Optional Modules
Rubbless: evaporates worthless layer stone
I'm really glad you made this optional. I don't think I want it.
The Modest Mod is a collection of vital bugfixes and tweaks that everyone should be able to use comfortably and without reservation. This mod doesn't add anything new. It doesn't do anything controversial.
That sounds like a wonderful
premise for a mod. I approve.
However...Reduced clutch size for egg-laying animals
Sounds reasonable, in theory. But reducing chickens from 9.5 average to 3 average and crocodiles 40 average to 6 average is extreem! That would hurt egg food production and it is totally beyond me how this could
not be considered controversial. If I use Modest Mod I will have to modify my raws to make it more reasonable because I couldn't live with that.
This adjustment
really belongs under
Optional Modules. That way, those who really want this could choose Modest Mod's current amounts (or maybe even "something in between").
Stopped pause and recenter on citizen birth and warm/damp walls
I can understand how this can be annoying and/or unwanted to some players. But this should be optional.
* Mussels and oysters now give pearls when you clean them
Gave feathers PEARL and ITEMS_SOFT, so you can use them as if they were pearls
I can understand where this is coming from. Vanilla lacks pearl. And a mood-struck dwarf sometimes (very rarely) needs pearl. But using
feathers for pearl? Sounds pretty rediculous to me, especially since you enabled mussels and oysters to give pearls now. So...
why? If you *had* to have a pearl substitute as well, why not do that with hooves instead of feathers? Or, better yet, add pearl to a subterranean creature.
My point: It should be considered controversial - hence, optional.
Added a few basic adventurer reactions for making crafts
Spoiler: Under Consideration
More adventurer reactions?
This neither bothers me nor appeals to me. I have not played Adventure Mode very often. Mostly, I find it boring. As such, I'm waiting for Toady to fix and add a bunch more stuff before I could find it interesting enough. However, if I did play Adventure Mode more I probably would approve.
Spoiler: Under Consideration
Add a reaction to empty buckets containing water and/or lye
Improve the sort order of stocks menu
Yes. To both.
I'd like to do both of these.