Kathos sighed. That was a bad beginning for the meeting. Atleast, the generals underestimated him - Kathos was probably a better swordsman than these two. If this turned into a fight, he might be able to get out of it alive if they thought they were dealing with a mere politician.
"Let's keep things simple, then. Nikephoros wanted me as a pawn ever since Laythe's fall. He gave me power over the kingdom's economy, but he knew that since the marine, the army, the justice and the intelligence were all in his hands I had no actual power that I could use against him. He even tried to corrupt my personnal guard very recently, when our relations started to grow... Cold. Things started to degrade, however, when he started speaking about invading Mileth.
Nikephoros had no acceptable reason to invade Mileth - we had another campaign going on, plenty of free territories that we could take if we lacked ressources, and our income was extremely high, even after the recruitment of new regiments. He only wanted to take the city because Mileth had wounded his ego - he would say things like 'Laythe stole my victory'. I found that inacceptable, firstly because of the waste of time and ressources that this invasion would mean, and secondly because Nikephoros did not want to investigate Mileth to see if its defences or armed forces had changed since last summer, which is a very logical thing to do after the invasion they suffered.
I decided that I would, for once, use the power I had been given against him - I said that I would not allow him to recruit any more regiments for his foolish campaigns, and that if need be I would order the treasury to no longer pay the upkeep of most of his forces, to stop his dreams of war. Let's just say he didn't like that.
At that time, Nikephoros assumed that my personnal guard was in his hand, and we were surrounded by them. I suppose he thought that he could easily kill me there, while I was at his mercy. I also think Nikephoros never saw me in a swordfight, which made him assume that I probably didn't know how to use the sword that I carry around and that he could put me down without too much trouble. He pulled out his firearm to finish this in one hit, but one of my guards saved me from the shot. The rest of my men fled - they had never heard or seen a firearm in their entire life - and Nikephoros drew out a dagger. He was a good fighter, of course, and he had the effect of surprise, but I have yet to meet a man able to match me when I wield the Thunderblade. Nikephoros learned that, and he died."
Kathos sighed. That might give them something to think about.
"I don't think he wanted to get all the power for himself - he was never good with numbers. I believe his plan was to kill me, put the blame on my guard or one of Laythe's assassins or something, and then place a new pawn in my place - hopefully someone more manipulable than I was."
[Charisma] Convince the generals that Nikephoros tried to assassinate Kathos to place a new pawn in the position of Lord Chancellor, because Kathos would not allow him to go to war.