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Author Topic: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world (DF 34.11)  (Read 800017 times)


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1800 on: May 04, 2014, 04:53:14 pm »

Slibtu Licothrathdad, adventurer.

We made our way out of Dinnerwandered by way of the main road. The safest route to Combinelocks is to go along the coast, and the road goes right up there. We soon come upon Goodbrews, the giant brewery set up right next to the city. The moment I stepped onto the grounds, a grisly sight appeared:

Dozens of goblin bodies litter the paving stones that mark the beginning of the fortress. The rest of the road isn't better. Garbage, corpses, objects, and beer all are scattered about. While walking through the cluttered street, I decide to enter the large northern building to grab some supplies for later. I realize only too late that that was a mistake. Before I can blink, the whirr of mechanisms and giant spiked balls both come out of the walls and floor and nearly kill me. When I awake, I am bleeding and retching. Ibu was wise enough to pull me away from the doorway and into the street.

After a time, the pain and nausea subside, and I can stand again. My nose seems permanently broken, though. Ignoring my new, itchy scars, I decide that no booze is worth that much pain. I pick up a shield from a nearby body and we continue on our journey.

"Ibu! Get back here! It's just a weasel!" I've had to yell that too many times, and we've only been traveling for a few hours. I know she hates weasels, but is this really necessary?

It's been a while since I've last seen Ibu. Has she gone running off to kill another weasel? Before I can yell for her again, I hear a gut-wrenching scream in the distance, followed by the sounds of several boars. 'If I can get over to her fast enough-' My thoughts are interrupted when the screaming suddenly stops. My heart sinks with the knowledge that Ibu is dead. I must press on to the next village.

Dusk starts to fall before I can get too far. I run north, hoping to get to the coast before night arrives. Legends say that the shadows that stalk the darkness despise the ocean. Suddenly, a monitor lizard attacks me out of nowhere. I try to fight it off, but fail miserably. After a horribly one-sided battle, it bites my head and everything goes dark.

This sort of thing is really common amongst my adventurers... Oh well. The save is here .

Also, please add me to the list again.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2014, 05:36:33 pm by Argonnek »


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1801 on: May 04, 2014, 05:23:10 pm »

Dude, you do seem particularly unlucky. Did you loot any decent armour and weapons from Dinnerwandered first? There should still be something left of the stash I left on my last turn.

And I think Eric visited Combinelocks, we just have no record of it.
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1802 on: May 04, 2014, 05:37:44 pm »

Yeah, I probably should have looted a helmet at the very least. I'll do that next time.

Timeless Bob

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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1803 on: May 04, 2014, 10:34:23 pm »

Dwarven beer is a valuable commodity.  Perhaps some adventurer will be able to survive Goodbrews' internal defenses to retrieve some for the Museum.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1804 on: May 05, 2014, 02:25:35 pm »

I've added plancky's stuff to Erik's adventure, and I've updated the front page with other links to adventures I hadn't linked to.
It's Kromgar's turn...


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1805 on: May 06, 2014, 09:35:05 am »

I've been watching this for some time now without actually playing. Can I get the next available turn?


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1806 on: May 06, 2014, 11:34:17 am »

You actually asked that before, you're on position 73 on the list :-)


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1807 on: May 08, 2014, 09:26:23 am »

So i just noticed the email today I downloaded the save but have a question is the Peasant rule still in effect or can I make a hero?


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1808 on: May 08, 2014, 09:39:51 am »

Hero is allowed, just not demigod.
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1809 on: May 08, 2014, 07:00:38 pm »

Uh so I just realized maybe i shouldn't of done this but the dragonhide backpack in the museum I took a large serrated disk... Although if I survive i shall return it. So far its looking like my new character is essentially Kasluns deranged child as she has once again choked someone in dinnerwandered until she became a master wrestler. Now my journey has gotten very interesting


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1810 on: May 09, 2014, 05:23:45 pm »

Ha! Technically the backpack was Dishmab's first entry, the serrated disk he picked up on his travels. I think it might be from Crimsondepths?

You have my permission to use the disk and also feel free to eat the unicorn steaks in there too :P
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.

Eric Blank

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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1811 on: May 11, 2014, 05:54:02 pm »

A large serrated disk is truly a terrifying weapon. You should have little trouble disemboweling the evils of the world.
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1812 on: May 12, 2014, 08:46:56 am »

My name is Aco Pikaemsi. I am the bastard child of Kaslun Wadsomber born out of wedlock. My father was quite old when I was born eventually he was slain by a man I know is named Dishmab I have decided to follow in my fathers foot steps and I will journey the world in search of something worthy for the Museum in dinnerwandered a decaying city that has been in decline since the rule of the Vampire Fishman King and ever since his death. But still the Museum is a popular location in the city housing many artifacts a few my Father borugh to the museum the largest exhibits having come from him especially the enormous pile of bone artifacts made by the Dead Vampire King. My father slew said King by throwing arrows precisely aimed leading to the King bleeding to death. Now my Journey begins

1: A journey begins
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I leave my small village behind armed with my axe trained in spotting traps, swimming, and sneaking from my time as a Hunter.

2: The Museum

I have finally arrived after hearing so much about the Museum. Words gave it no justice seeing all these artifacts from across the world gathered in one single building enormous monster corpses and masterwork creations. I noticed there was a stairwell leading downwards and went forth there I saw a slab noting that it was dangerous I trekked forward fearing nothing that could hide in the basements of this city  the Vampire King is dead and the sewers have all been emptied what could there be to fear?

3: The Kobold

There in the depths I saw a Kobold armed with a spear I charged forth and fought it. The wretched little thing stabbed me with its spear! STABBED ME! My right leg was now bleeding and then I felt an enormous rush of anger using my grappling skills I took its weapons... Then I broke every limb in its body choking it and torturing it for hours on end. Hahahahahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Days I spent torturing this Kobold breaking its limbs over and over again choking it to near death but never killing it I spent days down in the Castle basement and this Kobold was my play thing... I had heard my father was renowned for his skills in Grappling having choked the entire Vampire Kings cult to death with his own hands. Perhaps I am my fathers child hahahahahahahahahahaha. The wound from the Kobold has healed and now I have a scar... The wretched little thing

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(Here are my Stats after choking the Kobold note the increase in speed and now Aco is INCREDIBLY Muscular)
4: Returning to the Museum up top I took one item from the exhibit a Large Serrated Glass Disc from a dragonhide Backpack... I love my axe but the Disc called to me and who would mind If i took it? Then I saw who had left this backpack in the exhibit the Contributors name... Dashmib. I don't even feel guilty anymore.

5: Journey to the West

I have decided to head west from Dinnerwandered in search of anything to bring to the Museum. On the road out I encountered a large dwarven settlement how odd a settlement this close to Dinnerwandered and on our roads no less? These dwarves must be Brazen to do such a thing. Upon getting closer to the settlement I began to notice something was off... there was corpses so many corpses of goblins, humans, and Trolls. The fortress was dilapidated but I could see small figures moving around in the distance. I began moving closer when I began to notice there were traps everywhere thankfully my training allowed me to avoid the traps. I began searching the areas surrounding the fortress when a Dwarf flung at me attacking me... I didn't appreciate that... Not one bit so I put him in a chokehold and sawed his head in with my disc. Then I saw a child running at me armed with a knife...I did the same but I won't have ANYONE harm me. NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER. So I began sawing off all his limbs while he was unconcious... Its a shame he bleed to death I could of kept him as a pet. AHAHAHHA.

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I began delving deeper after finding an open pit into the Earth there dormitories all abandoned everything inside was abandoned I would find a few crazed dwarves who attempted to attack me but using the Disc they were dispatched easily. I kept going deeper the air getting hotter and hotter and hotter. Then near the bottom of the World I saw rock... It was unlike any i had seen before dark red in color molten... but not molten. In front of the rock was a Dwarf outfitted in beautiful leather armor wielding an exquisitely crafted Crossbow. Sadly for him it appeared he didn't have any bolts good for me though because I chopped him into bits and took the armor and bow. He had a tag on him that said "Captain of the Guard".

6: The Cave

Eventually I journeyed back to the surface and raided their warehouse for food and drink even the warehouse had been trapped. I also managed  to pick up a quiver and some arrows and left that fortress. I trekked further west until eventually I had a feeling there was a lair of a monster nearby. i eventually found a small tunnel in the ground where I slept for the night. Then I heard a roar it wasn't like any wolf or coyote I had heard before. But... it wasn't from outside it was inside the cave. There I saw it... about the size of a small child huddled in the  corner a ferocious beast with scales and a frill.

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My disc barely pierced its scales and suddenly the beast bit me trying to tear my arm but thankfully my armor protected me. I kept trying to destroy its teeth or its hands but to to no avail it kept clawing and biting but then I remembered what my father had done long ago. I grabbed the arrow from my Quiver and threw it at the beast. It was a square hit in the chest it appeared to have trouble breathing so I think its lung had been pierced. Then I threw another and another. Then the last arrow hit true and hit the Wereiguana in the head and it suddenly collapsed to the ground. There I ended its miserable life. Good riddance.

7: The journey home

I decided I would head back to dinnerwandered and rest for a month after the fierce battle with the Wereiguana. I went to the fortress once more and raided its warehouse of all the food I could carry and a empty barrel I filled with water taking residence in one of the many abandoned homes in Dinnerwandered.

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End of Journal

Now I sit and wait hoping I have Wereiguanism.

Also Aco is truly Kasluns daughter after she killed a Animal Human Hybrid with an arrow


Full name:

Aco Knitadmire ~ The Sly Rhymes of Glee

« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 10:01:16 am by Kromgar »


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1813 on: May 12, 2014, 02:16:24 pm »

Was it Goodbrews you arrived at? I wonder why the dwarves attacked you.

And I have to say.. torturing children? Evil! You make Dishmab look like a saint!
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1814 on: May 12, 2014, 04:32:05 pm »

That wereiguana looks awesome.
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