((I'm hoping to make this a combination of GTA IV, Condemned: Criminal Origins, Second Sight and Call Of Ctlhulu: Dark Corners Of The Earth))
At some point, you pass out.
You seem to be dreaming, but not... You are not in your body. You are observing a nearby alleyway, dark and dirty, filled with puddles of nasty stagnant water and random garbage. A burnt car lays abandoned in the middle of the alley. Someone appears to be trying to rip the bonnet off. You can't seem them properly, you have to go closer. You float above the scene, and look down. Oh God.
The humanoid (if you can call it that)... It's indescribable. Half broken limbs and loose-fitting skin, other half replaced flesh. It's forehead appears to be a license plate, it's arm appears to originally belong to a woman (There is still dried nail polish), rotted in places to muscle and secured by nails to the shoulder. It's entire lower face is gone, everything below the nose, and replaced with parts from something mechanical. This is truly a monster.
It looks up at you with a look of curiosity, and hunger...
You wake up. Something jumps off a car outside, and scrambling to the window you catch sight of something dark running on all fours around the corner.
It is early dawn, probably 5AM.
Something is going on here.