Dacquoise the Female Glaceon, Level 35, Exp: 37645, Modest Nature(+SPATK, -ATK), Freezing Point Ability, (base

hp 11, (base 4) atk 4, (base 11) def 12, (base 16) spatk 43, (base 10) spdef 11, (base 7) speed 10, Bonus: Ice Beam Tutored, Berry Attack, uses the berry keyword for damage and type, based on Quick Attack, Hold: Razz Berry - Steel type, 2d10+8, Natural Progression: +1 SPATK, +1 HP
Phale`ne the Shiny Female Venomoth, Lv 35, EXP: 37,500, Ability: Venom, Nature: Timid, (+spd, -atk), (base 7) HP 11, (base 5) ATK 5, (base 6) DEF 10, (base 9) SPATK 30, (base

SPDEF 12, (base 11) SPD 13
Murmure the Male Whismur, Lv 15, EXP: 5000, Soundproof Ability, Jolly Nature(+SPD, -SPATK), Knows:Extrasensory, Hammer Arm, Natural Edge: +3 SPATK, +1 SPD, Natural Progression(lv 15): +1 SPATK, +1 SPD, (base 6) HP 8, (base 5) ATK 6, (base 2) DEF 5, (base 7) SPATK 10, (base 2) SPDEF 5, (base 7) SPD 10
Cole`re the Male Camerupt, Level 35, EXP: 38830, Ability: Solid Rock(x4 weaknesses are at x2, x2 at x1) , Nature: Poised (Nil), (base 7) HP 10, (base 10) ATK 12, (base 13) DEF 13, (base 14) SPATK 37, (base 9) SPDEF 11, (base 5) SPD 9, Knows: Mud Bomb, Stockpile, Spit Up, Swallow, Pact Balled(+6 to Base DEF), Natural Edge(+3 to SPATK, +1 to SPD), Zinc Vitamin!(+1 to base SPDEF)
Jambe the Male Hitmonlee, Level 33, EXP: 33,220, Ability: Reckless, Nature: Hasty(+SPEED -DEF), (base 5) HP 10, (base 12) ATK 34, (base 3) DEF 5, (base 4) SPATK 6, (base 11) SPDEF 12, (base 10) SPD 11
L'acier the Female Ryhorn, Ground/Steel Type, Lv 32, EXP: 32280, Ability: Rock Head, Nature: Docile ( +HP, -DEF), (base 9) HP 15, (base 9) ATK 16, (base 12) DEF 17, (base 3) SPATK 3, (base 3) SPDEF 10, (base 3) SPD 10, 1 Pokemon Reforging Kit (Use on a rock-type at a forge. The Pokemon's rock typing is replaced with steel. Add your DEX or CON modifier to one of the Pokemon's base stats. This kit is single use and very painful to the Pokemon[+4 def]), Knows: TM 39 Rock Tomb
Crustace' the Female Omanyte, Lv 31, EXP: 27900, Ability: Swift Swim, Nature: Composed(nil), (base 4) HP 10, (base 4) ATK 4, (base 10) DEF 15, (base 10) SPATK 19, (base 6) SPDEF 11, (base 4) SPD 10, Knows: Auora Beam, Bide, Ancient Power(tutor), Snore(tutor), 1 Calcium used
Alarme the Male Chatot, Lv 30, Exp: 26500, Ability: Last Chance, Nature Quiet (+SPATK - SPEED), (base

hp 17, (base 7) atk 8, (base 5) def 8, (base 11) spatk 22, (base 4) spdef 7, (base 7) speed 10
Cerveau the Male Elgyem, Lv 26, EXP: 19000, Ability: Mind Mold, Nature: Hasty(+SPD, -DEF), (base 6) HP 10, (base 6) ATK 6, (base 6) DEF 6, (base 9) SPATK 23, (base 6) SPDEF 6, (base 6) SPD 12, One Carbos Used. +1 base SPD, 2 Iron used
Opacite' the Male Driftoon, Level 25, EXP: 17,500, Ability: Unburden, Nature: Rash (+SPATK, -SPDEF), +4 to SPDEF stat from Pact Ball, (base 9) HP 13, (base 5) ATK 9, (base 3) DEF 8, (base 9) SPATK 13, (base 6) SPDEF 10, (base 7) SPD 11, Knows: Trick. 1 Calcium used
Drache the female Finneon, Lv 21, EXP: 11,500, Naughty Nature(+ATK, -SPDEF), Storm Drain Ability,
(base 5) HP 8, (base 7) ATK 10, (base 6) DEF 9, (base 7) SPATK 10, (base 4) SPDEF 5, (base 7) SPD 15, Knows: A3 - Surf, 2 Calcium used
Banane the Male Tropicus, Lv 21, EXP: 12175, Ability: Overgrow, Nature: Naive(+SPD, -SPDEF), Natural Progression(lv20): +1 SPATK, +1 HP, (base 11) HP 14, (base 7) ATK 10, (base

DEF 12, (base

SPATK 13, (base 7) SPDEF 10, (base 7) SPD 10, Knows: Synthesis and Dragon Dance, TM 22, Solarbeam
E'cailles the Male Dragon Servine, Lv 20, EX: 10,000, Dragon/Grass Type, Ability: Rivalry, Modest Nature(+SPATK, -ATK) (base 6) HP 6, (base 4) ATK 4, (base

DEF 8, (base

SPATK 28, (base

SPDEF 8, (base

SPD 8, Knows Twister and Dragon Rush and learns a new random dragon move each time it hits a level divisible by 15.
Veninde the Male Gulpin, Lv 14, EXP: 4000, Ability: Liquid Ooze, Nature: Hardy(+HP, -ATK), Knows: Dream Eater, Acid Armor, Gunk Shot, Natural Edge: +3 ATK, +1 SPD, (base

HP 9, (base 5) ATK 8, (base 5) DEF 8, (base 4) SPATK 6, (base 5) SPDEF 7, (base 5) SPD 7, Hold Item: Black Sludge
Souillon the Male Tepig, Lv 14, EXP: 4750, Thick Fat Ability, Lax Nature(+DEF, -SPDEF), Knows:Endeavor, Sleep Talk, Natural Edge: +3 SPATK, +1 SPD, (base 7) HP 9, (base 6) ATK 6, (base 7) DEF 8, (base

SPATK 16, (base 3) SPDEF 5, (base 6) SPD 7, Knows RM 51, Fire Blast
Ronger the Male Trapinch, Level 13, EXP: 3880, Ability: Hyper Cutter, Nature: Rash (+SPATK, -SPDEF), (base 5) HP 6, (base 10) ATK 16, (base 5) DEF 6, (base 7) SPATK 7, (base 3) SPDEF 5, (base 1) SPD 4
Lueur the Male Pichu, Lv 6, EXP: 200, Ability: Overcharge, Nature: Calm, (+spdef, -atk), (base 2) HP 4, (base 2) ATK 2, (base 2) DEF 4, (base 6) SPATK 7, (base 6) SPDEF 6, (base 6) SPD 7, 2 Calcium used