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Author Topic: Roll to Explore the Dungeon: Ch.2 T.38: Do you even praise the King?  (Read 120374 times)


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Re: Roll to Explore the Dungeon: Ch.2 T.38: Do you even praise the King?
« Reply #825 on: August 04, 2014, 04:42:10 pm »

Bork! Bork bork bork bork bork (faint chicken noises)
(formatting pending)


Spoiler: Action (click to show/hide)

(Doable, 3: Partial Success)


Elenor straightens himself out. In a fluid, deliberately slow motion, he sheathes his sword and drops his shield. Should the two be human, and not looking for trouble, they'd understand the hint.
After exchanging a glance with his companion, the other knight stands up and puts away his weapon, like Elenor. A short pause - was he thinking about something - and then all of a sudden, the unknown man had raised his empty hand to the sky, as if he was trying to strike at Elenor, thought Elenor - and thus hastily raised his shield.

The other man awkwardly lowered his hand. Maybe he had just made a social mistake? But the crest Elenor had seen on this unknown knight's armor was clearly Illyrian, while the... greeting? was not. At least, Elenor had never seen it, and quickly extends his hand for a handshake to confirm his peaceful intentions. And, to his great relief, his hand was taken. Confirming his counterpart's peaceful intentions. Elenor takes this chance and raises his voice.

"Well met! My name is Elenor Warsen, Knight of Illyria. May I ask who you are, and where my travels have taken me?"
"A knight of Illyria? Why, that's a great surprise!" The voice from behind the helmet sounds jovial and friendly. "To meet another man of our great King here, this has to be fate!"
"There hasn't been a King of Illyria for a few years now. We have a queen. Queen Lucia I. Kiske." How long has this man been in here?
"Oh, excuse me. To not remember the name of my sovereign, I must really be getting too old. Ho ho ho!"
"...pardon my rudeness, but I must ask again. Who are you, and where am I now?"
"Where you are? Why, that's simple. Is this not Illyria Castle? How would you forget its magnificent facade?"
Elenor has been in the capital two or three times before, and the Castle hadn't really been to his tastes. It was far too much of a palace. And it had nothing even close to the tower he'd gone through. "Has Illyria Castle become almost completely submerged and home to a great big dragon with his entire cult?"
"Wait. Hold on. Could you repeat the last part?"
Crap, what if he also was a dragon worshipper? "There's a dragon the way I came and it chased me here." Best to not mention the party.
"A dragon, you say? A real, nasty, scaly dragon? Why, that's great! Yes, very great! Hilda, pack your things! We're hunting a dragon!"
"I'm sorry, what?" The third person in the room - presumably Hilda - is busy silently gathering many uncomfortably sharp implements.
"Yes, isn't that wonderful? A dragon to slay! It's been ages since I went on such an exciting quest. Think of its treasure! All of its loot! And the thrill of fighting a dragon! No, no, there's no way I would pass up on that."
"...I don't want to see a fellow knight of Illyria die a meaningless death. Do you know the danger of facing a dragon? They are powerful and cunning creatures, wielders of vast magical force that can kill you in a single strike!" And yet... to kill a dragon... that was everything Elenor himself hoped for in life.
"Don't worry about me. There's no way I'll die to that sort of overgrown lizard!" He brandishes his blade, clearly fired up. "But it'll be a little troublesome with just the two of us, me and Hilda, and if that cult you spoke of also appears it'll become real nasty." Hilda apparently is finished by now, a large bag of... things slung over her shoulder. Some weapons of different sizes are strapped to her back. "So, what do you say. Are you going to help me with my quest to slay the dragon, so that I may help you find your way out of this mess of a tower?"

Certainly a convenient proposition...


Spoiler: Action (click to show/hide)

"Listen, Taren. I know that, as a healer, you can't bear to have a single man die. You want to help everyone. Save everyone that puts their trust in you. But, in this unfair world, you just can't always make it, you can't always bear the burden. Let me tell you an old tale, from the far north, my homeland. Once, many, many years ago, when the world was still young and men and animals were like one, there was a mother bear with seven young. That mother bear caught fish, gathered fruit and robbed honey to feed her cubs. Life was hard for the mother bear, but still bearable, for her young were her entire joy. But when winter came, she had only enough food to give to six. And so, the mother bear despaired as she couldn't choose which child to abandon, finally chose the youngest and cried herself to eternal sleep. But the youngest cub, thrown into the harshness of winter, did not die. He learned to survive in the freezing cold of winter,  through clawing holes in the frozen river and diving for the fish. He ate magnificiently, for the fish weren't prepared for the new predator, and grew a thick layer of fat to keep himself warm. And the eternal snow stained his fur a bright white.

But he held no grudge against his mother, who threw him out, and the first day of spring, he ran for her cave, bringing many fish. He moved aside the mighty boulder, found her indescribably sad corpse, and wept at the tragedy of her life - the senseless death of a proud mother that, in her grief for the dead, hadn't been there to care for the living."

"And that is how the first polar bear was born. One of my favorite tales..."


Spoiler: Action (click to show/hide)

(Doable, 1: Backfire)

Taren, done with listening and fairly revitalized, decides to... Bloody hell, where has Elenor gone? Taren searches every corner of the room. Then he peers down into every hole, because maybe he slipped and fell. Then he searches every corner again, then the middle, for good measure. Then the statues - aha, there's a way into the unknown there! But surely, Elenor wouldn't have gone down there alone? He's cautious and wouldn't take that sort of risk alone, he'd have to be out of his mind... and he'd probably still be visible if he went in there. Maybe he left a red string to mark his way, maybe he has a torch? Maybe he'd just be audible, his metal boots clanking?
But after looking into that doorway, all Taren sees is a spiral staircase that goes down into some water, so he doesn't bother because Elenor wouldn't even try swimming or diving in full armor.
And thus, Taren walks back inside and yells Elenor's name loudly, not unlike a concerned mother.
Most of the group simply don't have the nerve to follow him around all that time, so they just sorta disperse again and do their own things while Taren stays loud.


Spoiler: Action (click to show/hide)

(Doable, 5: Full Success)

The room is very plain. There's some standard dungeon decor collecting dust and... hold on a second, there isn't any dust on that decor. But why? Does the dragon transform into a dragon maid every Thursday and dust this room? Well, that's an option. Maka would do it like that if she was a dragon.
Jelly wobbles around on Maka's head to the tact of her pouty steps as she walks in circles, gaze lowered, trying to make sense of this. And, through the lowered gaze, she sees the floor, and the floor seems to be appalingly new for a sunken ruin in the middle of nowhere. As if it was built just yesterday. Now, this was also a perfectly explainable thing, to Maka. Maybe the dragon wanted a new toy. So it had its slaves build it a new toy. Or tower. Toy tower. Hm? Jelly is doing something silly, bad jelly! Maka shakes it around for a bit, and because of that, she notices another thing.
The water on the lower floor. It looks nothing, NOTHING like water should look like. Water is in motion, and Maka knows this because she had studied chaos theory with surprising zeal and also because the jelly on her head is basically water so she knew that water reacted to things, like head movements and shaking it - wait, should you shake jellies? What if it was a baby? Maka had heard somewhere that you shouldn't shake babies and experimented and concluded that that might have been true  - and wobbled around all wobbly-like. That water down there however just seemed super duper lifeless and calm. Wasn't this the ocean? A water this large was surely an ocean. Wouldn't there be waves? Surely there would be waves. BUT BUT BUT there were no waves down there so kwod erratt demonsterandom there was something really really fishy with this sea and it wasn't the fish because there were no fish. Magic?

(Hard, 4: Partial Success)

Maka taps into the arcane. Most people need to be in a special mindset to see the world that lies under the world, Maka is just naturally crazy. But what she sees isn't to her liking.
The fabric of magic and everything is far too, far too orderly! There's always chaos in the world and in magic, that's like the nature of magical things - and especially in the Labyrinth. The labyrinth was the place where laws of physics gave up and went home. Chaos was its nature. So why - WHY - was this entire place looking so damn IN ORDER?

Maka throws a temper tantrum and then talks to Remy about everything that just happened and her thought process and everything even though Remy doesn't really listen before losing interest herself and returning to the group to pout at the tower some more.


Spoiler: Action (click to show/hide)

(Doable, 1: Backfire)

In trying to follow Taren, who himself is rather lost, Remy gets even more lost, and ends up fleeing from Maka up that one spiral staircase behind that statue. Looked like someone already moved that aside. Maybe Elenor went that way? As for what's happening, dunno, we're running from some sort of dragon? Maybe? He thinks? It's hard to tell truth from fiction from Maka rant.

After a maybe a minute of climbing stairs, Remy exits into a tower chamber of sorts? Looks like the abode of a scholar. The entire dome of the chamber is made of glass and reveals a beautiful night sky. Bookshelves cover the walls, filled with books and scientific and magical trinkets of all sorts. A large study table with an astronomical motif engraved upon it takes up the entire center space, and a telescope is placed upon it. There's books and old food and beverages all over the table, random crap all over the floor, and sitting in the only chair... well, lying face-first on the table on that chair... is a skeleton. It doesn't look very threatening, in fact Remy finds it almost endearing.


Spoiler: Action (click to show/hide)

(Doable, 5: Full Success)

Komas looks around. He's in a large room with two stories and the bottom one is flooded. He appears to have come in through a window or a hole in the wall. Furthermore, this one story actually had a fairly low ceiling - well, not that low, but low enough so that a dragon could not squeeze in. And if it decided to force its way in, the ceiling would collapse and its hoard would also fall down, so unless the dragon wasn't entirely sane anymore, he probably wouldn't pursue them inside.
But they could still be hit by its breath. Supposedly dragons could spew fire around or something like that and it could definitely fire through the hole he came. That'd be trouble. The room would pretty much become a cookpot. So he'd need to escape a little more, and then he'd be safe.

"Hey! Let's go. C'mon, this ain't no place to stay, dragon'll fry us."

Nobody objects.

"One, two, three... wait, can't be right. Where's everyone gone to?"

Taren responds hesitantly. "...Apollo's gone. Drowned. Slipped through my grasp. If only I..."

"Don't beat yerself up for that, else you'll die from grief. And the other two?"

"...Remy was with me, but where he's wandered off to only heaven knows. He isn't anywhere in this room. And Elenor..."

"Oi, the knight person? He said he'd scout ahead and went off there." Maka interrupts.

"Why didn't you say anything? I was worried about him! I looked all over the place!"

"Well, you didn't ask, numbnuts!"

"Shut yer claptraps and run if you don't wanna get roasted crispy! C'mon, through that door! Dragon ain't gonna tear down his own home!" Komas shouts the party through the door at the far side of the room, where he finds a small circular chambers with two corridors branching off to the left and the right, and shouts them down the right because that room is darker and he wants to be as far inside the tower as possible at least until the dragon calms down.

The right way turns out to end in a small dead end room. Helskaya is lucid enough to realize that a light spell would be a good idea, but the room isn't much of a pretty sight - very plain and a bit unsettling. There's a hole in the floor that's filled with water, and what looks like a wooden dresser in a corner, placed on an ugly rug, but nothing else. For now, it might be a good idea to remain here - the dragon shouldn't know where they were.


Meanwhile... maybe not exactly meanwhile, don't sweat the details... a certain charmeur/hammerknight, after swiftly dispatching the threat at hand with the assistance of his teammates, gets back to his original task - searching for the elusive third key that was all that prevented exploration of the as of yet unknown parts of the great labyrinth. They'd entered this labyrinth with a somewhat good idea of its approximate location, and to speed up the search Sedna had decided to split the party, which was a good thing and a bad thing as far as Desmond was concerned. On the one hand, apparently she'd thought of him as trustworthy enough to lead one of the two groups. On the other hand... he had to take care of that creature. That absolutely unfeminine drunkard, who, to his great distress, had stolen all of his thunder during that fight. At least she was obeying his orders more than she was ignoring them right now, but... she was still being almost useless in this search mission.

So far, nothing had come up. Not even monsters. The entire situation was a massive boring hunt for a needle in a labyrinth-sized haystack. Lost in thought and his bad mood, Desmond only noticed that he had arrived in a potentially interesting area as his companion broke off towards the center of the... ruin? he overlooked entering. Not like ruin-like structures were rare in this place, but...

...why was she running barefoot? Oh god, her feet were an absolute bloody, dirty mess, didn't she notice at all? He forced himself away from the sight and back into his mission. Survey the ruin. See whether the key is anywhere to be found here. Well, there was some sort of weird pedestal in the middle and that woman was inspecting it with an interest quite unusual to her. The entire thing was embedded in some sort of steep valley running from north to south. Two ways out here apparently - a cavern to the east, something that looked suspiciously like a giant stone door without any obvious means to open it to the west. An open treasure chest - kind of a shame... and... oh, whoa. He had completely overlooked the remains of a campsite on the floor all around that pedestal.
This was worth investigating, and quite strange. The camp looked like its occupants had left it in a hurry - it wasn't cleaned up at all, someone just left it lying around. But there were no signs of a struggle anywhere... Maybe he should look at this in detail? After all, there was a small chance that this group of adventurers had found the elusive key he was questing for.

What will he do?
« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 04:43:54 pm by Errol »
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Re: Roll to Explore the Dungeon: Ch.2 T.38: Do you even praise the King?
« Reply #826 on: August 04, 2014, 11:56:57 pm »

Elenor seems to be in a better mood, though still slightly wary. "Leaving this place would surely be a welcome change, but what exactly do you mean by 'this mess of a tower'? Have you not just said we are in Illyria Castle? How long have you been here and are you feeling some manner of confusion?" the young knight asks, sparing Hilda a glance in order to evaluate whether she also seemed to have a few screws loose and banging around her head like the knight in front of him.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: Roll to Explore the Dungeon: Ch.2 T.38: Do you even praise the King?
« Reply #827 on: August 05, 2014, 04:19:04 am »

"Confusion? Ha! Why, me never! I'm in top mental health! The way you come from goes straight to the highest tower of Illyria Castle. The birdcage, they used to call it, because the old king bred his gryphons up there! Now, the gryphons are no more, but dragons love high towers and every wee squire knows that! And that's why that tower's your problem. Dragons are very territorial beasties! And if you make it angry it won't let you get off easy. And you don't have the look of a man who's not worried about that, haha!'ll have to show me the way to that dragon there, though. Castle's not what it once was. It's become a labyrinth, and I swear it's changing by the day. Me, I've been sitting here for quite some time, because if I went out, I'd get lost! And it's become very lonely. You can't imagine how happy I was when Hilda showed up. She's a very interesting person, you wouldn't believe the stories she told me, and the souvenirs she showed me, that prove she hasn't been making it up all along! Say, at least sit down with us for a while. More company's always nice, eh?"

Hilda seems very guarded. Elenor can't read her at all.
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Re: Roll to Explore the Dungeon: Ch.2 T.38: Do you even praise the King?
« Reply #828 on: August 05, 2014, 09:07:09 am »

"I will show you the way, then. Do you have any idea about the origin of the water I saw there and why the caste is becoming something akin to a magical labyrinth?" the knight presses on.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: Roll to Explore the Dungeon: Ch.2 T.38: Do you even praise the King?
« Reply #829 on: August 05, 2014, 09:34:20 am »

"No, not at all! But it's probably magic, aye? I couldn't think of another cause! Well then, let us--"

His gaze falls on Elenor's plank shield.

"Oh, wait a second! No self-respecting knight wants to exit his keep with a shield that sad, right? I'll just fetch something for you, real quick!"

He vanishes in the room's back for a moment before returning with an incredibly old kite shield. Elenor's heart beat faster. The engraving on its front was all but washed off by the sands of time, but if you looked carefully, you could see the remains of what was once a... dragon. How was this...

"Aha! Looks like that one struck your fancy, mhmm? Take it, take it! You'll need it!"

Elenor discarded his makeshift shield, took up the new, old kite shield, and his shield arm buckled a bit under a very familiar weight.
What was this situation...
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Re: Roll to Explore the Dungeon: Ch.2 T.38: Do you even praise the King?
« Reply #830 on: August 05, 2014, 10:25:43 am »

Elenor spends a few moments testing the weight just to confirm he's familiar with it and its dimensions. "Where did you find this? It looks exactly like my family's dragoncrest shield that I had on my person but had disappeared when I woke up on the tower. It did not look used for several centuries like it does now, though." He stares at the shield again as if to make sure his mind isn't playing tricks on him - what exactly had happened?
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: Roll to Explore the Dungeon: Ch.2 T.38: Do you even praise the King?
« Reply #831 on: August 05, 2014, 11:41:17 am »

"I found it on the way here." Hilda interjects. Her voice is muffled, apparently she had put on a stylized white mask when Elenor wasn't looking. "Stranger things have happened in this strange place."
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Re: Roll to Explore the Dungeon: Ch.2 T.38: Do you even praise the King?
« Reply #832 on: August 05, 2014, 01:53:38 pm »

"Hah?  What's this?  A wizard's tower?  I wonder if there's anything worth loot-... recovering?"
Investigate the room.  Check the skeleton and the table for clues as to what it was doing and what the purpose of the room is or was.


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Re: Roll to Explore the Dungeon: Ch.2 T.38: Do you even praise the King?
« Reply #833 on: August 05, 2014, 03:35:17 pm »

"I found it on the way here." Hilda interjects. Her voice is muffled, apparently she had put on a stylized white mask when Elenor wasn't looking. "Stranger things have happened in this strange place."

Elenor considers the situation, pondering over what exactly is happening. He's somehow at Illyria castle, the whole place is a mess and he was reunited with his shield in a way he didn't expect nor desire; hopefully it has still retained its magical properties."I see. Did you also find a small trinket with my coat of arms?" he asks, pointing at the rose symbol that was on the signet Elizabeth had enchanted.

"And in case you two are really interested in fighting the dragon, I will take you there. Let us hope the path there has not changed. On the way, could you tell me more about you?" he asks.

Action already in place in case the talking continues: take them back to the party and the dragon in case they want to. If the talking bit should stop now, still try to glean more information during the turn's length.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: Roll to Explore the Dungeon: Ch.2 T.38: Do you even praise the King?
« Reply #834 on: August 05, 2014, 06:00:58 pm »

"Nothing like that was with the shield." Hilda pauses for a moment, considering. "You ask many questions, so answer mine first: Who under the world tree's roof are you?"

The other knight excitedly is checking on his weaponry.
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Re: Roll to Explore the Dungeon: Ch.2 T.38: Do you even praise the King?
« Reply #835 on: August 05, 2014, 06:13:07 pm »

"Well this isn't a good room at all!" Maka complained, examining the hole in its floor. Then she examined the hole in the floor even further, apparently oblivious to the temptation of those around her to just sort of boot her the rest of the way in.

Shove head down watery hole, examine results.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Roll to Explore the Dungeon: Ch.2 T.38: Do you even praise the King?
« Reply #836 on: August 06, 2014, 07:19:49 am »

I will catch up as soon as I can!!


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Re: Roll to Explore the Dungeon: Ch.2 T.38: Do you even praise the King?
« Reply #837 on: August 06, 2014, 10:24:26 am »

"You ask many questions, so answer mine first: Who under the world tree's roof are you?"

"As I mentioned, I am Elenor Warsen, a free knight. I was exploring the magical labyrinth underneath Kingsford before I was transported to a tower in this place." he answers, wondering if she's expecting some manner of esoteric or spiritual response from him. He then takes a moment to check whether he can see the sky from whenever the sunlight is coming in.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: Roll to Explore the Dungeon: Ch.2 T.38: Do you even praise the King?
« Reply #838 on: August 06, 2014, 11:03:25 am »

Desmond was walking along, prepared for just about anything. Dragon's swooping from the ceiling breathing fire, Demons coming up from the floor with their tridents, Orcs charging down the hall wielding orc-swords and orc-axes. He was disappointed in the lack of apparent threats from any direction. Then again, it wasn't like dangerous encounters were spontaneously generated. He supposed other adventurers had made quite a dent in the local monster population.

Then, his teammate seemed to go crazy, which was at least a change of pace.

"Be careful of that pedestal, there, mi'lady! It something untoward to your outerwear! Even then, at least it's only the two of us, right?

*Grumble, grumble*...Bloody pedestals, always bad luck..."
Desmond groused. The odd behavior of his comrade suggested either an imminent betrayal, spiritual nonsense, or she had fallen afoul of what he supposed could be a cursed pedestal. Desmond had never trusted dungeon pedestals since that one in the Yongaya Pit had stolen his pants. His good pants!

Personally, his thought his subconscious was being way too helpful for this to be a normal situation.

Action: Examine the pedestal...from a safe distance. Call out to the strangely acting teammate!
« Last Edit: August 06, 2014, 02:27:11 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Roll to Explore the Dungeon: Ch.2 T.38: Do you even praise the King?
« Reply #839 on: August 06, 2014, 02:22:01 pm »

All the rest of you, uh, just wait a moment?

((Desmond is alone with that lady.))
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