We've designated the area to begin work, and gotten to it. We've decided to tunnel out that little ground tower to make it into our single point of entry, where it will hopefully be defendable against whatever evil lurks towards us.
Shortly after we began, the sun came out and warmed us. The snow melted, which helped remove the chill from our bones.
From atop the tower we've spotted things flying in the distance. We hope they cannot see as far as us.
The landscape is miles of rolling dunes of crimson sand.
We make the trek down the mountain and around, the tower proving inaccessible from where we set up, due to the canyon cut by the bubbling brook below. But soon enough we arrive and begin to claw into the soft sand.
As we tunnel down, we make quick preperations for small rooms to store our goods and attempt a few simple farms.
An area is designated for a main foyer, and we strike prase along the way.
Then we hear the sounds of a ruckus nearby. We find one of our horses being mauled by a giant undead mosquito. The horror is considerable, and Spinal Taper is sent reluctantly to fend it off. It is already too late to save the horse, but we fear for the other livestock and our people.
Charging valiantly in, Spinal Taper blocks a charge from the mangled horror, nearly knocking him off the cliff beside where the fight occured. He rises quickly and strikes a glancing blow across the beast's head, smashing it to the side of the cliff. But then it leaps forward and shoves him over the side. He falls several stories onto the icy brook below, breaking both feet and his right hand. A few moments pass as the stun passes before he looks to his wrist, seeing the bone sticking out from the flesh, oozing blood. Then, he screams.
[Hehe, not the best start for our group!]