Alright! Time to reveal the contents of Kuji's Boxes!
The first box seems to contain the equipment of a Kanto Marine from the age of sail!
+1 Officer's Rifle (Inflicts an extra 2 damage on each sucessful attack)
+1 Bayonet (Can be attached to the Officer's Rifle with a move action to turn it into a melee weapon)
+3 Empty Pokeballs with the seal of the Kanto Navy (Great ball, -3 bonus when catching Pokemon Native to the Kanto Region, -3 bonus when catching Pokemon to the ocean habitat)
+1 Well presereved naval officer's uniform
You get the feeling that anything in this box could fetch a good price on the collectors market.
The second box seems much newer... and much more shady.
+1 Brief Note (Mr. Chambers, the subject you sent in, although by no means normal, dose not fit the definition of a Shadow Pokemon. We will retain it for further experimentation. Enclosed is our latest experimental fruit for you to play around with. Keep us posted, and send in any more of those strange Pokemon you find -AA)
+6 Strange Gray Berries
+6 Glowing Maroon Berries
+6 Pulsating Brown Appricorns
*sigh* Sorry guys but looks like I'll be gone for quite a bit longer still. I'm getting a PICC put in, which is basically a longer term IV line. Doc added protein shakes today, so I guess they are raising my ATK base stat... >.> Or something. I'm pretty meh about the whole thing.
Figured I'd let people know at least.
If you are feeling better feel free to whip up a journal. I *may* offer some bonus pity TEXP for it in addition to the normal payout. Tar is doing his best to avoid any activity where TEXP could be rewarded, and still hasn't passed you in Total TEXP earned yet.