I think i found a safe , fast and easy radioactive dumping life
- Start on Mars
- Press the Show Comms button on top screen, sell the 2 hydrogen units (you're not going to hyperspace anyways, so let's free cargo)
- in the icon that looks like some radio, just sell Hyperdrive 3 and Laser MW1, not going to need them for the radioactive dumper life.
- buy 32tons of radioactives (well get paid for 32tons of radioactive)
- Click on System Overview button on top of screen and target Europa (one of Jupiter's moons)
- Request launch, right click on the Europa target in the reticle
- Select autopilot to fly to vicinity of Europa (one of Jupiter's moon)
- Once there, click on Personnal Info button then on the cargo icon and click on the Jetison button in front of the radioactives, ditch all the 32 tons
- now target and fly to Clark's Station vicinity (it's a station in orbit of Europa in the system overviews)
- dock and fill the 32tons of free space of your ship with radioactive (oh an refuel too).
- target Europa, take off and go to Europa orbit (don't use the autopilot even for vinicity, the autopilot seems to feel the need to go very far from europa first, wasting tons of fuel for nothing and Europa is close enough to fly manually to orbit quickly), it takes very few time as Europa is super close, once in orbit just jetison all the radioactives.
- go back to Clark's Station to refill in radioactives and repeat the dumping on Europa.
each dumping travel and back to station should award you 101$ and consume less than 1% of fuel (so no need to refuel) and is rather fast to do as you're not flying much.
But obviously as boring as one could imagine the radioactive dumper life, and buying a better ship with much bigger cargo (to get actually much nicer profit from the dumping) is so expensive you're going to be stuck at doing it so repeatingly you're probably going to get bored by the game before.
So in the end it's not very recommended to choose this path, better keep the hyperspace drive 3 and do delivery from system to system as it can pay relatively well.