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Author Topic: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming  (Read 154772 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #90 on: April 08, 2012, 08:07:29 pm »

As the word CoraiUnki is mentioned, a irritatingly loud "YAY!" is heard, deafening everyone for a few moments!

I had to do that. And god, they choose the wrong moments to make a artifact.
Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #91 on: April 09, 2012, 03:42:20 am »

"Uhh... where did everybody go? Where did the floor go? Hello?"

"Wait there. Keep Quiet. You can go back in an hour or so"

"I can't see you. Who are you? Where am I?"

"That's not keeping quiet."

"I want to know what's happening! Where did the hall go? I was trying to listen to Cilob's speech."

"Oh, hellfires, shut up will you! I'm trying to possess your body here! There's bonecarving to do! I can't claim a workshop while you're distracting me with pointless questions."

"Oh I see! You're a spirit who has come to give me an Artifact! You can teach me to be the greatest bonecarver of all time! That's so cool!"

"NO! I told you to shut up. I'm making this Artifact because I want to see it made, not for you. You don't get to watch. Now sit here in this featureless void and keep your spectral mouth shut, or I won't let you have your body back. I need to concentrate on my work."

" ... damnit."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #92 on: April 09, 2012, 01:33:58 pm »

The events of 18th of Obsidian, Year 52

Phenix, chief architect, mason, and mechanic of Brightwater, was enjoying the chance to exercise some fine, hands-on craftsdwarfship.  Ordering the trainee masons to build the curtain wall had gone well enough, and she had seen the job done well before Cilob's deadline, but such bulk masonry just wasn't as satisfying.  Installing this last mechanism in the central gate would be the final piece needed to seal the fortress's defenses.  It was also by far preferable to sitting through another one of Cilob's speeches.

The last finely stone-carved fit into place perfectly.  Phenix gingerly removed the wooden blocks holding the counterweights in place.  The granite bridge remained in place, smooth with the roadway surface, but ready to rise and block the entrance at a moment's notice.

Of course, there was still quite a bit more work to be done.  The archery towers that would flank the entrance were little more than outlines in the dirt.  The watchbox over the entrance path had its grates and gem windows, but still needed doors and dogs installed.  Only two of the cage traps Phenix had insisted on installing were in place.

As she turned to walk away, there was a snap and a harsh, guttural yell from outside the wall.  A mason atop the wall dropped his load of granite stones and ran down the stairs.  "Goblins!  Goblins at the traps!"

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"Close the gate!  Pull the lever!"

Alath Athellogem, sheriff of Brightwater, hero of the war of 39, had her priorities.  She had been ordered to the surface to provide security while Phenix finished up the work on the main gate.  She had gathered her equipment, rousted the other two marksdwarves in her squad, and was headed in the direction of the ramp to the surface.  But first, she wanted to check on her daughter.  Geb had been acting strangely recently.

The workshop cubicles off the main corridor didn't have doors.  Inside, Geb was sitting at her craftsdwarf's workshop, staring in amazement and curiosity at the weapon on the table in front of her.  Alath stopped at the entrance, and rapped politely on the bauxite wall to get her attention.

Geb looked up.  "Mom?  I think I made this for you."

"You think?  You don't know?"

"I didn't see, I don't remember.  But the voice said you would need it."

With that, she handed over a very impressive crossbow.

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It was a remarkable piece of work.  The frame was carved from the strong yet lightweight bones of giant sparrows.  The grip was cat leather, detailed with decorative strands of pigtail thread.  It had a finely woven pigtail fiber drawstring, and spessartine overlay.  Alath ran her hand along it.  She touched a strange catch on the side, and with a click, several small lenses carved from the smoky quartz variant known as morion folded out from the top of the weapon on intricate bone arms.

"What are these?  Oh, I see.  You look through them when shooting.  Very clever.  See, it says here, "The Distant Creature".  They're for shooting things far away."

Alath patted her daughter on the head.  "I'll be honored to carry this into battle, Geb.  Your father would be proud."

At that moment, a yell came from outside.  "Goblins!  Goblins at the gate!"

The raid had started off badly for the goblins.  Elite child rescue agents sent previously had reported a vulnerable settlement, with workshops exposed on the surface and an unguarded main entrance.  Those agents had also reported a few dwarves armed with steel hammers, which had prevented them from rescuing any children.  A military team had been ordered in to deal with the resistance.

What they found was not what the advance squads had reported.  A wavy yet solid wall, stretching an impressive distance along the shoreline, blocked access to the reported settlement location.  Maintaining stealth, the goblins made their way along the wall, towards the roadway that seemed to be the only entrance.  Then one of them made the mistake of poking at some dwarf-work machinery hidden in the brush, and was immediately caught in a cage.  A dwarf on the wall yelled and ran, raising a commotion inside.

With stealth lost, the five remaining goblins charged towards the exposed entrance.  Three dogs on chains just inside would pose little danger to them.  They nearly made it.  Moments before the leader would have passed through the entrance, a section of the roadway rose smoothly to block their path.

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The goblins screamed and clawed at the raised bridge, trying to force it open, but Phenix's masonry was more than sufficient to keep them out.  As they did, two more of them were caught in hidden cage traps concealed in the roadway.

Inside the walls, the panic had subsided as Phenix's gate rose flawlessly and sealed the entrance.  Alath and her two squadmates met her near the entrance.

"Worked exactly as intended, I don't know why anyone was alarmed.  There's not a creature in the world that can break down that gate.  But the workers are refusing to finish the towers with the goblins out there, and there is a lot of work yet to be done outside.  We can't get back to work till you get rid of them."

Alath nodded.  "Are the firing positions on top of the walls completed?"

"No, but if you're careful, you should be able to climb the scaffolding and shoot from there."

The three soldiers scrambled up the stairs onto the walls around the guard box.  Below them, three goblins glared upwards.

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"Not all that distant of a creature, but close range should work too."  Alath smiled and fired.

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Showing remarkable target discipline, the two other marksdwarves followed Alath's lead and concentrated fire on the same target.  The first goblin fell rapidly, pierced by a dozen bone bolts.  The other two, realizing that the raid was a complete loss, turned and ran.  Alath switched targets to one of them.  The fleeing goblin managed to block four bolts, before taking a bolt to the head and slumping to the ground.

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Amazingly, despite having an arrow embedded in its skull, the goblin was still alive.  It dragged itself painfully across the ground, leaving a trail of blood.  The other fleeing goblin didn't even look back as it ran off the end of the roadway and vanished into the trees.

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Inside the gate, the fortress's other soldiers - a collection of hammerdwarves and swordsdwarves in uneven armor - had finally gathered.  At the militia commander's signal, the lever controlling the front gate was pulled again.  Phenix's finely crafted drawbridge slid back down into the roadway, revealing the one miserable goblin remaining.

A single trainee swordsdwarf finished it off, severing its head with a single blow.

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Phenix looked out at the mess - goblin blood and guts, and paving stones marred by bolt impacts.  No respect for fine craftsdwarfship.  It'll take weeks to get this cleaned up and back up schedule.

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Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius --- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #93 on: April 10, 2012, 08:47:48 pm »

Cilob's Journal

Spring has passed uneventfully.  Phenix's curtain wall and gate has had its first test against a real assault, and seems to be sufficient.  We will still need to build the rest of the firing positions, and perhaps an ammunition reserve near them so that the marksdwarves don't have to travel as far to re-equip.

Training of the native local fauna is going well.

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Only one of the three female Giant Sparrows was able to hatch its eggs, but the newly hatched chicks seem quite docile as compared to their parents.  With a little more training, I think they can be declared domesticated.

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I should really cull the parents, so that I can focus on raising the offspring and breeding for further domestication, but I find I have become rather fond of them.

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Perhaps I will station them around the fortress as guards instead.

The events of 19 Felsite, 53

A second goblin team was approaching the fortress, creeping through the brush.  Six with spears, led by one wih a hammer.  The one survivor of the previous ambush squad had warned them about the defenses, cage traps, gates, and deadly crossbow fire from the battlements.  They knew about the impervious gate, and the cage traps just outside it.

They also knew that the gate had to open to let trade caravans in.  The goblins had been carefully trailing a group of elven merchants, planning to jump out of cover just as the elves were entering the fortress.

It might have worked, if one of the spear-carriers hadn't stepped on yet another damn cage trap.

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The four elves - merchants Lolama and Are, and their guards Arile and Elana, were just totally mellow, feeling the oneness with the forest and the creatures.  It was a beautiful day, the giant sparrows were chirping in the trees, and huge grey monkeys were scampering across the path and playing in the brush.  The ugly gray stone wall ahead of them was a bit uncool, even if it was a groovy wavy shape, but the dwarves seemed decent folks even if they were a bit uptight.

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Then something totally not cool happened.  Some of the grey monkey dudes were caught in cages, but that wasn't the worst thing.  Goblins!  Goblins to the north and they weren't at all friendly.

"I'll hold them off.  You get inside, see if the dwarves can help"  Arile ran towards the goblins, while Elana took up a firing position with her bow.  The other two ran through the open gate.

Inside the fortress, the alarms had been raised.  "Marksdwarves on top of the walls, pick them off.  Hammers and swords, take up position inside.  Be ready to fight if they get inside, but I don't want any of you risking your lives to save elves."

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Outside, Arile and Elana were putting up a desperate fight.  Arile was trying to hold off four goblins at once, while Elana fired mostly ineffectual wooden arrows at them from a distance.

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A glancing blow from a spear shattered her teeth.  Hammer blows crippled her legs, and she crumpled to the ground.  Despite the pain, she fought back, parrying blows with her wooden spear, until a stab to her arm forced her to drop it.

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From inside the gate, the dwarves watched with growing admiration.  Then the Militia commander spoke.

"Screw that.  That one elf with the spear is holding the entire goblin group off by herself.  I'm not letting an elf show us up.  CARNAGE!"

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Crumpled on the ground, still trying to block blows with her wooden shield, she felt consciousness slipping away.

The goblin commander stood back, watching as his men stabbed the helpless elf.  This raid was almost certainly a loss.  The elves had screwed the whole thing up - at least, that's what she'd tell her superiors when she returned.  Or rather, she would have, had she not suddenly been interrupted.

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The Military Commander attacked like a frenzied animal, at times seeming to forget the steel hammer still gripped in her hand in favor of biting and punching the goblin.  Blood and body parts splattered across the landscape.

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The goblin leader never stood a chance - barely even managing to fight back, and unable to connect with the frenzied dwarf attacker.

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The rest of the goblins - four spear-carriers - watched the carnage, too surprised to even try to defend their leader.  By mutual unspoken agreement, they turned and fled through the jungle.

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As they did, a single bolt fired from the fortress walls struck one in the leg.

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The Commander stood over the mangled body of his adversary.  The goblin was very, very thoroughly dead.  The elf it had been fighting was somehow still alive, though severely injured.

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As she returned to her senses, surprised to still be alive, the commander offered her a hand up.  "Come on.  There are probably more of them around, and your friends are all waiting inside."

Cilob's Journal, continued.

For all that excitement, this was the most disappointing trading session I've seen yet.  We traded some stone and bone trinkets for a few logs, some weak elven booze, and a bin of cloth.  Someone has got to teach these elves some proper industry, and show them how to make wagons while they're at it.
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius --- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #94 on: April 10, 2012, 09:29:17 pm »

The events of 9th Hematite, 53

CoraiUnki was happily helping out in the living areas, installing furniture in a private room.  There were so many rooms, and so many dwarves living down here.  It wasn't as nice as being out on the surface with his kobold and birdy friends, but there were so many friends down here too!

Then it happened.  CoraiUnki Had An Idea.

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Upstairs, in the main crafting hall, Ral Mistemmeng was trying to finish trading with the elves.  He knew, in the back of his head, that he was lucky to have this position.  He had only just barely managed to escape from the mountainhomes to this place, and being assigned to be the bookkeeper, manager, and broker for Brightwater was actually a fairly cushy job.  He got to spend most of his time in his quiet stone office, plenty of booze to drink, and the military was doing a god job of keeping the goblins and monsters at bay.

It was speaking with the elves that was crushing him.  Back at the Mountainhomes, they had learned that the elves could be formidable in battle.  But it was even worse having to listen to them talk.

"So yeah, man, you can't just cut the trees down.  That's just not cool.  Not at all keeping with the harmony of nature.  You have to sing to them."

"Sing.  Right.  How does that get us lumber, then?"

"See, you sing to the trees, like really long, for years and years, has to be the right songs to.  Got to get one of the wise elven tree-friend elders to teach you how.  Then if the trees, if they like your song, they give you the gift of their wood.  If you sing just right, they can grow into the shapes you want before they die, so you don't have to cut them at all.  And that's why we can't have wagons.  Like, no tree can grow that shape, and we can't cut them, cause that would be wrong, so we can't make wagons.  But it's cool, we can carry everything on pack animals, there's not much more we could bring anyway."

"After they die, then?  So you're only allowed to use wood from trees that die naturally?"

"Yeah, man.  It would be wrong to waste them.  Got to recycle everything, that's the harmony and spirit of the natural way.  Speaking of which, are you guys going to eat that goblin?  I know your hammer lady killed him, so she should get first dibs, but if she doesn't want to eat the body, there's no sense letting it just rot."

Ral was about to answer with something quite undiplomatic, when the conversation was interrupted by Corai running past.  "I HAVE AN IDEAAAAAAA!"

Ral stared in horror.  "Armok help us all.  Corai has an idea."
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius --- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #95 on: April 10, 2012, 10:08:53 pm »

Phenix's Notes.

- Finished wall. Not bad work, in spite of everything. Looking forward to next project.

- Goblins tested front gate almost as soon as finished. Mechanisms worked flawlessly, as expected. Goblins repelled, but new wall suffered massive staining from goblin viscera. Tragedy.

- Elven traders arrived bearing goblins. Fairly sure it was unintentional. Traders showed surprising bravery. One (Arele?) badly injured, long term survival questionable. Perhaps commemoration statue in order? (Ideas: Bees=power of the many? Clouds=trancendence over limitations? Think more on symbolism later) M.Commander showing impressive combat prowess. (goblin leader; last fall's Minotaur) Begin planning honorary statue soon.

- Elves have no sunberries? Disappointed.

Addendum; Rumor: Corai has idea? Dear gods.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 10:13:28 pm by Phenixmirage »


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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #96 on: April 10, 2012, 10:54:27 pm »

Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #97 on: April 10, 2012, 11:14:35 pm »


This is a bomb. All craftdwarf ship is of the highest quality. On the item is a image of kobolds and Corai.
Corai is making loving gestures to the kobold.
Quote from: AustralianWinter
Rakust finished her design - a skirt called "Clambreaks". I am not touching the woman, ever. And I'm not talking to her either.

Jarod Cain

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #98 on: April 10, 2012, 11:56:40 pm »

Chief Medical Officer's Log, Brightwater, Cain

Despite my protests that it was important, the elves decided to treat their own wounded guard rather than take advantage of my facilities. Yet another chance to study and understand our old foes dashed.

In other news subjects 23 and 74 are responding well to the new treatments, reccomend full dwarven studies to be begun at the next opportunity.
Congrats Corai, wonder what you're going to make. :)
-Self Proclaimed Constitutional Monarch of Utah-
-Card carrying Ambassador of Bad People Territories-


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #99 on: April 11, 2012, 09:25:49 pm »

The events of 14th Hematite, 53

The Minotaur had been tracking the smell of dwarves for months.  Months back, while hunting mountain goats back in the mountain range that was its usual territory, it had caught an unusual trail.  Dwarves and their pack animals, far from the mountainhomes.  This was unusual.  Likod Romlameb Gulgunzar Kubuk, Minotaur terror to the dwarven mountainhomes, knew dwarves well.  It had a particular love of fighting and killing them, and had done so many times since the world was young.

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Attacking the dwarves in their homes had become dangerous, but an isolated trade group was a different matter.  Likod was patient and determined in his tracking, following the smell of the caravan through mountains, steppe, and humid jungle.  Finally, the smell of dwarves and other creatures was strong, and Likod could see a strange stone wall through the forest.

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Fortunately for the dwarves, a giant bull-headed monster doesn't walk through the forest silently.  A mechanic spotted Likod while reloading a cage trap, and ran back to the fortress to raise the guard.

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Military Commander Morul Cattendoren waited at the entrance, just outside the cage traps and gate.  Behind her, Alath Athellogem waited, with the masterful artifact crossbow her daughter had created.  They weren't worried - in fact, they were looking forward to an easy fight.  After all, the last minotaur to attack the fortress had been an easy fight.

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That one's a bit larger thought Morul, and wow, it's moving fast  Then, before she even knew what was happening, the monster had gored her and tossed her into the air on its horns.

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Morul's right arm was completely shattered, her shield clattering uselessly away on the paved ground.  Alath fired into the melee, missing both Morul and the Minotaur.  This fight was reminiscent of the commander's battle with the previous minotaur, but in reverse, with Morul desperately trying to ward off the monster's attacks.

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The second bolt buried itself in the Minotaur's chest, which caused minor pain that only angered the creature more.  On closer examination, the commander noted that the creature's body bore many scars, some of them recognizably from dwarven weapons.  This one has fought dwarves before.  Could I be fighting one of the old terrors?

The Minotaur connected with a blow, sending Morul sprawling.  As she gasped for breath and tried to regain her feet, the monster grabbed her arm.

Then a third bolt connected, this one scoring a direct hit to the base of one of the monster's horns.  It howled in pain, dropped Morul, and staggered backwards.

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Knowing this was her only chance, as the monster's grip slackened, Morul swung her hammer twice at the creature's head.  The first blow shattered its spine, and the second crushed the monster's skull, killing it.

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The commander slumped to the ground, exhausted.  Her right arm and shoulder were completely mangled and smashed.  Her face was bloodied, her entire body ached, and there was a distinct pain in her side every time she tried to breathe.

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Meanwhile, in the main crafting hall, a few dwarves who hadn't gone to watch the fight were crowded around CoraiUnki's carpentry shop.

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"I think he's done.  He's bringing it out now."

"Duck!" someone yelled, diving behind cover.

"What is it?  I can't see."

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"It's a cage!" Corai exclaimed proudly.  "It's got us founding the fortress!  Look, there's me and Fishy and all the others on the side.  But the really special thing is this image of the queen here!  You know what this means?"

The dwarves standing around looked at each other apprehensively.  The one who had dived for cover peeked out nervously.  "Uh, what does it mean?"

"It means whoever is in the cage is King of Brightwater Forever!  I'm gonna go find a kobold!"

Cilob's Journal

I have convinced Corai to place the cage in a spare room and leave it empty for now.  While his idea of course has no legal bearing, I really have more important things to deal with for now.  We may find an appropriate creature to place in the cage later.

I have asked Doctor Cain to make treating our military commander his top priority.  We can't afford to have our best soldier out of action for long.

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His preliminary assessment is that her injuries are not life-threatening with prompt treatment, but he cannot at this time say how much use she will recover in her damaged arm.  Fortunately, she carries her hammer in her left arm, so even if the arm is completely paralyzed she can still fight, but it would be best if she were able to carry a shield again as well.

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I expect that the Doctor will be busy with her for some time.

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Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius --- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #100 on: April 11, 2012, 10:06:36 pm »

....I was hoping for a Oaken longsword.....

Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #101 on: April 12, 2012, 02:38:26 am »

Do you know how long it took me to get a good look at that crossbow?

I had it in my hands for only a few minutes before Mum needed it. After that, the goblins came, and then everybody was on alert for ages, then more goblins came, then loads of false alarms, then a minotaur...

In all that, I only had one chance to really examine it properly, more than a week after I made it. I took notes. I made drawings. I kept checking back to compare my ideas with the real thing every time I could. For months now I've been thinking about how to build another one.

I still can't figure out how it was made!

I've never taken anything so seriously as this. I always wanted to be a bowyer, and now I have seen what it would mean to be the best bowyer in the world... and I'm not the best.

I have a lot of work to do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #102 on: April 13, 2012, 11:02:06 am »

Cilob's Journal

After examination of the body of the minotaur, and consulting with the historical archives and interviewing eyewitnesses, we have determined that it was indeed Lidod Romlameb Gulgunzar Kubuk.  This was one of the two minotaurs which had attacked the mountainhomes repeatedly back in the early days of the Imperial Pick, and who was responsible for the death of Vabok Rockstar, whose musical career was tragically cut short.

The Queen will need to be informed that one of the Great Terrors has been struck down.  I suspect that the General will insist on having the corpse for examination.  I would prefer to mount the skeleton on display in our dining room, or possibly in the military training halls, once we build them.

When I went to give our military commander the news, I saw something very strange.

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Her right arm and shoulder were still bound and splinted, useless until they healed.  In her left hand she had both her trusted warhammer and her cobalt shield, and was somehow managing to use both of them effectively at once with one arm.  Even after she showed me I wasn't sure how she was managing it.  When I asked her how she had learned to do this, she said something about Doctor Cain and an experimental procedure.

Speaking of the Doctor, he has had all our goblin prisoners moved down to a holding area between the hospital and where the jail is being constructed.  I don't know what use he has for a dozen naked goblin prisoners, and I suspect that I am better off for that.

I noticed that our bonecarver Geb had returned to her bowyer's shop and was once again making bone crossbows.

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She didn't answer me when I asked her if she could make more like the last one she made.  We don't need any more at this point anyway, after all those that she's made, but we can always sell them back to the Mountainhomes.

After finishing the main walls, Phenix has been spending much time mining.  The defensive walls, towers, and gates had used up our entire supply of granite, and she insisted on procuring more for the next major construction project.  I pointed out that we have plenty of conglomerate, but she refused to use it, saying that it was an inferior material for construction.  Well, we can use to have more deep storage areas and crafting halls dug out.

I am told that the deep mining exploration project is making progress, but has not yet found magma.

Report of the deep mining expedition

Extension of the main staircase directly beneath the granite layer some distance was interrupted by the discovery of a system of underground voids.

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Examination of the caverns revealed them to be largely barren of vegetation or animal life.  A large variety of valuable minerals were spotted.

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What animal life was visible was of a decidedly unfamiliar and unfriendly type.

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Sightings were taken to determine the optimal location for a shaft to be dug to pass the caverns, and the entrance to these caverns was then sealed to prevent passage of hostile life into the fortress.

After mining some distance further down, another void was reached.  This one was surveyed and discovered to contain water and significant plant life.

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Further exploration showed a strange vertical shaft, which appeared to open into further caverns at a much greater depth.

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The passage into the second cavern layer has been sealed for now, although future expeditions will be taken to evaluate how to best exploit the resources of this area.  We will continue to dig deeper alongside the pit in hopes of finding magma.
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius --- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #103 on: April 14, 2012, 01:56:59 pm »

Cilob's Journal - Early Galena

I fear the goblins are becoming more clever.  Though it appears they may be getting help from another source.

The cage traps which we have placed in the uncontrolled forest areas to the west of the curtain wall were meant to capture wildlife for taming.  Recently, they have caught more goblins, useless creatures which we can't even tame.  Unfortunately, it appears that the local goblins have figured out how to put this to their own uses.

A goblin thief was caught in the traps, and when an idle mason went out to retrieve the cage, a goblin ambush appeared between her and the fortress entrance.  She ran, of course, away from the goblins, and away from the safety of the main gate.

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Our soldiers arrived at the main gate promptly, but were prevented from rescuing the mason by a second group of goblins.  This one was being led by a human - quite likely the one who had come up with the ambush strategy in the first place.

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Our militia commander dealt with the goblins in her usual style.

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The mason who had been caught away tried to circle back to the fortress entrance,

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... but she just wasn't fast enough.

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Our commander dealt with the goblins who killed her as usual.

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She is really quite amazing.  Her injuries from the minotaur have healed well enough for her to transfer her shield back into her right hand, which is quite amazing considering how badly she was injured after that fight.  In that fight alone she killed five goblins, as well as the human who was commanding them.

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I don't know what Doctor Cain is doing to her, but I hope he keeps it up. 

Tragically, she wasn't fast enough to save the mason who was ambushed.  It seemed to me an expensive ambush for the goblins, losing about a dozen of their own to kill one of our dwarves, until I checked the genealogy records.  The mason who was killed was one of only two children of King Kivish and General Reg.

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This is concerning.  The General is going to be furious when she learns that one of daughters was killed here.

Well, the human trade caravan showed up at the end of this, to a front gate drenched in blood and littered with the mangled corpses of three different species.  No, make that four - a kobold tried to sneak in among all the mess.  It didn't get far.  Welcome to Brightwater!

Ral Mistemmeng, bookkeeper and trader, was not having a good day.

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It had started with the children.  Dear god, the children.  Ral had left the mountainhomes in part to get away from them, but half the children in the mountainhomes seemed to have followed her to Brightwater.  Including some really, really annoying ones.

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Ral had retreated to her quiet, private bedroom, with the lovely door that kept the noise and fuss out.  And then the alarm of the goblin ambush had gone up, and she'd had go into the annoying fly-blighted ourdoors to help out.

One of the soldiers had a bruised toe or something similarly harmless, and had insisted on being carried to the hospital!  And then had insisted on being brought a drink of water from the wells, which were close enough that the soldier should easily have been able to walk over and get a drink herself.  Of all the nerve.  Ral hoped that doctor Cain would tell that lazy useless hammerdwarf to stop being lazy and get back to work.

She barely had time to wash the blood off before getting to the trading depot, where the humans were waiting.

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"Welcome to Brightwater!  I'm Ral, and this is our trade depot.   You're in luck.  We're having a sale on pre-owned clothing today.  Take a look at this dress.  It's a foreign import, brought here all the way from the other side of the mountains.  Only one previous owner, low wear, lots of life left to it."

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"Our shoes have acid-washed and pre-worn, breaking them in for your convenience.  These are guaranteed not to cause blisters or callouses!"

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The human looks at the shoe, and speaks up curiously, "What's this gunk all over it?"

"That's a special infusion, made from dimple dye mixed with a secret ingredient.  It's the latest style from import, everyone in Constructslaughter is wearing them.  Oh, we also have a selection of children-sized clothing your families might be interested in.  These were delivered by some kobold, er, merchants, just this spring."

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"This is a genuine kobold-made article, hand-woven from carefully harvested giant cave spider silk.    Notice the intricate spatter patterning?  That's a specialty of theirs.  Now, we normally reserve this kind of work to be shipped back home, but we have a few surplus pieces I can trade to you.  Hurry, someone else might snap them up first."

Mesmerized, the humans begin unloading bars of precious metals and barrels of alcohol. "We'll take the whole batch."
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius --- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #104 on: April 14, 2012, 02:20:31 pm »

Our trader is so convincing! Iwant to play with him!
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..
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