I can't really take Sabaton seriously. I mean, most metal is over the top and stupid, and I love it for that, but something about Sabaton lyrics just makes me feel embarrassed. I think it's the reverence, and the way they try to make military history badass, when the only people that into military history are huge dorks. There's just something about the way they weave dates and historical facts into a song that makes me cringe. Maybe it's better to listen to in Swedish or whatever. Besides that, I just don't think they're that good.
I went and saw Boris a little bit ago, and that was probably the best show I've ever been to. Definitely the loudest. I'm not really a fan of Boris, since they mostly do really slow experimental doomy stuff, but they were playing Pink, which is really thrashy and groovy and awesome.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbw62iCsS34Just imagine that being blasted right in your face. They played a pretty long set too, so I didn't really mind when they played their drone stuff; it was nice to get a breather before getting back to the righteous guitar shredding. Also they had a gong.
Besides Pink, Akuma no Uta is their only album that I like, and not all that much. They're still really good, just not for me. I only wish they were a thrash band; they're so good at it!