Gavin was tired and sore. The peasants did not take lightly to his tricks or pinching of their daughters, and they did not spare him the sticks and stones either.
Ever since he left Fiumefurt 6 months ago, he wandered around the Western part of the coast, living off land, stealing, cheating and getting lucky with a barmaid or two. But he diud not feel very lucky or succesful.
Old man Heinrich, who was teaching him, did not take kindly to being robbed. Gav had to leave. But he still had his talents, and whatever brief time he spent with the senile wizard did pay off. He was fairly well prepared to summon and control energy, but he felt drained after the last time he had to fend off bandits with a light show of fire and energy. Using up his own soul energy was going to kill him if he did not repleinsh it or rested for a longer period of time. But ascetic lifestyle needed to recover did not appeal to him, and no one was stupid or weak enough to be entangled in a draining spell.
"So this is Polca? What a dump..."
He entered though the gates and gravitated towards the port area, which was bound to contain a watering hole. He did not have a penny to his name, but he was prepared to think of something.
The establishment was relatively busy, and he quietly sat down in a darker corner to observe the place. Couple of ideas floated in his head, and he had a minor leftover of his energy sufficient for the plan. He saw a group of sailors drinking from a rather large bottle and a nother group tanding at the bar. This was a great setup.
Using a minor spell, have the bottle thrown across the room at one of the bigger patrons, hopefully sparking a brawl. Once that happens, drain one of the unconscious men(if anyone gets knocked out) and use another spell to set fire to the place. Rob unconscious people and the place, using the fire as cover. Flee the burning building afterwards.