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Author Topic: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world (DF 34.11)  (Read 814278 times)

Timeless Bob

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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #915 on: June 14, 2013, 09:38:11 pm »

Excerpt from the First Saga of the Long Count:

                    Deeper still the Castle of Night
               Wailing Prison for those Unworthy
          Jealously they gaurd the Eversharp Key
     Needed to open the Admantine Stair
     The Pilgrim's Story, offered freely
          The sculpted artifacts of Name and Past
               The Story's worth the Final Test.
                    Judged by Mighty and Terrible Gaurdians.

                    Alive the Pilgrim, Worthy passes
               Beyond both Stair and Death's embrace
          The Final Descent: Pits of Light
     Armok's Blood renewed.

L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
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Timeless Bob

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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #916 on: June 14, 2013, 09:51:56 pm »

Sagas usually begin with introductions, so I'll begin mine with one as well.  My name is Bob Gethatol ("Bob Pastfinder" in the Merchant Tongue). I've finaly completed my long apprenticeship under Loremistress Kissmystery and have been sent on the Seeker's Journey to discover the Cave of Mastery then place my sigil there.   All those long years memorizing the sagas of the Long Count, engraving practice sigils in slabs of wax and listening to the thoughtful wisdoms of the Masters in preparation to fulfil my hidden destiny.
It's an unsettling mixture:

Excitement to begin in earnest, nostgalia for the safety of familiar duties and the fear that I will not be strong, wise or lucky enough to attain the coveted title of "Master".

As is instructed in the First Saga, I will be recording my thoughts and experiences in this journal using "third person", with the hope that one day my Name or Story may become significant enough to attempt the Deep Pilgrimage.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 09:55:14 pm by Timeless Bob »
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
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Timeless Bob

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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #917 on: June 15, 2013, 12:04:05 am »

So begins this tale of wonder:
In a hamlet named Bookdanced, within the Prairie of Combinations, "Timeless" Bob Gethatol began his search for a symbol of powerful personal significance - a journey undertaken by many but accomplished by few.  Clad in cloth and wool with a copper spear in his hand and a copper dagger at his waist, he began by... being at a bit of a loss about what to do.  How, specifically, does a person find enlightenment?  "When in doubt, ask."

Re-entering the Apprentice's bunkhouse to say his farewells, he took his friend Ukap Bushlock aside and asked her,
"Any ideas where I should start?"
"You're traveling alone?  In the wilds?! You know better than that."
"Then join me." he replied smiling.  "Be my companion for awhile."
"Er... I'm not ready." she blushed, looking away from his steady gaze.
"I thought as much. Instead, tell me where you think I should go to begin my journey."
Biting her lips she cast her mind across the few places that seemed interesting to her.  "You could try seeking out the Sage of Goremined."
"Kege Toothseared?  Nobody's heard from him for awhile!  Yeah... that could work!  Thanks, beautiful!"
Leaving her to blush deeply, Bob set his gaze east to the town of Tundrascribes where that sage was said to dwell. However, before he left the quiet of Bookdanced, he decided to pay his respects to Loremistress Kas Kissmystery who had taught him much more than merely the Sagas of the Long Count.

She greeted him warmly as he strode into the room. "So, you are finally on your way, Pastfinder."
Handing him a small bag, she continued, "Take these berries as a parting gift. The way may be long." She smiled prettily once more, then turned to her young charges and began the day's lesson.  This was no longer his place, was her wordless reminder, go and do not tarry here.

So, hiring a guide by the name of Abo Trickstops, he set his gaze westward, toward Tundrascribes and the Sage of Goremined.  Along the way, Bob asked his guide about his family, to make conversation and Abo responded happily.

« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 12:10:00 am by Timeless Bob »
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
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Timeless Bob

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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #918 on: June 15, 2013, 01:43:39 pm »

The two hiked ever eastward all morning, through the gently rolling, alder studded hills of the Prairie of Combinations.  Towards noon, they came upon a river deep enough to need to be swum across.
"I don't think I can swim across that river wearing this rather heavy armor", commented Abo as he regarded the flow.
"Do you know of a good place to cross?", replied Bob dubiously eyeing the waters himself.  Carp and other such terrors lived in such places and those were no friends to dwarves.
After a moment to think about it, Abo responded, "I believe if we head upstream, we should find the spring this springs from."
Indeed, it was a a hike of only a few hours more before they were admiring the view of the fresh spring waters, lunching on a stork Abo had caught napping in the cool shade of a willow.  Before long the meal was ended, they both refreshed themselves in the waters and topped up their drinking skins before continuing eastward.

As the afternoon sun crept ever lower, a series of great tombs came into view.
"What do you know about these?" Bob asked his guide, "and what of Tundrascribes?"
Scratching his chin in thought, he pointed northeast.  "My maternal grandmother lives up in Stylesumbral the Spiteful Ice, just over that way.  I've heard tell of a couple semi-famous tombs in Tundrascribes.  One's called "The Faces of Sticking" and the other's called "The Trussed Harmony".  However, I've also heard of a tomb-yard called "Reveregoals".  I believe that's what we're seeing. In the city proper, There's a great keep named "The Courteous Storms" and a temple to Ukap Taxwandered named "The South Chapel".  Watch out for those Taxists - they'd call down a curse on you soon as look at you."
Intrigued, Bob quickly replied, "I would very much like to meet your grandmother and ask her about her life.  Would you mind setting that up before we reach our destination?"
"It'll cost you five coppers more", Abo replied smiling.
"How about one coppers and the rest of this stork?", countered Bob returning the smile.
Grinning now in obvious anticipation, Abo returned with another offer and they joyfully dickered until sunset, settling on the final price of two coppers, half the currently remaining stork meat and two of the gifted berries.  Bob didn't mind that he was paying too much, but it was undwarvenly not to dicker over the relative worth of any goods.  After all, any prospective Deep Pilgrim would have to have that skill honed to a razor's edge to win past the Terrible Guardians mentioned in the First Saga. Besides, there was the added enjoyment of seeing the glee on Abo's face when the deal was amended so much in his favor.  Now he could brag to the other guides that he'd dickered with a dwarf and still come out on top!
  The extra sum was exchanged as they both prepared their bedrolls next to the fire, the icy stream water a tinkling counterpoint to the two companion's snores.

L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #919 on: June 15, 2013, 03:24:45 pm »

I looked up your position using that small map you posted, It's still a long way to the museum...  Good luck, I enjoy the story so far.

Timeless Bob

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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #920 on: June 15, 2013, 03:50:57 pm »

The second day of his journey found Bob and his trusty guide Abo exploring the area around the tombs they'd slept next to the night before.  After scouting around through the underbrush, Bob was finally able to sketch an accurate map of the area.


It was hot, dusty work but immensely satisfying nonetheless.  To the north of the tombs a sturdy stone bridge spanned the river and a path leading to the hamlet of Townreleased beckoned.  "Perhaps they know more about who lies buried in these tombs", Bob commented to his guide.  Abo merely shrugged and indicated that they should continue that way if he liked - that also would bring him to thier destination.

Night found them trudging past fields to the south of the hamlet, and Bob breifly considered pushing on, with a warm bed under him and solid walls around him, but Abo pointed out that the villagers most likely were already in thier beds and that it would be rude to disturb thier slumbers.  Agreeing that it would be the best choice after all, they bedded down next to thier cozy campfire and fell into an easy slumber, the lullabye of grasses rustling in the breeze quickly lulling them both into a deep, dreamless slumber.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 03:53:31 pm by Timeless Bob »
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii

Timeless Bob

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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #921 on: June 15, 2013, 10:19:49 pm »

The third day they hiked into the hamlet and the pleasant folks of that place greeted them with smiles and nods.  The headman, a rotund fellow named Medon Gemhumid, eventually made his bumbling way up to them, bowed and with sausage-like fingers clasped around his paunch in a most satisfied manner, asked, "Good day to you.  If you are seeking anything in particular, perhaps I may be of service?"
"Have you ever heard of The Cave of Mastery?" Bob asked
"Nooo... can't say that I have."
"No problem, what can you tell me about the tombs just south of here?"
"Ah...", the headman began sweating a bit and clutched his hands more tightly about his paunch, "I can tell you they're very old.  Legend says that after a great battle, many heroes were entombed there but which battle or what heroes has been forgotten.  There is a curse on the place, however - disturb those who rest within and risk leaving your bones there yourself!  Because of the curse, no one has tried to explore it.  That's all I or really anyone else here knows about them."
"I see..."
Abo, who was standing behind the rotund figure, rolled his eyes and indicated with his eyebrows that they should continue on their way and Bob had to agree that "ambassador" Gemhumid was friendly but of no real help.
"Good day to you, Ambassador Gemhumid."
"And a safe journey to you, gentlefolk.", the man replied.
While friendly, the man had looked relieved that they were continuing on their way.  Bob wondered for a moment if the headman knew a bit more about those tombs than he'd let on, but was unwilling to explore the matter more fully.  If there really was a curse, he'd be a fool to be sidetracked so easily just because he'd happened upon an intriguing mystery.  Fitting thought to deed, he and Abo left the place and resumed thier journey.

Following the course of the river, they soon passed just south of another hamlet named "Dateround".  Bob was hiking along when suddenly the sun gleamed off a bit of metal half buried in the loam. Kicking at it revealed it a bit more and the musical "tink" was unmistakable to his dwarven ears. Gold!  An omen of things to come, perhaps.

Chortling at his good fortune, he pocketed the coin and they continued following the river.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 10:21:56 pm by Timeless Bob »
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii

Timeless Bob

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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #922 on: June 15, 2013, 10:29:15 pm »

When they finally strode into the outskirts of Tundrascribes, they passed by a curious sight: a sturdy little house with a hole torn in one side.  A young woman was trying futiley to patch the hole while a child played nearby.  What was so odd were the three corpses laid side by side just to one side of the hole.  One clutched a crossbow, one a whip and the third a carving knife.
"I beg your pardon, ma'am.  What happened?", inquired Bob curiously.
"...fixer upper! fixer upper! It's a fixer upper all right, by Unzo..." muttered the woman, lost in her own reverie. The child, however, ran up to them cheerfully and gazed curiously at the two travelers.

"Good day to you, young one." Bob greeted
"It sure is, mister! ", replied the child cheerfully before adding, "I'm little, but I'm not a young-un.  I'm sixty seven years old next week!"
Abo looked sharply up at this, saying, "Are you related to Orma Gallerywhim?"
The little fellow laughed and slapped his thigh before drying his eyes and replying, "Aye, young-un, she was my grandmother and Ala Crushedwave is my grandfather."
Stuttering in disbelief, Abo gestured to the child-seeming man.
"Mr Pastfinder, this is the grandson of the current sacred luxury of the West Doctrines.  This is Nisam Mythcobalt." He then gestured to Bob, "This man is named Timeless Bob

Pastfinder, a historian from Bookdanced on his Seeker's Journey."
The little man gestured Bob nearer, then whispered into his ear as he bent to hear it, "My grandfather may be able to tell you where your cave may lie, but be wary if you go to

speak with him, all is not as it may seem.  I can tell you no more."
He then made a hasty farewell and ran, childlike indeed, back into the house.
"What an odd little fellow." Bob commented to Abo.
Looking down from his human altitude at his traveling companion, Abo responded, "Aye."

"What did he whisper to you?" asked Abo quietly after they had walked a bit in silence
"Something about his grandfather knowing where the Cave of Mastery was, but not being what he seemed.", replied Bob in puzzlement.  "It was very cryptic."
"Maybe my grandmother will be able to fill in the details", suggested Abo which cleared the puzzled frown from Bob's face.
"Lets hope so."

Once in the city, Abo led him to the city cistern and down a series of ramps to the level of the water.

Skirting around the water, he opened the first door, remarking, "My grandmother has been living down here in obscurity since Ala became the sacred luxury.  It's a sort of family tradition, you see..." he continued down the hallway, past the grave of a nameless peasant and turned the corner. "Just down these stairs, here.  Mind your step..."

Suddenly, from out of the gloom sped an arrow followed quickly by another, both striking Abo with horrible wet Thwack! Thwack! sounds.
"Abo?  Are... are you hurt?" called Bob desperately.  No answer, just the sounds of someone retching

Glancing around the corner, Bob could see nothing, but an arrow flew past his nose and embedded itself in the wall behind him.
"I'm going for help! Just, just don't die, OK?  I'll be right back!"
Bob flew back up the ramps shouting for help, "Help! Help! Murder! Help!"

A leatherworker hailed him from the street, "What's this ruckus?"
"My friend is being murdered down there!", shouted Bob in a panic
Her eyes widened. "Come on, then, we have to go get the City Watch." then she sprinted down the street, Bob right behind her.
Soon enough, a Watchman yelled down from on top of the wall, "What's all the commotion?"
"His friend's being murdered just down the street."
Whistling to two other watchmen, he called down, "lead us to it then!  This better not be some tomfoolery!"
Bob and the leatherworker waited for the three watchmen to descend then ran back the way they had come, shouting "This way!"
Arriving at the down-ramp, the three watchmen's visages darkened still further.
"Dangerous area down there." Kudpa commented.  "I hope whatever you were doing down there was worth it."

"My companion was taking me to see his grandmother." Bob explained as they navigated the ramps downward. "She's a former sacred luxury..."
A quick shove and a long plummet ended his descent rather abruptly.  As he floundered around in the water, he heard the pretty leatherworker's horrified screams mixed with the coarse retreating laughter of the City Watchmen. 

This tale of wonder ends in woe as does Timeless Bob Pastfinder.

Whomever finds this journal, please return my spear and my tale to Loremistress Kissmystery in the hamlet of Bookdanced upon the Plains of Combination.
May your journeys be longer than mine and more satisfying.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 10:56:24 pm by Timeless Bob »
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii

Timeless Bob

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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #923 on: June 15, 2013, 11:15:53 pm »

OK, that was certainly unexpected.  One of the guards I'd recruited from a nearby tower in the city wall attacked me for no apparent reason and I dodged it successfully... Right out into open space and down three z-levels into a pool with no exit ramps.  I quickly floundered to my death, my last gasps used completing my story in the traditional dwarvenly fashion. 

I blame that child-like man just outside of town.  It's just too weird to be playing outside while an unknown drudge cleans his house, leaving the rotting remains of both of his parents and somebody named "Gethud" laying where they died "of old age" back in 1107.  I smell a rat, and not a tasty one either.

Here's my journey in a nutshell:

I didn't get very far, but did leave a few mysteries behind:
  • Where exactly IS the Cave of Mastery?
  • Why did Ambassador Gemhumid evade speaking about Reveregoals?
  • Was Abo's grandmother living in the Tundrascribes ghetto or was Bob being set up for a fatal mugging?
  • Who lost a gold coin south of Daterounds and are there other treasures buried there in the loam?
  • What kind of curriculum does Loremistress Kissmystery teach, anyway?

OK, so I'll be working on my fortress now.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 11:24:45 pm by Timeless Bob »
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii

Eric Blank

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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #924 on: June 16, 2013, 12:10:26 am »

That particular human civilization is the best stop on anyone's journey across the isthmus connecting the east and west landmasses, so any one of us could have dropped the coin there if we decided we didn't need it. I know I've been through the region twice, although I don't recall visiting those particular towns.

Place has a shady history and certainly would have a hatred of adventurers, though: some of us that wandered through almost certainly murdered the residents of one of the keeps I came upon, and probably plenty of others.
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #925 on: June 16, 2013, 11:49:35 am »

OK, that was certainly unexpected.  One of the guards I'd recruited from a nearby tower in the city wall attacked me for no apparent reason and I dodged it successfully... Right out into open space and down three z-levels into a pool with no exit ramps.  I quickly floundered to my death, my last gasps used completing my story in the traditional dwarvenly fashion. 


OK, so I'll be working on my fortress now.

Unexpected indeed, I don't think I've seen such an act of treachery before. Are you sure you didn't dodge an arrow from the enemies below?
Also, those isoworld screenshots look great, I certainly have to use this tool more.

Timeless Bob

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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #926 on: June 19, 2013, 12:11:54 pm »

Sometimes I wonder if there's a "you're totally screwed" switch in the DF code somewhere.  Anyhow, The Tower of Seers is as done as it's gonna be without a few reclaims to clear out the "Fun".  Here's the save.

Please stick me back on the list.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 12:24:45 pm by Timeless Bob »
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #927 on: June 19, 2013, 01:03:34 pm »

I'll update the turn list, and I'll PM Hostergaard.

The Tower of Seers can apparently be found in southeastern Dinnerwandered. Here's an updated map
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 01:55:14 pm by Bralbaard »


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #928 on: June 19, 2013, 03:22:47 pm »

This is one of my favourite threads on Bay12. I like the epic scope of what you guys are trying to achieve!

I hope you don't mind but I nominated The Museum on the Hall of Legends.
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #929 on: June 22, 2013, 05:07:33 am »

Right, just finished reading up on all the adventures that happened since I posted for a turn. Will get to my adventure soon.
They decided to leave my fortress via the circus because the front door was locked to keep Goblins out.  THAT should be an interesting trip back to the Mountainhome.
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