Kickstarter: Ask other people to give you money, to live your dream of not having a real job.
I'd say streaming for a living is a real job, just like comedians, actors and other kinds of entertainment. Asking for money to start it is about as scummy as you can get though.
I disagree, but it's just a personal opinion. So many people think being a streamer is something to aspire to now. Lots of kids once imagined themselves as astronauts or firemen or, you know, something that took skill. Now because of the cult of youtube personalities we live in, lots of people aspire to getting paid to play a game and have people listen to them, and there is zero barrier to entry. (Other than being broke, not actually working for a living and needing people to give you money up front so you can live your dream of recording yourself and begging for likes and ad dollars, and the fact there are tens of thousand of similarly unskilled dreamers out there to compete against.) A whole generation of squeaky-voiced kids growing up trying to brand their online handle.
I'm biased though. I generally find LPs unwatchable, short of the occasional short clip or a guy with a hilarious Swedish accent. I've never followed or liked a Youtube or Twitch page. About the only person I watch even semi-consistently while they babble about video games is Yahtzee, and if his reviews took the form of him playing a game live and jabbering about it, I probably wouldn't ever watch them either.