Well, I'm experiencing my first tantrum spiral, and its, wow
1/2 an hour ago I had 94 dwarves, current total is...... 48
There isnt a single dwarf in the entire place who isnt spending most of his time tantruming or is already insane. This was set off buy a SINGLE dwarf dying to an ambush, one of his friends got miserable and went beserk
Are tantrum spirals usually THIS devastating?
When you reach the point where you are able to defend your fortress and keep it running with food and water, this is how your fortress will go down in 99% of all future cases. Don't now why people think this is still fun.
IMO this is the only thing on DF that really sucks.
No matter how happy your dwarfs are, if there is an ambush anf they kill fisherdwarfs or anything with a lot of friends, you can abandon your fortress.
Why adbandon?
Its half of the fun to see how your fortress goes down, and try to recover.
I once built my well without thinking about water pressure.
It was in the middle of my dining room/meeting area.
I watched amused as dwarves fleed in all direction, some fleed into the farm that was lower then the river, but higher then the rest of the fort, because i dug it out at the start and walled it up again with another enterance, it was nice to see the dwarves trapped, water infront of them, nowhere to go, the water was slowly rising.
Kind of that scene in the movie 2012 where the doors get stuck.