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Author Topic: Critique My Fort: Roadtruss (completed Mega project)  (Read 35630 times)

Crossroads Inc.

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Critique My Fort: Roadtruss (completed Mega project)
« on: March 21, 2012, 10:05:39 pm »

Reposting this after moving all images over to a NON photobucket account as well as changing the sizes so they are more clear.
Also adding a link to the DF Archives HERE So you can explore the map on your own in pur ASCII goodness.


The History of Roadtruss
In the year 699, the low King of the Dwarves gave a powerful command.
“Build a new Mountain Home worthy of Dwarfish people to usher in the new century a place where Dwarves could be proud of for the next 100 years and beyond!” This was the creation and genesis for what would become Roadtruss!

In the spring of the year 700. A small party of Seven Dwarves set out form the mountain home to a location deemed suitable for the new city. 
The royal surveyor had reported back that much of the hills were comprised of Chalk and marble, and deposits of Tin, Nickel, and Copper seemed in abundance. But most important of all where vast deposits of Magnetite, which promised an endless wealth of Iron and eventually Steel.

The Dwarves dug fast, spurred by their most noble and important goal. To build a new Mountain Home. Work started on a primitive and temporary fort built into the side of the hills below a waterfall. Here the work crew would be housed while the vast City was carved from the deep rock within. At the same time, the vast amounts of rock, mostly granite, were transported out for construction of what would become the great fort, and eventually the mighty tower.

The Tower was one of the visions of the Low King.  He had called for a monument to be seen from above as well as bellow.  While the new city would be a fitting symbol of power for Dwarves, the planned Tower would be an unmistakable symbol of Power for all surface dwellers, able to be seen from miles around and shinning with the wealth of the Dwarven people.

As the years progressed the  excavation of the city progressed.  The first level of the city was almost completed, and works began to move into the newly completed great Halls. Walls and Towers grew as the excavated stone was hauled out from the mountain and put into the constructions going on. The Fortress grew higher in the sky as the Dwarves delved deeper into the Earth.

Eventually they pierced the first level of the Underworld and took in its expansive beauty.  It was discovered in this first layer, a colony of Giant Caveswallow People were living. At first the colony, deemed to be nothing but savages, where to be pushed out or exterminated. But a scout digging over their nest discovered something that would change the fate of the whole layer.  The corpse of a lost terror, a Forgotten Beast was found amid the nest. The discovery that they had felled such an ancient and mighty Terror so impressed the Leader of the expedition that he deemed no Dwarf would enter into the layer that it should be left in respect to these Mighty Savages.

(see The Saga of Dahbulothla The Giant Caveswallow Man.)
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Digging deeper they came upon the second underground layer.
Here they found an immense underground sea. Water to sustain in the deep and a forest of different fungus and mushrooms to gather.  The layer held vast open caverns and spaces, and soon a small barracks was set up as a waypoint for those traveling to the deep.  Lower still a third and more twisted layer was uncovered. The heat here was immense, and the reason soon discovered.  Directly under the third layer was the fabled Magma Sea.  An unending ocean of the living Blood of Armok.
Here at last was the life blood of what would fuel the power of Roadtruss.  For it was also within the Magma Sea that the true treasure was found.  The Living Rock of the world, Adamantine[/i].


So began a new chapter for Roadtruss.  Legions of Dwarves hauled ore and rock down into the depths.  Huge rows of smelters and forges where constructed as the industry of the city began in earnest.  But such riches where not without their price.
In exploring the depth,  the Dwarves began to stir up the foul beasts of the underworld.  The small militia was sent on regular patrols  to keep roving Crundles and Dratha in check.  From time to time more dangerous beasts arouse…  Eventually the time came for the city to face down a terror form beyond time.

The Saga of Zuspo Aruanu Zumzust! The Mangy Night of Guts
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While many where wounded from the Ancient Terror, none were slain.  Those in the Hospital seemed to suffer from a lingering illness, yet seemed to heal overtime.  The victory with no loss of life was hailed as a Miracle and life returned to “Normal” in the city. Work progressed on the Fortress and all seemed well.

However… the Beast would have a final revenge upon the City…

The illness that had afflicted those that fought the great beast seemed to slowly be spreading.  No Dwarves died, yet all effected where stricken with constant, disabling vomit spasms.  Attempts to cure those effects by cleaning them only spread the illness. The longer it lasted, the more Dwarves vomited and grew nauseas.  It was not long before Dwarves stopped their appointed tasks, vomiting themselves unconscious.

The city ground to a halt as Dwarves tried to simply make it from day to day, collapsing in uncontrobale nausea. The City became covered with the sick of others.
A dark time decided upon Roadtruss that became known as:

Roadtruss, The Flooding of Vomit!
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The City of Roadtruss seemed to suffer a fate worse then death.. Rendered impossible to complete any work at all, yet undying, living in constant agony and suffering from the Flood of Vomit.

The Arrival of Grieger the Merciful
After almost a year of suffering, when all Dwarves had given up hope of ever living a normal life again, a wondering stranger came into the Jungles surrounding Roadtruss.

Greiger Aratamun has been quite content lately, he has been caught in the rain lately, he helped a friend recently.
He is a dubious worshiper of Youh the yellow fruit, he is a casual worshiper of Velos of the wind.
He is a founder of the Heroes for Hire and citizen of the Rocky Penninsula.
He is incredibly muscular and tall.  His horns are long, his wings are somewhat long, his tail is somewhat broad, his nose is somewhat long, he has a scratchy voice.  His scales are red, his eyes are crimson.
He is mighty, basically unbreakable, and slow to tire.
Greiger Aratamun likes greatswords, cobaltite, adamantine, and lions for their manes.  When possible, he prefers to consume cow meat, and cod.  He absolutely detests vegetables.
He has a great sense of empathy and good focus, but lousy creativity, little patience, and a very bad intuition.
He tends to avoid crowds, he is unassertive, he loves a good thrill, loves to defy convention, and is mostly unaware of his own emotions and rarely expresses them.
 He is a master swordsman, knowledgeable of monster lore and competent in first aid.

A medium sized reptilian humanoid fond of dragons and swords.

Seeing the Mighty, yet unfinished fortress, the Dragon was moved by the sturdy and unyielding spirit of the Dwarves.  Grieved by the state of the City and its sickness, he used strange unfathomable magic’s to cure the people of Roadtruss!

Slowly over time, the people recovered.  The vast seas of Vomit and sickness seemed but a distant dream.  Grateful beyond measure to the Dragon Grieger, they revered him and  gave praise to his name.  As a sign of their favor, they engraved his image upon the Mighty Tower itself.  Constructing his likens in Living Adamantine, the color of his Sword skills. 
From above his likeness would be forever remembered to the Dwarfen people.

After that time the Dragon stayed in contact with the people of Roadtruss, watching as the city continued to grow.

The Years passed and the City continued to grow.  The City saw its numbers grow faster as word spread among the Dwarves that the mighty new capital neared finishing.

One day, a messenger arrived at the City with stunning news.
It had been deemed time for the Crown of Dwarven Civilization to be moved.
The King would be coming.

As the city neared compilation, the citizens were informed that the Low king of the Dwarves. Asen Oslansazir would be making the journal at last to Roadtruss for it to officially become the new center of the Dwarven World and be proclaimed Mountain Home.

In preparation for this event, Royal areas were outfitted for his arrival.

The Royal Throne Room
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Royal Bed Chamber
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On the appointed date the King arrived with but a few meager servants.  The king, single and a humble King, came upon the city and saw it for the first time.  Awestruck to see his vision made manifest at last, he was moved to tears at the wondrous site.  Soon He came to his royal quarters and the King, Asen Oslansazir, was now home.

The Saga of Asen Oslansazir, Low King of the Dwarves
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From that day on the King was a true legend indeed. Not just as leader, but now Warrior.

With the mighty King ruling over his people, Roadtruss seemed at least complete and whole. The armies of the city pacified the surrounding lands and unified the smaller towns under its Steel heel.  The riches of the City grew and grew and the Dwarves reveled in their power and joy.

Yet all was not well.
A group of Humans, disgruntled and angered at the Dwarves might, sought to humiliate and humble their mighty City. The most recent Saga of Roadtruss was one that would indeed bring the mighty down…

The Saga of  Rosatkidet, the enraged Elephant!
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With the vile beast no more, the Dwarves of Roadtruss once more returned to peace.
And here the story ends, for now.  The history of the future of the city yet to be written…

And thus ends the “official” history of Roadtruss.
The city is for all intense purposes “finished” there is still more one could do…
Breach Hell, flood the world, collapse the mountain… But such things may be left for future generations. 

What now follows is the physical record of the great city…

Raw Facts

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The Great Tower
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The Great Gates
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The Grand Entrance
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The Zoo
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The City Crypts
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The Great Forges
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The Not so Forgotten Mega Beast Sitheme Ocisanene
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I hope you all enjoy the show!

« Last Edit: March 30, 2012, 12:27:22 pm by Crossroads Inc. »
Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Critique My Fort: Roadtruss (completed Mega project)
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2012, 10:13:12 pm »

I congratulate you on completing it! (Smething I have as yet never succeeded in doing...)

But ... (how to say...)... this is a mega structure?.... no wonder I can never finish mine....

(I usually try to cover the *entire* embark.....)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Critique My Fort: Roadtruss (completed Mega project)
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2012, 10:28:15 pm »

This is pretty awesome.
Also:Weird....might want to aim lower. Or thinner in this case.
Imagine the will it took to create a fortress like this. And what have you elves built? Nothing. You can only loot and break. You're not dwarves!! You're just termites at Versailles.

It's not that I don't suffer, it's that I know the unimportance of suffering, I know that pain is to be fought and thrown aside, not to be accepted as part of one's soul and as a permanent scar across one's view of existence.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Critique My Fort: Roadtruss (completed Mega project)
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2012, 10:32:55 pm »

What!? NEVER!

I will NOT settle for less than PERFECTION!

Every failed megalithic structure on the road to greatness is but a mere cobblestone, urging me to try harder!

Someday my max size embark megastructure attempts will succeed! Oh yes!

(Maniacal laughter)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Critique My Fort: Roadtruss (completed Mega project)
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2012, 10:36:12 pm »

You truly have a mastery of color and form.  Understand the weight of this when I say that I'm envious of your design scheme.

A question though: How does Grieger actually fit into this?  I'm assuming that he helped on the forums and showed you how to contain the vomit plague (which is hilarious btw).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Critique My Fort: Roadtruss (completed Mega project)
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2012, 10:42:05 pm »

I agree, the color choice is excellent. DF doesn't have a good pallet to work with.

I am still more envious of the actual completion though.  Damnit, I *will* finish one of mine some day!

(Makes fumey-face)

Crossroads Inc.

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Re: Critique My Fort: Roadtruss (completed Mega project)
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2012, 10:42:22 pm »

The Help of Grieger comes form the fact that I use a Mac.
So 90% of the utilities are unavailable to me. Therefor Grieger helped immensely in several ways.

All stone-sense screens caps are from him.
He used DwarfHack once to curb a disease that would have killed every last Dwarf in the world.
And of course he Magicked the seas of Vomits away as well.

Also, I deeply appreciate the kind words regarding the use of color.
Not having access to stone-sense on a regular basis, matching the colors was one of the hardest things I had to do and very tedious.
Before Grieger gave me the first stonesense shots. I used Diorite, Mica, Gabbro and Jet interchangeably. However in Stonese each stone has a totally different color scheme! So there was a LOT of rebuilding and trial and error going on.
Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Critique My Fort: Roadtruss (completed Mega project)
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2012, 10:55:33 pm »

Bravo! This is really something.

I like that your gate is larger than most of my "megastructures" haha.

Nil Eyeglazed

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Re: Critique My Fort: Roadtruss (completed Mega project)
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2012, 12:29:08 am »

Are those flags... made of stone?
He he he.  Yeah, it almost looks done...  alas...  those who are in your teens, hold on until your twenties...  those in your twenties, your thirties...  others, cling to life as you are able...<P>It should be pretty fun though.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Critique My Fort: Roadtruss (completed Mega project)
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2012, 12:54:54 am »

Jaw droppingly cool.  I am most impressed by your city layout: it is both efficient and beautiful and vibrant. I could spend hours just looking at the ebbs and flows of dwarves moving about.  Quick question though: how do you actually make them use the school? Is it strictly decorative?  Or have you found some way to get children and "teachers" in there?
More ridiculous than reindeer?  Where you think you supercool and is you things the girls where I honestly like I is then why are humans on their as my people or what would you?

Loud Whispers

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Critique My Fort: Roadtruss (completed Mega project)
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2012, 01:53:38 am »

This is an amazingly glorious marvel of dwarven construction.  Now use it to kill something.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Critique My Fort: Roadtruss (completed Mega project)
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2012, 03:22:20 am »

Absolutely amazing! A true dwarven legend!

Quick question though: I noticed a distinct lack of invading armies or goblins in that story. Is there a reason for this? Were invasion turned off, or were the sieges simply not interesting enough to weave a good enough story?

Crossroads Inc.

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Re: Critique My Fort: Roadtruss (completed Mega project)
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2012, 05:43:11 am »

Answere time!

The flags?
Made of Black Bronze, and Rose Gold.
Two of my own personal favorite colors in game. The city actually used huge amounts of Rose Gold in the flooring and it was a bitching getting enough gold to smelt into it.

The City?
Sadly most of the "civic buildings" are decorational. Part of the reason for the City was to try and build a real "City"
So I went out of my way to think of all sorts of buildings a city would use, even if IN game they would be largely useless.

The sieges?
There WHERE sieges, and ambushes and other attacks.  But sadly at the time. I never thought indexing them the way I did other events.Many early big events I didn't originally write down. The Early megabeast attacks I was only able to go back and find because, well, there are only a few of those in the legends and you can put back together the events. In order to recreate an attack or siege, you have to go back, and try and find all the goblins involved to get the details on things.
Really I didn't start to think about logging big events in the game till the last siege had just ended.  And that was because I actually ended up facing two goblin elites in it :<

Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Critique My Fort: Roadtruss (completed Mega project)
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2012, 07:05:49 am »

There WHERE sieges, and ambushes and other attacks.  But sadly at the time. I never thought indexing them the way I did other events.Many early big events I didn't originally write down. The Early megabeast attacks I was only able to go back and find because, well, there are only a few of those in the legends and you can put back together the events. In order to recreate an attack or siege, you have to go back, and try and find all the goblins involved to get the details on things.
Really I didn't start to think about logging big events in the game till the last siege had just ended.  And that was because I actually ended up facing two goblin elites in it :<

Sieges are recorded in legends mode in reasonable detail. Go to legends mode and select the current age. You will see a list of all events that happened in that age. Scroll down to the botom and you will find a record of the attacks that your fortress suffered. Select one and then press enter. You will get a window that gives you a lot of detail on the siege, from the number of attackers and defenders, what race and animals were involved, the notable events that occurred in the battle, who killed who and the number of casualties on each side. With your excellent storytelling, I'm convinced that you'll be able to create a gripping narrative from the information there.
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