Step 1: Build a bridge.
Step 2: Order a dwarf from some distance away to walk across it somehow.
Step 3: Raise bridge.
Step 4. Watch as dwarf cancels their job because they cant path to their objective.
If you block their path totally they just stop and canceled the job. If that's not checking for path and having to repath at each step idk what is. They constantly make sure they have SOME path.
Your second assumption, that multiple paths wouldn't have more of an effect is still very very much untrue, not that your first one was right.
Nice job quoting me though
That doesn't mean that it checks pathing every step. That may mean that it flags areas as accessible to each other, and cancels movement entirely if there is no path anymore.
Since that sentence seems clear as mud to me, what I mean is this:
If a dwarf is trying to go from point A to point B, he runs a pathing check and finds that route 1 is the fastest route. So he starts on route 1.
-If the player opens a drawbridge and route 2 is suddenly the better path, does the dwarf stop going down route 1 and instead go on route 2 right away?
-If the player closes a drawbridge on route 1, making the path invalid, does the dwarf continue until he hits the bridge and then search for a new path, or does he immediately turn?
-If the change is not immediate, will the dwarf suddenly stop if BOTH paths become invalid and there is no possible route from point A to point B anymore?