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Author Topic: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game (Waitlist Open)  (Read 11042 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #30 on: April 03, 2012, 12:49:13 pm »

"Well, I can definately see that it's well made, and much more realistic than most paintings I've seen. However I can't quite see how it's haunted exactly. Maybe the ghost hasn't come out yet?"

While the painting was impressive, maybe even a bit unsettling, he couldn't quite understand what all the theatrics were for. Most of his customers did believe in the supernatural but he hadn't met many who believed it to this extent. Either Mr. Edwards was hoping he was gullible enough to buy it... or the man could actually be insane. 'Probably best to be cautious. I wouldn't want to provoke him in any way.'

"You know, thinking about it, I'm pretty sure there's a church a few streets away. If you got it exorcised, an art gallery would probably pay more than I ever could. I'll even show you where it is if you want."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #31 on: April 03, 2012, 12:53:42 pm »

"Sorry, but I haven't been in town long. A map would probably be of more help than me."

Noemi examined the two closely but covertly. One could never be too cautious in this line of work.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #32 on: April 03, 2012, 03:35:20 pm »

Angel worked while keeping up the conversation with Duncan. So far they've discussed the Vikings, then football, then this place. For a few moments they were quiet.

Angel wiped off a smudge on the window and sprayed some more Windex on it.

"So, Duncan, do they allow pets here? Cause, there was this black cat with a white forelock, in one of the rooms I was cleaning, and I was wondering if it was against the rules or whatever."
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #33 on: April 03, 2012, 05:05:06 pm »

       Rob pulled the paperwork towards him and then gets a pen from the plastic cup under the counter. He signs his name on it before handing it to Ricky. He mentions for Ricky to come in closer and whispers "Whose that asshole? He's giving me bad vibes."
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #34 on: April 03, 2012, 08:15:25 pm »

'Mmm? What a curious painting...' Even out of the corner of her eye, Liz couldn't help but be drawn to it; even though the subject matter wasn't terribly interesting, per se, it didn't take a trained eye to see the meticulous attention to detail, and it had this sort of... pull to it.

"He said it was haunted... I wonder if it's the painting's spirit, or if it was possessed..." she muttered, subconsciously adjusting her glasses as she stepped forward to scrutinize the artist's signature.

"Ah, Mr. Edwards, could you tell me more about the history of the painting? How old it is...? Umm, not that I could possibly afford it, that is, but out of historical interest...

Does anyone have something to write on? I seem to have misplaced my paper..." She trailed off as she dug into her pocket for her pen.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.


  • Bay Watcher
  • <Servibot> thatkid, swag percentiles: 94
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #35 on: April 04, 2012, 04:25:45 pm »

+-- Charlene "Charlie" Tanner (Deep Waters) --+
Annie smiles. "Glad to hear it! I was getting worried!" she replies, before jokingly pinching your cheek. She then changes the topic. For the rest of the lunch, she mostly prattles on about a variety of things: She picked up a new carbine recently that has a very nice grip, Boots, the new kitten, is a cat-nip addict, and also, "Boots and Aurel seem to have some sort of male dominance thing going on- they've been fighting over that seat in the living room for the past week! I think Aurel won, though," she tells you with a sly wink, "He's taking Boots to the vet today, if y'know what I mean. We don't want kittens!"

Soon you find yourself on the trolley, and then in one the underground trains on your way to Cambridge. As you get off and begin walking down the street, still chatting, an elderly woman abruptly steps out into your path. She is hunched over, with a large wart on her nose and thinning white hair. Were it not for the shawl she wears, however, perhaps she would not look as much like a cartoon witch as she does. Nevertheless, she holds out a liver-spotted hand, and asks in a quiet voice. "Palm readings, young lady? For free..."

+-- Terrence Kennard (SingularByte) --+

Mr. Edwards frowns at you for a moment, before looking to Liz, answering her first. "This piece is called simply, The Room. It was painted 22 years ago by Marilyn King, have you heard of her?" He motions to the signature at the bottom as he speaks, "You may examine the signature if you wish to verify this. She's a bit of a recluse, these days or so I have heard...In any case, it has seen four owners since then, all of which have died of rather mysterious causes. In the recent past, it has sold for as much as twenty-thousand, but I am willing to part with it for far less- you see, I've no intention to end up as one of the unfortunate former owners."

He smiles at this, as if making a bit of a joke, before looking back to you. "Ah, a fine suggestion, sir. But the paperwork for transfer of ownership has prevented me from entering it into a Gallery, you see, and I am not entirely certain the Church would be able to exorcise this particular brand of haunting. I thought that a painting with such a dark history as this, might be perfect for a store which deals in the sort of wares you do. Feel free to examine it a bit closer, hm? If anything, perhaps it will add to the mysterious atmosphere."

+-- Noemi Schor (RogueArchivist) --+
The man nods several times. "Oh, sorry ma'am. I'll ask someone else." He smiles, and then motions to his friend before brusquely walking past you.

You continue your walk, passing by a variety of restaurants and small stores, many becoming more and more run-down (one might even say "sketchy") as you grow closer to the Boston Commons Park. It isn't long, however, before you notice that the men are tailing you.

+-- Michael "Angel" Raguel (Filiusenox) --+
Health: /______
Duncan is a rather kindly man, but a lonely one too: It quickly becomes clear that while he watches Football, he isn't a Vikings fan and was only looking to start conversation. In fact, based on his accent you'd guess he's a native Bostonian.

He ponders your question for a moment, and then scowls. "Yeah, yeah. They're allowed, got one runs around here. Patches or Pluto, I think is his name. One of the old ladies on the Fifth Floor takes care of him. Miss Patrick lets us have pets, says they help to comfort us."
He rolls his eyes at this, and then adds "Almost like she thinks we could die at any moment. Ha! I'm too young for that!" He slaps his knee at the joke and grins at you.

+-- Robert Herriman (McClay) --+
Ricky places his hand on your shoulder, though he needs to reach up to do so, drawing in a little closer as he whispers his response: "Yeah, yeah. Good eye. Guy goes by Little Mac. Boss thinks someone's been stiffing us on shipments," he pauses a moment to step back away from you, just out of arm's reach, "asked me take him along. Ain't that right, Mac?"

The larger man grunts, still silent, and reaches into his wind jacket for something. Ricky grins, glancing back to Little Mac. "Anyways, I don't suppose you've heard anything about that? Says something from the last shipment just didn't make it to its intended destination."

+-- Elizabeth "Liz" Karsten (Hailfire) --+
Mr. Edwards frowns at your boss for a moment, before looking to you. "This piece is called simply, The Room. It was painted 22 years ago by Marilyn King, have you heard of her?" He motions to the signature at the bottom as he speaks, "You may examine the signature if you wish to verify this. She's a bit of a recluse, these days or so I have heard...In any case, it has seen four owners since then, all of which have died of rather mysterious causes. In the recent past, it has sold for as much as twenty-thousand, but I am willing to part with it for far less- you see, I've no intention to end up as one of the unfortunate former owners."

He smiles at this, as if he's made a little joke, before looking to Terrance.  "Ah, a fine suggestion, sir. But the paperwork for transfer of ownership has prevented me from entering it into a Gallery, you see, and I am not entirely certain the Church would be able to exorcise this particular brand of haunting. I thought that a painting with such a dark history as this, might be perfect for a store which deals in the sort of wares you do. Feel free to examine it a bit closer, hm? If anything, perhaps it will add to the mysterious atmosphere."
Fame is a vapor. The only earthly certainty is oblivion.

Deep Waters

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #36 on: April 04, 2012, 06:16:22 pm »

I exchange a dubious glance with Annie. I'd never put much stock in the paranormal. While I do carry some good luck charms around with me, it was more out of habit and a dose of sentimentality than anything else. My mother is the superstitious sort, and had given me many of them throughout my life- as recently as my latest birthday, in fact. (She'd sent me an odd little bracelet made of jade- the shapes of and inscriptions on some of the links made me suspect it was meant as a fertility charm, though I doubt she was aware of that when she'd sent it to me.) Still... it is free. What harm could it do to humor an old woman?

"Sure, why not?" I answer, and hold out my hand for her.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 06:21:15 pm by Deep Waters »
[23:14:34] <GameMaster> And so (...) a one-armed dwarf and a mage wearing a blanket walk into a tomb.
[23:14:42] <GameMaster> Sadly, that isn't a joke.

[20:42:03] <HailFire> our wizard tower just got smoked by projectile cats from space


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gay, Tired and Just here to Vibe
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #37 on: April 04, 2012, 06:52:10 pm »

          Robert shakes his head, "Nah man, if something happned to the shipmet it probalay did not have anything to do with me. A piece of meat probably fell off somewhere enroute and a little ghetto kid scored not only a meal but a little bit of happiness. So" Robert says, standing up striaght "I suppose you boys will be wanting the usual." He winks at them. "Lay it down on the counter and I'll ring you up."
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #38 on: April 04, 2012, 07:56:57 pm »

Angel grinned at the joke.
" the weather-"
Angel chatted with Duncan about the weather and whatever else the old man wanted to talk about. He did this all while cleaning to the best of his ability. He was almost done in this room, and it was heading towards the end of the work-day.
Angel stretched and waited until the topic was over.

"I think that this room is finished for now...Gotta go do another."

He headed into another room, and, as expected, Duncan followed.
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #39 on: April 04, 2012, 09:50:34 pm »

Great. They're either part of a local criminal group, or somehow connected to Neil Parisien. I highly doubt they're law enforcement.

Noemi began trying to subtly lose them with out raising they're suspicions. Just got to lose them, then I can start tailing them.
I need to know who they work for and what they want with me. And I cant risk a direct confrontation. No telling what they're carrying, or if they have backup.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 09:54:39 pm by RogueArchivist »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #40 on: April 04, 2012, 11:59:48 pm »

'No, way too young to be an artifact spirit, unless it was awakened manually somehow... but they're supposedly repelled by electricity, so unless it was kept in really old mansions, it wouldn't act up, right? So that narrows it down to a spiritual haunting or some sort of hex or curse...' The author was still alive though; maybe she'd know something about the incidents surrounding the work? She was curious to know more about Marilyn, anyway; why hadn't such an obviously exemplary artist not struck it big and become famous? It would be more prudent to do some research on her first, of course... if she'd, say, gone senile, or totally batty from isolation, it might be more dangerous than potentially useful to-- wait, what?

"Mmm?" Once again, Liz habitually fiddled with her glasses as she straightened up from examining the painting to turn to Mr. Edwards, "What do you mean, 'particular brand' of haunting? I would think a church would be the best place to go for an exorcism... they're much easier to find than any sort of shaman or magician, for one."
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #41 on: April 05, 2012, 02:55:44 am »

"I'm afraid I haven't heard of her. To be honest I don't know too much about art, however, if it's worth so much I may be interested. Perhaps you'd better tell me about the mysterious causes. How long had each of them owned the painting? How did each of them die?"


  • Bay Watcher
  • <Servibot> thatkid, swag percentiles: 94
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #42 on: April 05, 2012, 09:21:38 pm »

+-- Charlene "Charlie" Tanner (Deep Waters) --+
"Oh! Sounds like fun!" Annie comments, grinning. She nudges you in the ribs, adding in a whisper and rolled-eyes, "Even if it is bullshit."

The old woman shuffles closer, and reaches out to take your hand, a silver bracelet dangling from her wrist. You notice several charms on the bracelet: A silver skull, flanked by two silver stars in a circle with a black gem fixed in the center, among others. The hair on the back of your neck raises, you feel a chill run down your spine.

"Ah..." the Old Woman comments as she takes your hand in hers. She looks not at your hand, or even at you, but at a spot beside you. In fact, you notice, she does not even bother to trace the lines of your palm, and makes no effort to hide this fact. "...I see that someone...close to you has died recently."

The Old Woman pauses, staring intently at the spot to your right (Annie is on your left). "No...not close. But all the same...the name...there is an 'M'..."
You begin to hear some sort of electronic hissing noise, not unlike the sort on the phone earlier.

+-- Robert Herriman (McClay) --+
Ricky frowns, and you notice a glint in his eyes. "We ain't talking about no drugs, Rob. Mac, you got the ID?"

Behind him, Little Mac finally produces the object from within his windbreaker. It isn't a gun, but what appears to be some sort of laminated card. He tosses it past Ricky, and onto the counter in front of you.

The corner of the card is red, and stained with blood. It's a driver's license. You recognize the face right away: It's one of Doc Hartford's assistants.

+-- Michael "Angel" Raguel (Filiusenox) --+
Health: /______
Duncan accompanies you on your rounds for the day, making idle chat and humorous observations while informing you about the residents of each room as you go. Several times, he's quick to liberate you from conversation with one of the other residents and other times he introduces you even before you get a chance to introduce yourself.

By the time Ms. Allen seeks you out, you've learned quite a bit about the Hillcrest Center for the Elderly as well as himself. He grew up, as you guessed, in Boston, the second generation of Irish immigrants. Like everyone in that time period who wasn't involved with the Law, he ran with a few criminal-types for some time, but usually worked the docks by day and got drunk at night ("They say that sailor's can hold their liquor, huh?" he says, "You should see the dock workers!"). Eventually he settled down with a fine young lady ("Fine right up until she started to grow her behind. If y'catch my drift."), and had three children. One of whom eventually put him in here.
He seems to make a point not to ask you about your own past.

Miss Allen finds you as you're leaving one of the rooms, and weighing the cost-benefits of hiring prostitutes as Center Staff with Duncan (which side you take on the issue is up to you, but Duncan would be all for it). She bats her lashes, smiles, and says in her sweetest voice, "Oh, Michael! I see you've met...Mister Fletcher. How...nice. Your shift is about up. Do you have a ride home? I'll be getting off of work in just a few minutes, so I can give you a ride if you'd like."

Regardless of how you answer, she then hurries off to get something from the break-room. Duncan chuckles, and accuses you of being a canine of some sort.

+-- Noemi Schor (RogueArchivist) --+
(644019(2), 64248(1))
You walk a little faster, taking quick turns and stepping into crowds of workers, out on their lunch-break, and commuters, moving between jobs, as you make your way through the city, only occasionally casting furtive glances back.

For the most part, you begin to take a lead on them, but they still doggedly pursue you. At least they haven't seemed to realize that you're trying to lose them yet.

+-- Elizabeth "Liz" Karsten (Hailfire) --+
As you make a closer examination of the painting, you feel yourself drawn closer and closer to the canvas. It's only after standing up straight once more to ask your question that you realize that your nose had almost been pressed against it.
Mister Edwards looks between yourself and Terrence several times, before abruptly deciding to answer you both at once. "Well, all of that information can be found in the paperwork, I assure you." he explains, producing several pieces of paper from a brief case he also brought with him. "Many of the former owners did not own the painting for long, the longest was a year. Those who survived never really came to possess it- simply passing it along to someone else after their relative bequeathed it to them in their will. Some of them died of, apparently, starvation. Some committed suicide, others simply went raving mad before dying of some other cause shortly after."

He shrugs, and affects a grim smile. "As I said, whatever sort of haunting this is, it certainly is no-" He is interrupted as the bell above the door chimes once more, and in steps a Police Officer.

+-- Terrence Kennard (SingularByte) --+
Mister Edwards looks between yourself and Liz several times, before abruptly deciding to answer you both at once. "Well, all of that information can be found in the paperwork, I assure you." he explains, producing several pieces of paper from a brief case he also brought with him. "Many of the former owners did not own the painting for long, the longest was a year. Those who survived never really came to possess it- simply passing it along to someone else after their relative bequeathed it to them in their will. Some of them died of, apparently, starvation. Some committed suicide, others simply went raving mad before dying of some other cause shortly after."

He shrugs, and affects a grim smile. "As I said, whatever sort of haunting this is, it certainly is no-" He is interrupted as the bell above the door chimes once more, and in steps a Police Officer whom you immediately recognize.
Officer Joseph McKinnon, though those more familiar to him, such as yourself, simply call him Joe. He was the first responder to the armed robbery that took place when you first set-up shop, and since then has occasionally dropped by to pick up a book, some candles or incense, or a piece of new-age jewelry or crystal for his youngest Daughter who is "into this sort of stuff," but whom you have never met. He's a good guy, sociable if a tad cynical, and a family-man through-and-through. You half-suspect the reason the gang hasn't made a reappearance is because of his frequent patronage, but perhaps they just know now that you don't have anything they might want.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2012, 09:36:51 pm by thatkid »
Fame is a vapor. The only earthly certainty is oblivion.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gay, Tired and Just here to Vibe
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #43 on: April 05, 2012, 09:41:01 pm »

     Rob stared at the ID before looking up at Ricky. "What the fuck is this?" He asked in a perplexed voice. As he said this he silently moved the butcher's knife under the counter into his hand.
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Welcome to The Hub: A World of Darkness Forum Game
« Reply #44 on: April 05, 2012, 11:32:16 pm »

Angel was in the middle of saying how that most likely isn't very legal, when Miss Allen appeared.

"Oh, Michael! I see you've met...Mister Fletcher. How...nice. Your shift is about up. Do you have a ride home? I'll be getting off of work in just a few minutes, so I can give you a ride if you'd like."

He was genuinely surprised at the offer, he wasn't expecting things to be this far along in his attempt. But he was never one to question fate. Well that was a lie, he didn't question fate when a beautiful woman was involved.

"Well, if it's not too much of a bother and not too far away, for you, then...I guess so."

He then remembered he was still wearing his uniform, which smelled of cleaner... and other things. One of his fingers twitched.

"Hey Duncan, I'll see you tomorrow. I need to go get changed back into something that don't smell like Pine-sol and Windex."

Angel headed down the other hallway, towards the employee locker room, he pulled a small bag out of his locker and headed into the bathroom. He locked the door and swiftly got dressed, when he emerged from the stall he was wearing a grey T-shirt and a pair of Jeans. He slung the bag containing his work clothes over his shoulder and headed towards the break-room
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."
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