Round 1: HAT PARTY!!!Urist: World, why you no give hat!
Gent: Hello good sir, how may I help you?
Gent: Ceratinly!
Urist: I am now a noble. I have mandated hats.
Gent: Hat party time!
Doomspeaker: The end is upon us! The very Earth itself shall rise up, gain sapience, and cause our complete annihilation! Repent now, while you still can!
Earth: Aw, I'd never end humanity. You guys are just too interesting .... Or, well, I *probably* would never end humanity. Anything's possible, really, but I'd regret it. So yeah.
Traveling Hat Salesman: Hats for sale! Get your hats for sale!
Mr. Generic: The world is ending and you're selling hats!? What is wrong with you?
Traveling Hat Salesman: Not just any hats. This one is a self-replicating hat of meditation. Wear it and you'll stop worrying about the oncoming Apocalypse. Five dollars.
Mr. Generic: Fine, I'll try it. Money won't be worth anything much longer anyway.
Mr. Generic: Ohm ... Ohm ... Ohm ... Ohm ... Hey, you're right. You know what this calls for?
Radagast the Brown casts tiny stormcloud!
It gave Earth bipolar disorder!
A gagsta transmute the hat salesman's small grey hat into a large purple hat in exchange for another small grey hat.
Wizard: Cast spell of lesser unhappiness on everyone!
Raven: Squawk?
1st half of earth: Yay!
2nd half of earth: Boo!
Hat Switcher: Ima put some colour in your hat, bro.
Explorer: Why thank you! You can have my hat!
Hat Switcher: Yeah!
Malzorg the Wizard was pissed. Really pissed. The kind of piss that takes centuries of practice to succeed at. Why was Malzorg so pissed? Well, through his magical divinations he had learned that his whole entire universe was scribbled on the back of some kid's homework. It wasn't even well done or nice homework too. No, it was just covered with incomprehensible scribbles and numbers and arrows and gods know what else.
Now, whenever Malzorg the Wizard gets pissed, he does what any rational, all-knowing wizard would do: Namely talk to furry woodland creatures. However Malzorg lacked any furry woodland creatures to talk to, instead having only his familiar, Iquit the Crow. Thus doubly pissed, Malzorg readily took to Iquit's suggestion that he destroy the planet Earth by slamming a giant head into it with his magic powers (where he got the head from, I have no clue). Despite knowing full well about Malzorg's plans, the inhabitants of Earth did nothing to avoid their fate. Half of the planet was constantly partying, while the other half was pissed at the other half's partying, and how it was 3 in the morning and that they would all like some sleep.
In some sort of weird alternate universe which was completely different yet somehow the same, a young Malzorg (no long pissed, yet without possession of his bitching hat) shows off his magic skills to his friend, Halaff by magicking his (non-bitching) hat off. However Malzorg was still fairly untrained in the magical arts, and thus accidentally cloned Halaff's head in the process. Luckily the cloned head soon died of blood loss, and Halaff wasn't really all that concerned (let's face it. He isn't the brightest stick in the shed). Thus Halaff while unconcernedly played his cloned head, Malzorg looked on lustfully for some reason. I don't know. Maybe he just really liked Halaff's hat or something.
Alright, not too shabby for the first round! Lot's of win all around. One or two delays, but delays are pretty hard to avoid in forum games. Not bad overall. I took the liberty of resizing your image and making it a little more clear, zombie urist. Armok didn't read the rules. USEC willfully ignored them since he was doing dialogue last. RoboCorn might be racist.
Comments/Suggestions? For Round 2, does anyone want to go first? If not I'll start again. I'll probably get round 2 started sometime later tonight or tomorrow. Signups are still open, we can fit a couple more in.