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Author Topic: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world (DF 34.11)  (Read 799993 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1425 on: January 21, 2014, 01:27:37 pm »


You probably shouldn't have said he died, then  :P

Kesperan did put it in spoilertags, and in a rare moment of restraint I actually avoided reading it... anyhow still looking forward to the full story.
I'll pm the next adventurer

Edit: Cynm actually beat me to it :-)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1426 on: January 21, 2014, 01:38:50 pm »

The Return of Dishmab Northmanor, the Mute Saffron Soot

Part 1

14th Galena 1152

How long I have been here in this little room, with him? It feels like decades.

I glance over to the eerie mist thrall nonchalantly chewing on a cat corpse.

Every so often there is an attempt by the local militia or some civic minded adventurer to try to evict Nil and I but it never ends well for them. The scattered body parts and blood dripping from the walls and ceiling are testament to that.

The last chap was more interesting, Leslem Spoonedboys I think his name was. He was muttering something about wanting to inter the dead adventurers in some sort of tomb to the north. Sounded like a good idea to me, but Nil decided to cut him in half. I reanimated him to ask him further but he was not terribly talkative.

I saunter outside. Cat corpses lay everywhere. For some reason they are drawn to Nil. I find a strange note clenched in the hand of a severed arm, which I had not noticed before.

Code: [Select]

The Black Baron has requested you. The Black Gate opens tonight!”

The Black Baron… a glimmer of recognition flashed in my unliving mind. Stukos Stirflag was my cousin’s uncle, and a proud warrior of The Rough Labor. I wasn’t sure of the reference of the Black Gate but I did remember Stukos had taken a contingent of dwarfs of the Rough Labor, the Impervious Fist if I recall, far to the south west and set up a fort on the mouth of a river on the coast of the Water of Meditation. Ironhelm the Ocean-Castle they had grandly called it.

Wrapped in the note was a gold coin, a golden Dumaterith, 1137. A coin of the Rough Labor. How long ago had this message been sent? I searched for a while and found a few fragmented scraps of cloth and a map, the map had been updated in 1152 with the new known dwarven settlements. 1152! I had been in that hovel for twenty seven years. Gods only know what has happened to the Black Baron!

Finally I felt something stirring in my heart once more. A desire to explore. First, though, I would clean this room. Many great warriors had died here and they deserved better than to be playthings for Swifttoast. I searched and gathered as many identifiable remains as I could. I found remains of Logic Legendfinder, the first adventurer to visit the museum, Stasbo Humorbury and something belonging to Adil Wireskin, brave companion of Feb Minesizzled. These warriors deserved to reside in that tomb if anyone did.  I felt a pang of guilt – I could not see any sign of Thel Indigozephyrs or Kaslun Wadsomber, whose lives I had ended.  Pausing to reflect, I gathered the unrecognisable remains and left the adventurer’s home for this first time in nearly 30 years.

I stealthily travelled into the city of Dinnerwandered. Arriving at the Museum and evading the guards, I was surprised to find no new additions. What had happened to the Museum in myabsence? Were there no great adventurers left? In the centre of the room was a great collection of blood of the vampire Ustres Crestedcomets. I seem to remember Thel yelling he had slain this creature as he charged at me, weapon raised. I drink a waterskin full of this blood but feel no different.

To the guard tower to the east I went next and deposited a great number of weapons, armour and useful supplies of all sizes. The dead adventurers would not need them anymore and perhaps they would inspire a new generation.

Next, I descended to the catacombs and buried there the remains of the unknown adventurers.

It was time to set off again, and I strode purposefully northwards towards this Tomb of Heroes.

15th Galena 1152

You will remember the Intesity of Masters!

I am ambushed by humans. I almost feel sorry for them, but I have not used my axe in quite a while and I relish the practice. Sadly, I think the Intensity of Masters will indeed be forgotten.

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It is dark when I arrive at the outskirts of the tomb. Impalas seem to have overrun this place and they do not take kindly to my presence, scattering in fear.

At the top of a small hill, I find the entrance to the tomb lit by ever-burning campfires. Outside the entrance lies the mutilated headless corpse of Keth Tunnelpads, fearsome thresher mummy beheaded by Nil on his travels to this site. I gesture and Keth shambles into unlife. Without a head he is unable to talk, and I let him wander a while. I can’t find his head anywhere…

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I deposit the remains of Logic, Stasbo and Adil in the silver sarcophagus, and place two trinkets of Logics – he was always fascinated by dragons. Never saw the attraction myself, overrated in my eyes.

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Having paid my respects to the dead, I unfurl my new map. A lot has changed in 30 years. To the far east some insane overseer has attempted to build a fort on a tiny swamp island off the coast of the main continent. The Castle of Urges it is named. Sounds like a vile place, and a good place to start my new adventures.

16th Galena 1152

I travel east and it is not long until I enter the Grim Hills - foul territory of the Curse of Mites. The goblins here are right to fear me. We have history. Foul pungent mucus rains from the blackened sky and harpies hoot and squabble in the distance.

Tell them it was the Intensity of Masters if you live!

Not these guys again. I am attacked by Opra Lureseizure. She seems to be missing a left hand.
I wonder who she has had a run in with before... She is no longer a threat when I hack her right arm off at the shoulder and she quickly exsanguinates. Her companion fares no better as I spill his guts and slice off his legs. These bandit attacks are becoming pathetic. Two bandits against me?

I have not travelled far when the harpies I heard earlier make themselves known. I carve open the first harpy’s chest and tear its heart. As it bleeds to death I break the skull of the second with my shield.

I pause to wash the pungent mucus off at a stream and press on eastwards. On the outskirts of the goblin civilisation I enter an encampment to find it trashed. The only survivor is a sole goblin master lasher. She has a masterwork iron whip and I find her a worthy opponent, we trade blows until I crush her skull. I take her whip and marvel at its construction. It is a weapon I am unfamiliar with although I do remember using one to incapacitate a minotaur in Crimsondepths. A glimmer of a smile crosses my face. I remember that place. A beast of fire and a bismuth bronze spider remain there and I will return to end them one day.

Not far from the ransacked camp, I spot a low squat rock formation with a curious palm door.
Entering, I am confronted by a gloom freak who appears to be mashing some bumblebees in his back room. After a short tussle I behead him. He has quite a nice house and I consider retiring here – anything would be better than sharing that room with Nil.

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Not far from the lair is the goblin hamlet of Boarmenaces. It appears that goblins and dwarves cohabit here in some strange arrangement. There are dwarven corpses everywhere, so perhaps the goblins are not quite so accommodating hosts. In one house is the corpse of a dwarven trader, his goods piled high. I spot a fine pair of steel gauntlets. This trader is selling the secrets of steel to these foul goblins!

I must stop the knowledge of steel falling into goblin hands, and descend upon the town in a hurricane of blood. I slaughter every goblin I can find. I must travel to their capital to learn what they have discovered!

Sadly for my bloodthirst, the nearby capital is deserted. Goblin skeletons litter the place and they appear to have been dead for decades.

In the keep, is the corpse of the goblin Zolak Sastobub, slain by Bralbaard Tolmohathur, whose name I remember from the Tomb of Heroes. There is no glory for Dishmab Northmanor here.

17th Galena 1152

After travelling further east I arrive at the coastal goblin port of Wipeticks, which is again deserted.  The fort is constructed of vivid green garnierite and in the catacombs there I find a bandit encampment and an olm woman vampire, who I slaughter.

The Castle of Urges lies far off the eastern coast and I dive wordlessly into the black murk of the ocean, beginning my long swim.

18th Galena 1152

Landfall on the Bog of Starving. It is about as lovely as it sounds. As soon I as I set foot on the beach I am accosted by a honey badger, whose head I bite off. Everything around me is caked in horrid slush and as I clean my equipment a small creature known as a grimeling launches itself at me. I quickly dismember it. This island is very small and is indeed only a stepping stone to the main landmass. I continue swimming south east toward the Swamp of Dreading.

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I arrive at night and by dawn I spot a shambling dwarf skeleton – I must be close to this castle of Urges. What delights await me in this blighted bog, reeking of undeath?

I find the militis captain staring wistfully across the ocean. He is crisscrossed in scars and boasts of slaughtering 29 zombie storks, a mad grin on his face. I eventually find the fort itself dug into the shale of the beach. An insane clothier splashes in the froth of the waves.  Despite searching for a few hours I find no further deeper structures or signs of civilisation. The stairwells are full of water and I suspect the dwarves suffered the folly of setting their foundations on an undead beach. The dwarves were clearly driven witless by the isolation, thick wormy tendrils and zombie storks.

I begin my long swim west to the mainland.

19th Galena 1152

I swim for most of the day, making landfall at sunset. Bogeymen beset me as soon as I step off the beach and they do not last long.

20th Galena 1152

My general direction is south west if I am to reach the far away citadel of Ironhelm the Ocean-Castle and meet the Black Baron, Stukos Stirflag. I therefore head south. The dwarven fort of Palechamber lies far to the south and this will be my next destination.

I stride southwards through the Finger of Entrails mountain range, past a looming volcano. This makes way to the Hill of Drool. The barren landscape is dead for miles.

In the Plain of Drips I am ambushed by a gang of Kobolds. I slice the nearest ones arm off.
The arm reanimates and charges for the kobold nervously slinging arrows at me. The arm is beaten to the kill, however, by me biting the bow-kobold’s head off.

I wander the haunted plains for days looking for bandits or monsters. This place is desolate. The towns are deserted and the lands are featureless.

24th Galena 1152

I arrive in the Hamlet of Doommonstrous, which also is deserted. Slightly westward is the town of Singedsin and the humans there tell me of these lands, little of which is marked on my map.
An animal dissector tells me of a dragon lair!

As I leave town I notice a suspicious fishery worker wearing human bone jewellry. I renounce the vampire Duka Swallowedsinged! I hack the vampire to death in a shower of gore. His blood soaks the earth. I fill a llama wool bag with his blood and wonder if this will be more effective at transferring the curse.

26th Galena 1152

Having travelled west for two days, I arrive at the Sizzling Sparks... a dragon lair! Acathi Heatflickers the Branded Diamond lunges at me. I hack off its tail with my adamantine axe, and when it rears on me, I cleave its head open. It collapses in a heap.

A bellow of rage emanates from the rear of the cavern. Acathi’s mate screams in horror and anger and unleashes a gout of fire, which glances off my steel shield. I punch and kick it, before slicing its belly open. As it lunges into me to bite me in half, I bite it back, and it falls into unconsciousness. I punch the dragon in the face, sending its teeth cascading around the cramped cave. The dragon  breathes no more.

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I gather up the teeth of Ongong Fireflares the Diamond of Sweltering, and place them in my pack.
Wiping the blood from my axe, I look to my map. Palechamber lies to the south east over the Foolish Hills, sinister mountains and murk. It would be far quicker to go over the terrifying mountains than around them, so I head to the peaks in the distance.

As I travel south west over the mountains I am suddenly engulfed in a cloud of heinous ash!
I collapse to the ground, choking. Bruises erupt over my body and I am affected by a creeping paralysis.  My weapons and shields clatter to the ground. I crawl slowly as I feel my body shutting down.

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I rummage in my pack and find the blood of the vampire I slaughtered. Gasping, I drink it down in thick clots, and lapse into unconsciousness.
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1427 on: January 21, 2014, 03:01:48 pm »

Ouch! there definitely are some nasty syndromes out there, such a cloud can outright kill you or cause you to bleed out..
I'll update the site descriptions for the visited sites.

Edit: Can I conclude that the Tomb of Heroes is once again haunted by the mummy Keth Tunnelpads, but this time without his head, or did he follow you off the site?
« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 03:09:33 pm by Bralbaard »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1428 on: January 21, 2014, 04:02:26 pm »

All will become clear in time Mr Bralbaard.

He didn't leave the tomb with me. But even so, he is just a normal zombie now. He was killed and reanimated so he does not have his mummy powers any more.
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.

Eric Blank

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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1429 on: January 21, 2014, 04:31:15 pm »

I'm a bit surprised that Bora died. He always seemed like the most badass of the adventurers, even if he wasn't the most powerful.

He was indeed a most awesome dude. Guess his plan for world domination will have to go to a successor, or something. Still waiting to find out what the hell happened there.
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1430 on: January 21, 2014, 10:02:42 pm »

Part 2 - The journey South

27th Galena 1152

I awake, and feel the sun on my face. I am not dead, and I feel... different. A strange gnawing in my stomach that I have not felt in decades. I thirst… for blood! My body feels different, stronger and leaner. I realise I have become a vampire.

I look at my hands. The bruises have healed, and I am able to use my limbs again. My body is still coated in heinous ash, but I feel... stronger. In a delirious haze I stumble down the remainder of the mountains and into a small goblin village, Malignwitches.

I hear a great commotion and enter a building to find goblins viciously attacking each other! As soon as the angry mob have finished bludgeoning to death a hammergoblin, they turn to eye me suspiciously me. A second hammergoblin lunges at me, and I snap his neck. Suddenly the entire village descend on me. I bite one in the throat and suck his filthy blood.

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The others clamber over me, getting heinous ash all over themselves. I note with surprise that suddenly my attackers gasp and fall limply to the ground. They have been paralysed by the heinous ash that coats my body!

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Grinning malevolently, I walk slowly to each in turn, I snapping their necks as they look on prostrated and in fear. It is then that I realise I have no weapons or shields in my hands. I remember now, I dropped them in the midst of the heinous ash cloud! I must retrace my steps in an attempt to recover the adamantine masterpieces!

I wander back in to the bleak evil mountains and I am ambushed by goblins who I rip apart with my hands. As I strangle one goblin, I am shot from behind by a cowardly bowgoblin. I feel a sting of pain as a bolt enters my right hand!

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Dropping the limp corpse of his companion, I rush towards him and bite his head open. His lifeless corpse falls to the ground. Searching the bodies, I gather some crude goblin equipment to replace my lost weapons.

I search the blasted lands for days, but I do not find my equipment, and I am forced to use a simple silver spear, a crude and inelegant weapon.

1st Limestone 1152

Travelling south west, I arrive at the town of Burnclasp, capital of the Somber Rope dwarven civilisation. In the keep, the nobles are long dead. The trip is not completely without merit as I do find a steel sword and shield to replace the crude goblin equipment. I drain a kobold spearman of blood in the catacombs before leaving the city.

Consulting my map, I travel westward toward Palechamber. I hope the dwarves there have crafted some fine weapons and shields. The steel is sharp but it is no match for the fine adamantine I have grown accustomed to.

2nd Limestone 1152

It is mid-afternoon as I arrive at the outskirts of Palechamber, which straddles a river. I find a large simply built wooden hut with two butchers standing over the corpse of a horse. They are not very talkative when I ask about the fortress. Could this be it?

I scour the surroundings, and cannot find any other trace of dwarven civilisation. Dejected I realise this is no more than a simple outpost, not a grand dwarven keep. Takewalls is the nearest dwarven settlement marked on my map, to the southwest.

3rd Limestone 1152

The next stop on my travels is the dwarven city of Fiendfleshy, a goblin town sacked by the Rough Labor in 373. The Rough Labor are my own civilisation, but in the past I have been attacked on sight. I am now a necromancer, and I am aware that they may wish me harm. In the keep I find a campfire, so adventurers must have been here in the past.

Inside the keep is carnage, goblin corpses lie dismembered. Carved into one of the corpses is the name Nithe Earthspeaker the Lauded Way.

These are goblins born and bred in a dwarven civilisation, with dwarven names, not evil savages. No wonder the elves are not to be trusted! Bizarrely, all the corpses have iron masks on. I take a finely crafted mask as a memento.

On the third floor of the keep is curiously an iron minecart full of water.

I leave the city and head along the road westwards. It is not far before I arrive at Smoulderedsins. The keep is deserted but for a single goblin, Stasost Gluttonvice. I recognise the common smell of a vampire, and denounce him. My new steel sword strikes true, and after bisecting him, I steal his masterwork socks.

Leaving Smouldersins, I travel for many days. Pathetic cougars, emus and dingos ambush me and are put down.

I travel through some beautiful rolling meadows full of prancing unicorns. The taste of unicorn blood is quite exquisite. I take a horn from one of these majestic beasts.

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7th Limestone 1152

I finally spot the dwarven mountainhall on the horizon. The structure is humble but has its own natural beauty. There is a platform for fishing and a small alcove cut into the shale cliff on the shore.
Sadly, the fort is sparse and I cannot find any equipment. I rest for a while in a quaint bedroom hewn into the clay and bordered by a pine door.

I decide to keep heading west. I arrive shortly at the famous fortress Crescentattic.  This fort guards the isthmus separating north and south, and has seen many adventurers. In the keep I find a partially devoured corpse most likely slain by the undead horde of Sarvesh Worksound who was known to have travelled here 75 years ago.

Sarvesh was a legend used to scare children, and was well known to my people. He passed through my home town of Bowedrough slaughtering and raising an undead horde when I was just a child, before heading south, some say he intended on travelling to the mythic ice city of Silverywinds.

I leave behind water and emu meat for any adventurers passing through this well-known waystation. Standing on the fort battlement I can see for many miles. To the far south I can see the creeping fog of a haunted glacier and great expanses of the southern icecaps. To the west rolls a great haunted plain, and it is in this direction that I must now travel.

I have not ventured far into the evil plains when I am caught in a cloud of execrable gloom. My body feels numb but I do not drop my weapons. I am not paralysed but I no longer feel pain. Surely this is a boon! Sadly this is not the only effect, as I recoil in horror when thick gouts of vile murk erupt from my body!

I travel north to the southern coast of the Cold Ocean to wash, but I feel like I am wallowing in filth. Slowly I realise the evil sea is contaminated and vomits up murk at the slightest disturbance of the water surface. I will find no clean water here.

8th Limestone 1152

I travel westward through evil forests, raining vile filth. The civilisation of goblins and humans here built many temples, and I loot a few. Sadly I find nothing of value.

9th Limestone 1152

I arrive at the human fort of Boatseized. It is abandoned apart from a goblin prisoner and slave, long having outlived their captors. I ignore their plaintive pleas for release.

I travel west and am ambushed by an elite crossbowman, who dies of old age. I loot his masterwork copper crossbow and shake my head at his foolishness.

Not far from the ambush is a minotaur's labyrinth. I sneak in and behead the minotaur. I am surprised when it shudders back into unlife and I am even more surprised when a human mummy appears behind it and introduces herself as Cika Charmmerges. I presume this is yet another mummy released by the endeavours of Bora Ragedance, now spread across the lands like an undead plague. I bid the mummy and his new plaything both good day and continue my travels.

10th Limestone 1152

I am ambushed by a giant dingo. I hack and slash at it, and as I try to bite it in the head, it keels over dead from old age. I have never encountered an elderly dingo before. That was unexpected.

I continue my travels west. There are rumours of a dwarven city carved into a volcanic island in the midst of the Waters of Meditation, and that is my new destination. It is a stop on the way to my eventual destination of Ironhelm the Ocean-castle, to find what has happened to Stukos Stirflag the Unkempt Crowd.

11th Limestone 1152

I continue to follow the southern coastline and eventually chance upon the bandit encampment of Bookwing. I pull the unicorn horn I took earlier from my pack and descend upon the unwary goblins and humans.

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12th Limestone 1152

I rest for a night in the fortress of Cavesenses. The humans there are long dead and I find nothing to slake my thirst. According to my map there is another bandit encampment to the north.

I arrive at dawn, and count 15 human bandits. Now they will know why they fear the dark. After draining one of blood, I set on his comrades with my unicorn horn.

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I visit the nearby human town of Flamenotched, and the elite crossbowman there is keen to rid the world of a vampire, Mita Bellymorals. I chat with the vampire and lure her into the surrounding wilds as a companion, before confronting her and ending her unlife with a well-placed unicorn horn through the skull.

13th Limestone 1152

Having travelled west for many hours I arrive at the goblin town of Fellspread. As I sneak through the streets in darkness searching for my next meal , I am aware of a commotion in the streets. The undead surge through the town – Fellspread is under attack from a horde of accursed dust zombies!

The goblin war leader and law giver rush to quell the horde of freshly risen zombies as I watch mesmerised! Panic and chaos ensue. I watch in fascination as the defending goblins are consumed as they battle in a thick enveloping cloud of accursed dust and are twisted and mutated into ravenous zombies.

These zombies are mighty indeed! I leap in to the melee hacking left and right. I watch as the law-giver Stozu Tanmalign has her heart ripped out by a zombified goblin. The war leader, Tode Fiendprices is engulfed by dust as she battles a zombie. Zombies are everywhere and in the confusion the accursed dust fills my own lungs!

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I am warped and change, thick sinews of muscle burst from my limbs and chest and I bellow in rage.

Twisted by evil and unnatural forces, I have become an accursed dust zombie. I am now powerful beyond comprehension and, like Nil Swifttoast, virtually indestructible. I test my new strength. Punching a goblin sends it flying through the air, tumbling like a ragdoll before its head explodes in a shower of gore, skidding on the ground.

A great booming cackle emanates from my warped throat. Nothing can stop me now. Nothing.
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1431 on: January 22, 2014, 12:54:02 am »

It was an understatement when you said Dishmab became something different. Chilling read! Well done.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1432 on: January 22, 2014, 12:56:38 am »

Having travelled west for many hours I arrive at the goblin town of Fellspread. As I sneak through the streets in darkness searching for my next meal , I am aware of a commotion in the streets. The undead surge through the town – Fellspread is under attack from a horde of accursed dust zombies!

The goblin war leader and law giver rush to quell the horde of freshly risen zombies as I watch mesmerised! Panic and chaos ensue. I watch in fascination as the defending goblins are consumed as they battle in a thick enveloping cloud of accursed dust and are twisted and mutated into ravenous zombies.

These zombies are mighty indeed! I leap in to the melee hacking left and right. I watch as the law-giver Stozu Tanmalign has her heart ripped out by a zombified goblin. The war leader, Tode Fiendprices is engulfed by dust as she battles a zombie. Zombies are everywhere and in the confusion the accursed dust fills my own lungs!

I wonder if the accursed dust goblins created here will join Bora's mummies as random encounters..


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1433 on: January 22, 2014, 02:36:30 am »

Personally, I hope they don't do that  :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1434 on: January 22, 2014, 02:37:14 am »

Edit: ..... I did it again......

Eric Blank

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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1435 on: January 22, 2014, 02:46:33 am »

I wonder if the accursed dust goblins created here will join Bora's mummies as random encounters..

Any of them that scored a kill on other creatures will, because they'd be historical figures now exiled by their own civ.

And of course Bora would stand no chance against a thrall; naught but another thrall would! Guess that satisfies my curiosity.
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1436 on: January 22, 2014, 05:11:12 am »

I have to say, i love the sense of decadence that the museum world has now. An Acursed world, slowly diying, where the undead outnumber the living and the great fortresess of the past lie in ruins, filled with half-eaten corpses and lonely madmen.

So beautiful...
In a hole in the ground there lived a dwarf. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a dwarf fortress, and that means magma.
Dwarf fortress: Tales of terror and inevitability


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1437 on: January 22, 2014, 05:29:22 pm »

Having travelled west for many hours I arrive at the goblin town of Fellspread. As I sneak through the streets in darkness searching for my next meal , I am aware of a commotion in the streets. The undead surge through the town – Fellspread is under attack from a horde of accursed dust zombies!

The goblin war leader and law giver rush to quell the horde of freshly risen zombies as I watch mesmerised! Panic and chaos ensue. I watch in fascination as the defending goblins are consumed as they battle in a thick enveloping cloud of accursed dust and are twisted and mutated into ravenous zombies.

These zombies are mighty indeed! I leap in to the melee hacking left and right. I watch as the law-giver Stozu Tanmalign has her heart ripped out by a zombified goblin. The war leader, Tode Fiendprices is engulfed by dust as she battles a zombie. Zombies are everywhere and in the confusion the accursed dust fills my own lungs!

I wonder if the accursed dust goblins created here will join Bora's mummies as random encounters..
I don't know about that. I managed to get most of the zombies but they were all fighting each other in a big loyalty cascade of death.

The thralling cloud was made of dust, so it got on their clothes and rubbed off on the goblins they were attacking.

The war leader is still around, I could not kill him. It is safe to say that Fellspread is a no-go area for adventurers!
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1438 on: January 22, 2014, 06:04:22 pm »

Part Three – Necromancer Vampire Accursed Dust Zombie

14th Limestone 1152

Fellspread is a smoking ruin. The hulking dust zombies run amok, and as they attack goblin townsfolk, the dust covering their bodes sheds on to the goblins, creating more zombies. Zombie  then attacks zombie attacks zombie attacks zombie in eternal struggle.

Since the zombies are not equipped with sharp edged weapons, all they can do is tear each other limb from limb. The town is smeared with blood and body parts. A zombie horse bites an arm off a zombie goblin. In the midst of this death I stand, covered in thick gore. I have been practicing with my masterwork iron whip on these meaty punchbags to the extent that I now consider myself a legendary lasher.

Soon only two are left standing  - me and Tode Fiendprices the war leader accursed dust zombie. Tode is a military commander, not some farmer goblin, and he has keen combat skills. I am equipped with a simple steel short sword and he is unarmed.

We hack and slash and bite each other for a day and a night. Dawn breaks on the second day.

Time and time again, my sword bites deep into his skull, jamming in the wound. I hack thick chunks of muscle from his neck, but despite my best efforts, I am unable to behead the military goblin as he is incredibly muscled. I make a retreat and head west. Tode follows me a short distance before returning to haunt this town. Fellspread has been lost to the dust zombies.

I consult my map and realise that Channeledpower is not far now. I am much slower than I once was but my strength is incredible. I feel that is a good trade off.

15th Limestone 1152

I arrive on the eastern coast of the Waters of Meditation. I am not far now from my next target, the fortress of Channeledpower, carved into an unholy volcanic island.

I begin the long swim westward. Just before dusk, I make landfall on the tiny island of The Scandalous Bile. The fort must be near here.

Suddenly behind me is a cracking and wooshing. Not a minute too soon! Night falls and suddenly the ocean behind me freezes solid! Had I stayed in the water a moment longer I would have been frozen solid in ice for eternity.

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Stopping a moment to ponder my good fortune, I climb the mountainside to find the caldera. As darkness falls, I ascend the mountain of the Negative Furnaces, accompanied by a silent bull skeleton.

At the peak and on a precipice overlooking the volcano, I spot a horse and a woodcutter, but notice an unnatural life in their eyes, and a covering of accursed dust! Channeledpower has fallen to the same dust that twisted me into a thrall!

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Perhaps more strange is the fact that the horse is fully clothed. Chicken leather shoes adorn each hoof... The horse appears to be named Cattenoram Vetortodor Etol which translates as Channelrelieve the Dishonest Elevation of Mountains. He certainly has managed to reach the elevation of this mountain, I am not sure how he was dishonest about this.

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This horse must have slain many dwarves to gain such a grand title, a nemesis of my fellow dwarfs. I step forward and behead it in one slash. I place the head in my pack and head south.

Chanelledpower is itself sparse. Under constant attack from dust zombies must have made it difficult for my brethren to build a grand structure. I decide to take a bath in the magma of the volcano. As the molten stone sloshes over my body, I feel… nothing. Not even magma can destroy me.

16th Limestone 1152

Under cover of darkness I start my trek across the frozen ocean. Giant crabs eye me mournfully as I stride through the ice. Eventually dawn breaks, and the ice melts into the ocean once more.

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I make landfall to the south, and travel west. Undead planes raining foul materials make way to clay badlands. In the Desert of Raptors I arrive at the town of Clenchsin. The goblins spot me, an undead behemoth coated in revolting slush and they throw themselves at me in panic and terror. I kill the entire town using only my unicorn horn. My immense strength sends their corpses flying left and right.

18th Limestone 1152

I leave the hellish forest with its raining revolting slush and make it to the outskirts of Ironhelm the Ocean-Castle.  I can tell I have arrived as there are piles of dismembered ogres and goblin corpses everywhere. The military of this place are well drilled, and used to slaughtering the 6-ton ogres with ease.

Out of nowhere, a human law-giver runs screaming towards me. I quickly incapacitate him with a chokehold. I have no quarrel with the humans of the Nation of Wiping. The law-giver wakes and attacks me once more, following me and yelling. I break his arm and punch him in the guts, leaving him unconscious and retching. At least he is alive.

I venture into Ironhelm and search for some replacement weapons and shields. I raid the food stocks and find some masterfully cooked roasts which I place in my pack.

On my travels throughout Ironhelm, I spot a golden statue depicting Vampire Paddleowns the manager draining the blood of a dwarf called Tobul.

Descending further, on one level are several ornate tombs. Gold sarcophagi contain the remains of important nobles and warriors of Ironhelm. In the grandest tomb, adorned by statues, lie two sarcophagi. One contains the remains of the baron consort, wife of Stukos Stirflag the Unkempt Crowd, the black baron. The remaining coffin is empty. Where is the baron? Does he yet live?

Eventually I arrive at the armory. I equip an adamantine shield and… what is this? Finally, a worthy weapon!

Ozsitsalir Dubmenzuden…. Crabadorned the Taciturn Keeper. This is an artifact adamantine short sword. It is encircled with menacing spikes of pitchblende, a radioactive ore of uranium. Engraved upon its hilt is artwork showing the ascension of Logem Orbraces as Queen of the Rough Labor in 533. Truly this is a sword of kings! The blade is unnaturally sharp and shines with an otherworldly glow.

I descend further into a small room made of burnished gold. Gold statues adorn the corners of this room, and embedded in the north wall is a massive black door. It is truly imposing - jet black and constructed of gabbro. All cratdwarfship is of the highest standard. It is intricately carved in relief, engraved upon it is a scene commemorating the founding of Ironhelm. This must be the infamous Black Gate of Ironhelm.

The door is locked and warm to the touch. As I reach out, it shudders and groans. With a terrifying low boom, I swing open the artifact Black Door and set foot in the hot slade floor of Hell itself. I am immediately spotted by Golden Beryl Fiends.

These 27-ton humanoids are constructed of gemstones and breathe frozen extract. I set about them with my glowing sabre. I behead three of the demonic monstrosities, then stepping further into Hell, bisect one of the towering beasts with one slash of Crabadorned.

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Slaying as many demons as I can find, it is clear I am not the first visitor here. Adamantine armour lies strewn around and various body parts of demons stand as testament to a great battle. I gather this armour and stow it in my pack. I will replace what I do not need in the armory later.

Suddenly I am ambushed by a group of white scorpions made of salt. I slash its cephalothorax in twain and grasp a handful of salt, placing it in the stoneware pot with my masterful meat roasts.

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After despatching the horrific salt demons that descend upon me, I am assailed by a Grey Fiend blasting me with fire. It breathes unnatural flames and throws great globs of molten fire. My body is engulfed in flame, hellfire licks at my armour and singes my beard, but I stride towards the fiend relentless. From every side, the beasts hurl flames at me. I am immortal. I have bathed in the blood of Armok. Flame holds no fear for me.

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With ruthless efficiency, I hack several grey fiends to death. I behead the final demon with one slash of Crabadorned. Its bloody head is over 450 kilograms in weight, and I hoist it into my pack like it was nothing. I throw the beryl remains into an eternal eerie pit.

My cloak still billows in unnatural flames from the grey fiends, as I ascend to the surface. As I leave I spot something gleaming on the floor amongst dead goblins...

It is Treatypost! This is a masterwork Adamantine Battle Axe wielded by Ustuth Caveauthor the Distant Parity of Weakening, one of the Unbreakable Eight, the sworn defenders of Ironhelm, and ender of 64 goblin lives. I heft it and realise it will make a very good replacement axe.

I head north out of Ironhelm and as I cross the northern river I am attacked by the Mad Miner, an admantine-clad warrior of the surviving Eight who have not left this place. He wields the steel pick Ngefelablel, The Lavender Bust, which has claimed the souls of 40 goblins and 4 demons.

Behind him I spot "Vampire" Paddleowns, escaped from his jail cell in the keep, and leap upon him, evading the blows of the Mad Miner. Slashing the vampire in twain with Crabadorned, I leap into the ocean, evading the Miner who cannot follow. The flames on my cloak are dowsed.

As I swim away into the darkness I spot something glimmering on the coastline. I recognise the sigils on the shining adamantine armour and realise with sinking depression that this is the corpse of The Black Baron! I must return and ensure his corpse is interred with his consort.

Sneaking onto the shore, dripping wet, I gather Stukos' corpse and his belongings and resolve to bury them next to his wife.  Descending once more into the crypts, I lay the corpse of Stukos by his wife. Next to him I place his full set of masterwork adamantine armour, his steel shield Tecakbukith, The Sweet Turmoil, and his famous short sword Osed Catten, The Maze of Channels, slayer of 79 goblins, ogres and demons. Long may the rest with this brave soldier of The Rough Labor.

My business finished here, I finally leave Ironhelm to the north. As I cross the river, I spot two lurking forgotten beasts on the way. They were obviously afraid of the Unbreakable Eight and skulked outside the fort. I finished them with ease.

19th Limestone 1152

I have one final task before I must return - to slay the bronze tarantula who bested me once before 27 years ago, in Crimsondepths. This will be my final challenge.
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1439 on: January 22, 2014, 06:15:38 pm »

A horse...with clothes?? 0_o

Well I'll be damned.
Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination
  TD1 has claimed the title of Penblessed the Endless Fountain of Epics!
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