So in my everlasting quest to try to do something other than die because of a crab, I decided to walk to a hamlet to see if there was a vampire as a lawgiver in the keep.
The town was miserable, only two shops and about as many people. The entire place was huge, but almost all abandoned. There was something very fishy going on in this town. I asked an elf if there was anything I could do. He said that there was a petty outlaw, and blawdy blawdy bla I didn't read the rest and set out to kill the outlaw. I was led to the keep so I could grab some good armor, a reasonable way to prepare. There was a goblin dead outside the doors of the keep, and I was unsure as to why it was there.
I gave it the regular "oh this is dwarf fortress shenanigans" explanation and strolled through the doors. Greeted by not one, not two, not three, but nearly twenty named goblins, I was shot dead before I could walk back out the entrance.
The town had been stolen by gobbos and everything destroyed. They had taken the keep as their stronghold, and I had walked in at just the wrong time.
All I can say is that this is as awesome as it gets. I don't know if this was just a bug that made this occur, or if it is possible for towns to be taken over by goblins, but it's fricking awesome. My new adventurer killed the ground floor's worth of goblins, but was decimated by the next floor.
I mean, how often does a city's keep get filled to the brim with legendary goblins?