her way past the awkward moment, I find myself looking up at a street sign and memorizing this particular intersection of streets. I tell myself it's only because I saw a promising computer hardware store nearby that did custom design jobs, but just before we turn the corner, I find myself craning my head back to catch one last glimpse of 'The New Age Haven'.

●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●• ││││

When the trip ended, Annie and I parted with smiles and promises to see each other again. In spite of the... incidents... that had occurred, I felt buoyed by the time spent with Annie. I smile slightly.

It's the days like this that make me glad she worked so hard at keeping our friendship after... well, after Annie broke my heart and hanged it out to dry. I thought with some humor. Though it wasn't exactly a good memory, I recalled it with something akin to fondness. When I first met Annie, I'd been instantly enamored with her, and as time went by the infatuation grew until I practically hero-worshipped the feminine markswoman. I'd been utterly crushed when I found out she had a boyfriend, though she'd let me down as gently as she could. I could've gotten the Olympic gold medal for avoiding the issue after that, but Annie only tolerated so much of that before she went after me like a charging bull and forced me to deal with my feelings. By the time I met Aurel and found out how great of a guy he is, and how well they fit together, I'd gotten over her one hundred percent. Well... not one hundred percent. Not then. Not now, even. But I can handle seeing Aurel and Annie together all the time now, and that's as close to 'moving on' as I'm going to get.

After that brief moment of introspection, I decide that I've been procrastinating on my job too much already, and quickly grab my laptop on the kitchen counter and walk into my bedroom, flopping down on the bed and turning on my desktop to check on the company status. Hmmm... the new viruses are starting to pile up again. Looks like someone found a couple bugs in our security programs too. Someone contacted us for a security analysis yesterday, but it looks like Aurel is handling that... Bug-fixing it is, then.

●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●• ││││

I'd spent several hours fixing various bugs in our security programs. Oddly enough, I'd always found the process mildly fascinating, always surprised at what kind of mistakes we make in the programming. One particular bug had me scratching my head for hours, until I finally found the error hidden in the GUI coding. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to fix it without overhauling the entire UI, so I reluctantly noted it as a problem to solve when we started working on the next version.

By the time I stopped, I'd eliminated half the bugs list. I smirk as I look over my handiwork, then I submit it to Aurel to look over. I always had him check over my things. While I'm honestly much better at computers than he is, Aurel is extremely intelligent, and has a gift for pointing out mistakes in other peoples' work. Though I'd never tell him that. He already enjoys doing it way too much, I roll my eyes at the thought, Wouldn't want to deprive him of his only joy in life, now that Boots is taking up most of Annie's attention.
I check the wall clock hanging above the dresser across the room. Damn, almost eleven already. Better get ready for bed.

Only a few hours later, I found myself lying in the middle of bed, spread-eagle, staring up at the ceiling. I'd already tried sleeping, but I'd startled myself awake several times, each time because the same dream. Though I couldn't recall the entirety of the dream, I could remember a few impressions, flashes of memory- a pair of inhumanly violet eyes, a vague feeling of terror, and the same muttering voice that had haunted since the day I'd first met those eyes. Only, in the dream, it never crescendoed into a shout, maintaining a mumble just loud enough that she could make out recognizable words. "...child...return to where it all begun... you must... you must... return to where it all began, child... you must return to where it all began..."

"...It's not going to stop, is it?" I mutter to no one. I sigh. "I just can't catch a break lately."

I stare at the ceiling for a few more moments, but I already know what I have to do. I just need to know when to do it. I reach out to the side of my bed to grab my alarm clock, then bring it up to my sleep-deprived eyes to check it. A little before two in the morning- the nightclub will still be open.

It takes me only a moment to make the decision. I don't let myself consider the fact that it's a work day, and so late that I doubt anyone would be there, let alone the woman with slitted violet eyes. I don't let myself consider exactly why I'm so certain that I'll find my answers there, or why I'm following the advice of an old woman who's probably crazier than a loon. I don't even let myself consider the fact that I know that at this time of night it would be completely unreasonable to not expect criminals filling the streets in force, and that I'm probably going to get myself killed by muggers doing this alone. I know that if I do, I'll never go, and I'll end up going insane with screams without sound and questions without answers. So I get myself dressed as quickly as possible, grab a few necessary means of self-defense and practically run out the door, doing my best to keep from thinking.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 04:58:06 pm by Deep Waters »
[23:14:34] <GameMaster> And so (...) a one-armed dwarf and a mage wearing a blanket walk into a tomb.
[23:14:42] <GameMaster> Sadly, that isn't a joke.

[20:42:03] <HailFire> our wizard tower just got smoked by projectile cats from space


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #63 on: April 09, 2012, 09:32:00 pm »

"Oh, it's no trouble, really. I have to screen applicants, and I noticed that you're not too far from my apartment."

So, where did you say you were from, again? I don't recognize the accent."

Angel was a bit surprised at the question, and decided that it would probably be best to tell the truth. Or at least part of it...or just flat out lie.

"Some small town, on the border between North and South Dakota. It was surrounded by farmland and south of...Ellendale? I think that city was called. It was a normal small town."

Angel paused.

"So where are you from?"
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #64 on: April 10, 2012, 03:52:30 am »

'Well,' Terrence thought to himself, 'that would certainly be more than I can afford at the moment. Still, it's worth more money than I've had in quite a while. I guess I'll be visiting a pawnshop in the near future.'

A few minutes later he was rooting through his apartment for everything of value. It was around the time that he was searching through the chest under the bed that he came to a realisation; the release forms had been signed solely to make him the new target of the mysterious deaths. 'I still don't really believe this stuff but... better safe than sorry.'

Actions: Gather objects which could be pawned, excluding anything that can defend against evil spirits. Defend against evil spirits.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #65 on: April 10, 2012, 01:53:16 pm »

Hmm, no cover down here. After a moment of thought, Noemi heads for the roof of the target building. Once there she settled down to wait for her target.
Waiting is always the hardest part.


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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #66 on: April 11, 2012, 12:00:57 pm »

"Oh, sure... sage, sage... Ah!" Liz muttered, taking a box off the shelf before turning on her heel, adjusting her glasses to peer at the bookcase as she headed over to Joe.

"It really depends on what sort of spirit you're dealing with, and what you want to do with it... for instance, exorcism deals with driving spirits away, or out of things, while mediums try to help spirits communicate with the physical world, like with spirit guides or deceased ancestors." She paused for a moment, standing on her tip-toes to pull a book off the shelf. "Of course, any given culture has it's own methods for dealing with spirits... er, not that I should be talking your ear off like this... will that be everything, sir?"
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.


  • Bay Watcher
  • <Servibot> thatkid, swag percentiles: 94
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #67 on: April 12, 2012, 04:15:45 pm »

+-- Robert Herriman (McClay) --+
"Ah, Rob..." Doctor Hartford sounds tired, and he pauses a moment after he speak, "they've already stopped by. I'm alright, Lucy...fell down some stairs."

You hear him sigh, "You should have told me where all of that came from, Rob. The test results are in, though, did you get my letter?"

+-- Charlene "Charlie" Tanner (Deep Waters) --+
The trolley isn't running any longer, and you don't own a car, so you have to walk. Luckily, as you predicted, the streets are empty save for yourself and a single stray tabby cat which you spot only once.

The Thiasus is a club on Newbury Street. Not the fanciest, though not exactly run down either. As you approach, a chill runs down your spine- you lie to yourself and explain it away as chilly night air. With one hand wrapped about the can of mace in your jacket pocket, and the feel of the colt at your hip (hidden beneath the folds of your jacket), you confidently approach the door.
And the bouncer immediately lets you in. The club may only be open for another forty-five minutes, but lonely men can buy a girl quite a lot of drinks in forty-five minutes.

You step through the doors and into a dark, smoky room. At the back, a single strobe-light flashes over the DJ booth and music blares at an almost deafening tone. You were right about the place being mostly empty. While this isn't the most popular club out there, there's usually more than the forty or so people you count now, milling around the dance floor or, mostly, sitting or standing at the bar.

+-- Michael "Angel" Raguel (Filiusenox) --+
"Oh! You're quite a ways out, huh?" she replies as the car turns around a corner, "I'm from Sandwich, out on the cape. It's...the closest thing to rural we've got in Massachusetts, so I came out here to the big city the first chance I got. That was quite a while ago..."

+-- Terrence Kennard (SingularByte) --+
You don't have much that you could pawn, maybe you'd be able to make about 50$ that way and it certainly isn't enough. But there are other ways you could make money on the quick.
It doesn't matter much, however. Legally, you already own the painting.

There are a variety of ways to defend against evil spirits. It's said that the ringing of bells will scare them away, for example. A more proactive form of defense might be a witch jar, also known as a witch bottle. After creating it, you would need to place it over your door.

+-- Noemi Schor (RogueArchivist) --+
You aren't able to access the internal stairwell, as the only person who lives in the building at the moment (a Michael Raguel) is not presently home. However, there is a fire escape on the side of the building. The ladder is raised, but you're able to jump and pull yourself onto the first level. From there, it's a simple matter of climbing up the creaking stairs.

You reach the roof of the three-floor building, and prepare to hunker down and keep an eye on the streets. It could be quite a while.

+-- Elizabeth "Liz" Karsten (Hailfire) --+
"I think that's all," Joe replies as he takes the book, flipping through it for a moment. As the two of you walk back to the register, he asks "So, are there different kinds of spirits? How do you know the sort you're dealing with?"
There's a bemused tone to his voice, or perhaps it's just boredom. He clearly think you're some level of insane.
Fame is a vapor. The only earthly certainty is oblivion.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game (2 Spots open)
« Reply #68 on: April 13, 2012, 06:22:40 am »

The first thing Terrence was going to do was move the painting somewhere better, like his closet. Not only would it be less likely to be stolen but he wouldn't even have to look at it every day. Then he could make the witch bottle, just in case. As for buying the painting, even if he technically owned it already, if he didn't pay, he could end up with a new enemy.

He headed downstairs and started moving the painting.

Deep Waters

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game (2 Spots open)
« Reply #69 on: April 13, 2012, 06:20:04 pm »

I scan the club, skimming over the occupants in search of the cat-eyed woman I'd come here to find. I'm not sure what I'll do if I find her- part of me is screaming obscenities at me for wanting to find her in the first place.

Are you insane?! It accuses me. Coming to a club at one in the morning, alone, in order to find a woman that could and would eat you alive to find out what's going on with you when you don't even know that she has anything to do with it!? I push the thought away. I hadn't been able to come up with a reason for mindlessly panicking at the sight of the woman with slitted violet eyes as I'd been that night. The strange eyes could be explained away as particularly unusual contact lenses, as the rational side of me argues, but the side of me that's still completely and utterly terrified of her insists that they're completely authentic. After a moment, I sigh- whether in disappointment or relief, I can't say.

Well, it looks like the point's invalid as of now- I don't see her here. I begin to feel a little foolish, and I make to turn around, back through the doors through which I'd just arrived.

Coming all the way here for nothing... I pause, hesitating. On second thought... I'm already here. Just because I didn't find what I came for doesn't mean I have to leave right away.

Decision made, I begin walking further into the club, making a beeline for the bar. First things first. I really need a drink right now.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2012, 08:25:18 pm by Deep Waters »
[23:14:34] <GameMaster> And so (...) a one-armed dwarf and a mage wearing a blanket walk into a tomb.
[23:14:42] <GameMaster> Sadly, that isn't a joke.

[20:42:03] <HailFire> our wizard tower just got smoked by projectile cats from space


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game (One open spot)
« Reply #70 on: April 13, 2012, 08:23:39 pm »

"So how-"

Angel kept up a conversation with Miss Allen, flirting every now and then, when it could tie into the conversation, and generally was as polite as he could be the whole time.

He was wondering why she wanted to know about where he came from. Most women he knew didn't really care too much about his past, or even himself.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2012, 08:32:51 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


  • Bay Watcher
  • <Servibot> thatkid, swag percentiles: 94
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game (Waitlist Open)
« Reply #71 on: April 14, 2012, 08:55:23 pm »

+-- Terrence Kennard (SingularByte) --+
You head down the stairs just as Liz finishes ringing Joe up, and the police officer heads out the door. You don't catch him to say goodbye, but instead set about to moving the painting into the backroom. It's tough work, considering the painting and the easel are both large enough to be carried separately and you've a cane, but Liz helps you out with the easel.

As you carefully pick up the painting, you realize how incredibly detailed it is. It's almost photographic: You can't even find any lines to indicate brush strokes.
As you return from the back room, your mind continues to wander back to the painting and its creator.

+-- Charlene "Charlie" Tanner (Deep Waters) --+
You make your way through the room, keeping an eye out for the woman you saw the other night. No dice. You don't see her, or anyone that looks even vaguely like her, anywhere. But you do notice a few people who you think may have been with her. All things considered, though, you're not too sure. They're sitting at a table by the bar, in the corner, smoking cigarettes and talking over their drinks.

You approach the bar and hesitate for a moment before ordering a drink. When none of the men standing around bother to do so for you (even the bar tender doesn't seem to notice you), you call the bartender over and order a bottle of whatever brew you drink.

+-- Michael "Angel" Raguel (Filiusenox) --+
You continue to converse with Marissa as she drives you home, casually throwing in the occasional joke. Witty or not, she laughs. By the time you reach your street, it quickly becomes apparent that she's taken a liking to you. As she pulls up in front of your apartment, you notice nothing out the ordinary. The moving van from earlier is gone.

Johnatan "Sparkly" Spark (Shadenight123)
You were transferred from Vice to Homicide just a few years ago. It's a fairly cushy job, and, surprisingly, you see a lot less of humanity's dark side here. There are still some really sick people out there, though. People with no remorse, no regard for human life. This is the story of one such person, their victims, and the Detective who will bring them to justice. This is your story.

The time is 7:23pm, the place is the Charles River, on the Cambridge side. Your squad car pulls up along the side of the road, and you get out just as Officer Gomez rushes up to you. "Detective," he speaks quickly, his voice quavering slightly, "We've already got forensics here, but they're not touching anything till you're on the scene. I'll lead the way, it's just down by the bank."

Hirov Ferrin (Phantom of the Library)
You arrived yesterday, and immediately collapsed into your bed, the victim of a serious bout of jet lag. It isn't until about noon today that you awake, mouth dry and stomach rumbling, in your motel, courtesy of the organization running this little Cryptid Hunting convention. You're pretty sure they have some sort of connection with the History Channel, which means there will be quite a few nuts and skeptics about, but that won't stop you from meeting up with the rest of the Society.

The meeting's not till Wednesday, though, and today is Monday. You could see the sights, get drunk, or even look into rumors of urban cryptids (the colleague who conjectured their existence believes they can be found anywhere a sizable human population can be), or whatever else. What do you do?

+-- Noemi Schor (RogueArchivist) --+
You hunker down atop the roof. It's going to be quite a while.
Several hours pass. The heat of the midday sun beats down on you, and then fades, giving away to freezing winds. Your stomach grumbles, and your cheeks and nose go numb in the wind, reminding you that you should have better prepared for a stake-out. You almost doze off once or twice from boredom, but the lack of a comfortable place to be precludes that.

At some point the moving van leaves, a little later a young girl, a teenager by the looks of it- and pretty at that- approaches and enters the building. Just as the sun is beginning to set, a red ford Taurus pulls up.

+-- Elizabeth "Liz" Karsten (Hailfire) --+
You answer Joe and ring him up. He gives you a short nod, mumbles a goodbye, and heads out the front door. You begin to search for the missing notes, but your eyes are drawn to the painting once more. It looks almost like a photograph, you realize, but it still is somehow clearly a painting. There's something surreal about it...

Terrence comes down the stairs just as the door swings shut behind Joe, and enlists your aid in moving the painting into a closet in the backroom. You pick up the easel while he, struggling with his injured leg and his cane, carries the painting. It doesn't take long, all told, and the rest of the work day looks to be relatively boring.

Fame is a vapor. The only earthly certainty is oblivion.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game (Waitlist Open)
« Reply #72 on: April 15, 2012, 04:59:08 am »

With the painting moved, Terrence started work on the witch jar. It didn't take long to gather up most of the ingredients but getting a Bartmann jug would be fairly difficult. 400 year old stoneware jugs did tend to be a bit hard to find. After a bit of thought, he eventually decided that he was probably better off just using a regular flask.

After making the jar and using some glue to keep it in place over his door, he then poured a bit of salt next to his bedroom door, just to be on the safe side.

Once his apartment was finally ghost-proof, he decided it was a good time to head over to the bank and get a loan for the painting.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Death. To all. Except my dwarves.
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game (Waitlist Open)
« Reply #73 on: April 15, 2012, 05:20:47 am »

Then let's move quickly. What do we know about the victim, Officer Gomez? Johnatan spoke as he started following officer Gomez. The difference between Vice and Homicide is that in Homicide, you don't have culprits, you have victims. His mind already started thinking possibilities as he walked.
80% of probability gives a Male Caucasian. For the river could be premeditated. Throw him in the river and get rid of a body. It's the most easy way to find him later on, though contact with the water deteriorates many of the clues...or maybe his body was found next to it
and who found him?
“Well,” he said. “We’re in the Forgotten hunting grounds I take it. Your screams just woke them up early. Congratulations, Lyara.”
“Do something!” she whispered, trying to keep her sight on all of them at once.
Basileus clapped his hands once. The Forgotten took a step forward, attracted by the sound.
“There, I did something. I clapped. I like clapping,” he said. -The Investigator And The Case Of The Missing Brain.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game (Waitlist Open)
« Reply #74 on: April 16, 2012, 01:29:31 am »

Liz sighed with relief as she exited the store, a few hours later; slow days were always the best, where she could get paid just as much just for sitting on her ass, "minding the shop" (read: reading a book) all day, without having to actually interact with other people, except perhaps Mr. Kennard; despite all the hubbub about that weird painting, they'd only had one customer the whole day.

She intentionally tried not to think about the fact that she'd only had half a cup of stale coffee in the last who knows how many hours, or just how long the walk back home was, instead dropping by the local coffee shop to pick up a snack and a tall, frothy cup of caffeine to go, hoping to race the inevitable crash of the latter home, to use the former as an appetizer while she fixed something to fill the growing void in her stomach.

From there, it was full auto-pilot back to the apartment, navigating by memory while going over her notes in her head-- she mostly wrote them down in the first place for ease of comparison and posterity-- and formulating a schedule for the next day, as had become customary for her: Today, get home, have dinner, research until sundown, bathe- leaving some time before nine for straightening the place up and digging out the books she needed to return to the library tomorrow, and evening rituals- then first sleep until 1, yoga and nighttime rituals for an hour, second sleep until six; morning grooming, rituals, and breakfast while the sun comes up, and resume research until 10. Since Tuesday's an off day, she'd then hit the library to drop off due books and inquire about that missing tome in case it hadn't turned up yet (damned if she was going to pay late fees on that one), and from there...

Okay, yeah, so regimenting her days like that would probably seem obsessive-compulsive to anyone else, but Liz liked to think of it as efficient time management- there are just too many old texts to go over and mysteries to delve into while still taking care of herself and working, and it wasn't like she was perfect at following her own schedules to begin with... if nothing else though, it kept her mind occupied- before she knew it, she was in the building, trudging up the stairs, and slumped against the door, fishing in her pocket for the key to her apartment.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.
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