There you go, this is the graphics txt and the sprites for the first batch of sprites I will do. Most of your creatures should be in there, so just take whatever suits you. I do believe just copiyng everything will also work, even if the creatures mentioned in the graphics.txt are not in the raws.
It looks great Meph, thanks! I'll bundle this in the next update. If I make any changes to it I'll pass it along.
Nice mod, everything seems to work well. Until ...
They can cast just fine and are pretty much unkillable with fort militia and they cause dizziness through fort walls somehow.
Well, it does tell you to hide.
In seriousness, as Meph has suggested to me before, Wizards are overpowered. They're casting through the wall because it's line of sight and the Necromancer raising adds the EXTRAVISION tag. I don't know why the undead Golems and Homunculi are there, since they have the [NOT_LIVING] tag.
Wizards don't appear without Wizard Tower installed, but if you're playing with Dwarves (judging by the merchants?) then the fort is probably doomed without extensive traps or siege weapons or magma floods, unless a Paladin or a Prophet ends up coming to the fort.
I think that the spells with really awful effects will get lower range and longer cooldown, and that Wizards in general will get CANNOT_UNDEAD at the creature level, I think that tag still works. I'm playing a Wizard fort to mess around with the reactions/spells in a field setting and balance things out further, but the Sorcerers have yet to show up. So far the greatest threats to the Wizards have been their own kind.