The new version (0.31.01) came out.
Before starting my first fortress, and while setting up and running it, I religiously went over the wiki, so I didn't have any major catastrophes. I only lost around 7 dwarves the whole fortress, and it lasted about 16 years, and I got the queen.
Then it got buggy because of a siege where units were standing off-screen that never entered or left the map properly, so it never ended.
I still keep it around, though. It's the fortress that has the most meaning to me. It's much uglier than my other forts, just because I made so many newbie design mistakes as I was testing out the system, so it has old, walled-over entrances, some strange pits, an open-air pit park that has no trees, an unfinished mega aquaduct system that "flushed" into the chasm, and a megagenerator for an unplanned megaproject that was to be fed by the underground river when I finally tapped it.
As for the first seven dwarves, they were all still alive.
Sunny was the mayor, and Luna was the Bookeeper/manager. Sunny was the sociable and optimistic type, while Luna was diligent and intellectual but anti-social, and they were also best friends. Luna had a fondness for the red-winged grackles or some odd red-winged bird and rings, while Sunny had a thing for adopting every cat in the fort and goblets. Backpit was my first miner and eventually engraver, and he was eventually Sunny's husband. Easy Sol was the farmer, and he was married to the mechanic... whose name I'm not coming up with. I can unfortunately only remember those four of the starting 7, but I had several more important names from that fort that I can remember, like Lady Zon the Dungeon Master, or Silverboots, the head of the military who died taking down the legendary marksgoblin general and about 7 of his compatriots with a baby in one hand, her crossbow in the other, and her daughter right behind her in the middle of combat.
I don't agree with the way many people treat forts and dwarves as expendable. The game only has meaning when the dwarves have meaning.