Okay, I added a melting point to skin, bone, meat, organs, feathers, scales, nails, hair and a lot of other organic things. I didn't add to wood (although I do think wood should melt) nor to the fire_template so Fire FBs still don't melt. Added boiling to some things like skin and meat, but it's only a few things related to body parts.
Here's the link for the fixed version, if someone wants it:
http://www.mediafire.com/view/?9w5n6gq9ib351hnTested in a scorching environment and my dwarves didn't melt, while the water in murky pools evaporated. I went to a desert who was scorching in the fortress mode but was listed as "cold" when my adventurer got there. Similar problem I have with embarking in places listed with multiple deep and shallow metals but when you run dfprospect, you don't get any ore. Well, I don't expect this bug to be fixed by modding but still needs more testing so I can see if a adventurer don't melt in scorching temperature.(It isn't supposed to, but you never know.)
Fixed, and heres some info about the changes. Also, check Edit2.
Almost everything burned at the same temperature as skin. Including bone. Now, things are separated in three classes:
Skin, hair, feather and related:
[IGNITE_POINT:10508] 282ºC
[MELTING_POINT:10720] 400ºC
Fat, muscle, internal organs, cartilage, nervous tissue, synew:
[IGNITE_POINT:10522] 290ºC
[MELTING_POINT:10738] 410ºC
Bone, tooth, nails, hoofs, horns, scales, chitins:
[IGNITE_POINT:11080] 600ºC
[MELTING_POINT:11260] 700ºC
I know it isn't perfect, and that every material should have custom numbers, but it's the best I got so far. Also, bodies will burn from the outside to the inside, instead of bone burning at the same time and temperature as skin.
I didn't test it, since I'm not on my desktop computer. I wanted to do some testing so we could have people boiling
before melting, but I dunno if I will ever get to that.
I also don't understand that much of modding to know if clowns or other things that aren't supposed to melt will melt. Do they have a special tag not to burn?
And anyone is free to use this whenever and where they want without crediting me.
EDIT: Tiles directly adjacent to magma will be heated to a temperature of 10075. Scorching climates can reach above 10078 °U. I will take a look at necromancers reviving things too quickly too.
EDIT2: Found some data about temperature. Apparently, a cremation chamber heats up to 1000ºC or 11800ºU. Since Stone melts at 11500ºU (833ºC) in dwarf fortress and magma's temperature is 12000ºU (1111ºC), I will have to set it lower than stone, probably 700ºC or 11260ºU.
Humans skin melts at 200ºC, that would be 10360ºU. So meat should melt at 250ºC (10450ºU). Bad data, human skin ignites at 250ºC or 10450ºU. But I will keep the original 282ºC or 10508ºU. Skin and eye will melt at 400ºC or 10720ºU. Fat will ignite at 290ºC or 10522ºU (the original was 10338ºU or 188ºC. The original values of skin and fat igniting would mean that fat would catch fire BEFORE skin, and that doesn't make sense. The skin in a body dries, catch fire then dries the fat, that catch fire then dries the bone, who doesn't catch fire.) and fat will melt at 410ºC or 10738ºU. Muscle, synew, nervous tissue and cartilage will be the same as fat in ignite and melt. Bone, tooth, nail, hoof, horn, shell and scale ignited at the same temperature as skin in the raws, and now will ignite at 600ºC or 11080ºU (the default was the same as skin. Skin doesn't burn at the same temperature as bone) and will melt at 700ºC or 11260ºU. Hair and feather will have the same properties as skin. Melting point is probably higher. Also fat should melt AFTER skin, not before. Still have to decide some melt point for hair, internal organs and see if things don't melt into warm or hot temperatures.