Yeah, sorry for not updating this, I've been otherwise diverted...
I'll get around to the sock test sometime, I swear.
Anyway, I haven't found a definite source of permanent FPS decay in the system yet. Granted, none of my experiments have gone beyond 10 years, but in those 10 years, I have had no notable gradual creep in memory consumption or decay in FPS.
This IS, however, with several controls -
First, nothing is dying except for a few rattlesnakes that get killed by the caravan guards a few years into the game. We have not yet set up the puppy-smasher fortress that will test the effects of large-scale death on FPS.
Second, there has yet to be a large-scale clothing rot test.
Third, the fortress is not expanding in any way, and as such, no new dwarves are pathfinding, no new items are being (permanently) added, and there isn't more and more open space to pathfind over.
In order for a full and complete test, all other factors have to be gradually eliminated as we move in on the true source of gradual FPS decay, however, all current signs point to the notion that, basically, it's something done by the player that is causing all this permanent FPS loss.
If you were to very meticulously prevent any clothing rot or excavation or construction or warfare, you could run a fortress hypothetically forever...
... Of course, why would you WANT to run a fortress where you didn't build anything or kill anything, but that's a different story.