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Author Topic: Bloodymine (Succession)(Mountainhome Mandates)  (Read 29443 times)


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Re: Bloodymine (Succession)(Mountainhome Mandates)(v0.34.05)
« Reply #75 on: March 24, 2012, 01:59:00 pm »

I'll let it be a surprise.  8)


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Re: Bloodymine (Succession)(Mountainhome Mandates)(v0.34.05)
« Reply #76 on: March 24, 2012, 05:49:18 pm »

Okay... gerrr.... Will be able to give small update of initial progress tomorrow if I can survive whatever hell is in waiting for me when I arrive at the site... "Taking care of" RL rabbits is harder than dealing with the pixelated ones in the game... we just got 20-something new baby bunnies this last week and the moms are not feeding half of them regularly... I don't want runty rabbits damnit!!! So have to go get the moms to feed them all, then feed all the other rabbits, then I get to go have my birthday dinner and pass out after cake and any other present(s) my mom deems me worthy of this year... damn RL crap keeping me from pixelated ascii-fied doom!!! So...yeah....tomorrow will begin my journey into the abyss. Will make sure I send a telegraph back to the Mountain Halls for ya'll...probably wont have many if any pictures for the first update though, depends on if I can get my auto screen capture proggie to work right with DF

Fun is Fun......Done is Done... or is that Done is !!FUN!!?
Quote from: Mr Frog
Digging's a lot like surgery, see -- you grab the sharp thing and then drive the sharp end of the sharp thing in as hard as you can and then stuff goes flying and then stuff falls out and then there's a big hole and you're done. I kinda wish there was more screaming, but rocks don't hurt so I guess it can't be helped.


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Re: Bloodymine (Succession)(Mountainhome Mandates)(v0.34.05)
« Reply #77 on: March 24, 2012, 06:17:01 pm »

Alt-print screen-open Paint-ctrl-V.
[STATE_ADJ:GAS:boiling fish woman]


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Re: Bloodymine (Succession)(Mountainhome Mandates)(v0.34.05)
« Reply #78 on: March 24, 2012, 09:07:18 pm »

It's all good with me man, at least you're keeping us updated on what's going on. Still though, can't wait to see the results of our glourious hammerdwarves marksmen!


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Re: Bloodymine (Succession)(Mountainhome Mandates)(v0.34.05)
« Reply #79 on: March 25, 2012, 06:31:42 pm »

Okay, now that I know about that Alt+PrtSc thing it will be easier to upload pictures :D since I wont have to do as much editing to them to make them look okay... Here's part one since I just did about an hour of playing.

1st of Granite:
What in Armok's name did I just walk into here? They said at the good ole MH that I was being sent over to Bloodymine to do some simple overseer duties and that the place should be pretty much running itself by now... how long has it been since they have even been here to look at this place? Outside the hole dug into the mountain I see workshops! Those should really get put inside soon, somewhere...just need to figure out where. Will need to keep that in mind when I go through and do my initial inspection of the place. Oh, I also see that there are nest boxes just sitting outside as well. Why did I get sent here? Is it punishment of some sort? I am afterall just a lowly did they think I could do anything with this place? Time to start the inspection of this place's innards I guess...

Floor the Zeroth - looks like just a large circular hall with Trading Depot in the middle of it. I think that must be a lure of some kind since I was told, with the most strictest of shrill voices, that I am to kill any humes and pansy elves that try to enter the fortress, whether for trade or just to say hi. I wonder if they know this and willingly send sacrafices to Armok for us to send to his glorious alter. Around the depot is a large array of goods, which probably should be further down in the depths for protection. Onward though, time to see and report upon the rest of the place. Sidenote...there is quite a bit of blood in here; and random clothing; and a yak cow skeleton? What?

Floor the N'First - Not going to count that rather large stairway as a floor. Instead I will start with the highest up floor that isn't that circle hall, even though I have to go all the way down and then all the way back up to get to it. I wonder if anyone ever gets lost in here? Everything looks the same and there are no signs to point to what floor I am on...this will take some getting used to. Everything is pretty segregated, but that is the same with all of the floors I am having to go through. Nicely, though, there is a pretty consistent layout. In the northwest corner of the floors are some nice bedrooms, taking up a two-by-two bit of floorspace. I don't feel the need to mention units since everything Dwarven is done in standard units of measurement... There are more bedrooms along the south wall going to the west corner. These are just one-by-one bits in floorspace. A few more bedrooms in a small section in the south-east corner as well... wait, why am I sending this inspection to everyone in the MH? Everyone there already knows about how this place is laid out. Well, that's enough of this then!

Okay, well... I have myself one of those apartments that I talked about in the north west corner of the fifth floor down... the only one of the main floors that actually has a normal layout! It's the same as all of the other floors but this one can actually be moved around on to get to all of the other parts of the floor without going up and down innumerable stairways. Since I am the new overseer though I think I will be moving myself over to the north east corner room of this floor and make a bedroom there, in the massive seven-by-six floorplan. It does have a stairway going through a corner of it but oh well, will just have to live with that. Or...even better idea! I can just make another room if I can make those miners work! So I go an talk to Strategia, the current mayor and everything important besides manager, and say I was sent as relief. I then promptly take over control of mayor, broker, and bookkeeper positions.

There is what looks to be a small vein of Cobaltite down three levels from my current residence so I will have the miners dig that out so I can set up my room in there. First the hall needs to be done, and then my room of most opulent grandeur will be dug out, smoothed, and engraved! (evil laugh) While that is being done, I go and have a chat with Brewster about what the masons and carpenters are doing outside at their workshops...that are outside...

(conversation omitted for a much shorter log)...

Okay, nearly 30 doors still need to be finished out of rocks but only three more beds need to be constructed. That's good news! After the beds are finished I will be able to figure out where to put those carpenter's workshops...

5th of Granite:
Okay, the hallway and my bedroom are completed! I picked out a nice nine-by-nine floorspace for my housing. It will have some very nice things in it and will let me do my work in peace. I am still going to need a few chests and a cabinet in there to make things more homey but things are looking up for me. I told the movers where I wanted my bed, chair, table, weapon rack, and armor stand; now just need to tell the masons to stop making so many doors and make some rock coffers and a cabinet for me.

6th of Granite:
This just in, Brewster is complaining about not being able to store some random item of his... says the item is inaccessible. I can understand that, but really can he not just shut up!? Oh, going to be making the carpenters start working down on this same level that I am going to be living on. Will make it easier for me to keep track of and monitor so that they dont do anything stupid...well, sorta on my level. Going to be using the method taken up by the previous overseers and make the workshops stacked downward, and going to have some stockpiles for wood nearby also.

17th of Granite:
My room is finally ready for me to move in... and there is a ghost in there! Need to go prod whoever makes the slabs and then prod someone else to engrave it in the ghost's memory so that maybe it will go away! I do have quite a splendid office though, fine quarters and a fine dining room. The smoothers and engravers really did a great job in here, all I asked for was just decent everything. Oh...something I just realized. Apparently I am a girl, didn't know that... always wondered why I have a slightly smaller beard than the rest of them. Also, I have a husband and two girls and two boys. One more thing, I have apparently been here since the 11th of Sandstone last year... what the hell have I been trippin' on these last few months?

Okay, that's it for what I have so far. Also, wtf? There's a necro-book in the artifacts list and during these 17 days he hasn't shown up to reanimate the few bits of dead stuff that are still outside. Another thing, why did noone make a farm? I guess I will have to since there isn't one yet...

Fun is Fun......Done is Done... or is that Done is !!FUN!!?
Quote from: Mr Frog
Digging's a lot like surgery, see -- you grab the sharp thing and then drive the sharp end of the sharp thing in as hard as you can and then stuff goes flying and then stuff falls out and then there's a big hole and you're done. I kinda wish there was more screaming, but rocks don't hurt so I guess it can't be helped.


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Re: Bloodymine (Succession)(Mountainhome Mandates)(v0.34.05)
« Reply #80 on: March 26, 2012, 07:14:55 am »

Within the handful of black crows circling the butcher's shop, one departs and flys towards the entrance of the fortress, and heads straight for GalenEvil. GalenEvil sees the white note attached to the birds leg so he tries to avoid it. He runs inside his office and tries to slam the door - but the door hasn't been installed yet - and the bird lands at his feet, undoes the parchment and leaves.

Well done on your new leadership role Mrs. GalenEvil. Now, you must do something for the glory of MountainHome. Obtain 30 war dogs, place them all within a cage and link to a lever. Allow the next goblin attack to meet the war dog wave first, followed by the militia if needed.


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Re: Bloodymine (Succession)(Mountainhome Mandates)(v0.34.05)
« Reply #81 on: March 27, 2012, 12:15:04 am »

18th of Granite:
Tis the beginning of a brand new day! Ahh! A Black Crow!!! A rather large crow has just flown toward me and dropped a white parchment at my feet. The parchment is from the good ole MH! Goodie! Maybe... seems that I need to do something very very Dwarfy as a task for the MH. I need to obtain, by that I am thinking train, thirty war dogs and cram them into a single cage (seems a little mean but very Dwarfy) and then link said cage to a lever. These war dogs are to be used to attack the next group of Gobbo that desire to attack our fortress. I think that since we have a very small number of dogs at the moment I will be leaving that task for at least a little while and get to work on other things...
First things first; set some orders for the wretched peons (having such a great living space may have gone to my head) to work on putting up all of the doors that we have made to make the bedrooms more cozy. Then, while they were busy starting on that duty I gave proclomation to everyone that the bedrooms are now open for personal use and should be claimed immediately! The area I have set aside for the carpenters is being dug out nicely, and will have a large area next to each to hold twenty-five stacks of wood for each carpenter to work with.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I hope that I can figure out some way to get more booze made quickly or we will run out and I will have to deal with sober dwarves for the first time in my life...*full body shudder* I also found out today that we have a lot of spoilable meats that have not been turned into proper roasts, stews, or biscuits! What are they thinking eating raw meats and shellfish? That stuff is quite bad for you, I hear. To remedy this I have put up a poster declaring that all foods eaten will now be of a more nutritious, or at least less hazardous, variety and that the kitchen staff should start working on cooking stuff like their lives depend on it...sorta does, especially if I get into one of my "moods" again. I also set markers inside of each of the well engraved dining halls to ensure that the prepared meals get put there and there only. Oh, one other thing before I start doing other stuff for the day... turns out we have several unused coffins just taking up space! I would rather take the easiest route possible to get rid of that Armok damned ghost sitting around in my room so I tell the undertakers to open up all available coffins for burial and hopefully the ghost's former body will be interred inside one of them and let me get some peaceful sleep tonight.

19th of Granite:
After sleeping off some of the dwindling supply of booze I took to my room last night, I have come to the conclusion that I will just have to build a new area underneath the dining halls for meal storage, just in case my populous doesn't eat them as fast as they would have to to keep them from piling up in the kitchens and thus rotting around all that uncooked foodstuffs. I have a feeling we may end up going to war with some people, places, or things soon so I give out my first mandate! I must have a single mace! I am not sure how good these dwarves are at making things that I need to have made so I will just start off small and maybe work my way up from there.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I think that I will set up a small farm as a temporary measure against sobriety in that circular main hall where all of the blood is. Blood is good for soil, so the crops of Plump Helmets I will be having grown there should do nicely.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
It will do okay as a temporary measure but I will hopefully be able to make a better farm further down if I can figure out how to get some water to irrigate it...that will take some doing, and may not be completed before the end of my term here.
Bonus! Finally, two full days after I get moved into my room that damned ghost has been put to rest. I sorta feel bad now...who am I gonna talk to now? Who's gonna lull me to sleep with calls of "oooooooooOOoOOoOOoOoOoOooOoooooohhhhhHhhHhhHhh" I wonder...

22nd of Granite:
Oh noes! A Goblin snatcher has appeared near our entrance! I wonder who it was that spotted him/her/it...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I promptly send the local militia squad, consisting of Urist McChops the Slayer of Hairballs (wonder how he got that name) and Nix Delerkoman the Murdersmith, to go take care of the Goblin menace! They do so with great speed and efficiency and manage to destroy the green menace with no injuries to themselves, and manage to take care of everything before the end of the day! Good deal!

24th of Granite:
Oh noes! Yet another Gobbo snatcher has appeared! Pretty much in the same initial location, so this should end in the same manner as the last one just two days ago. Sadly, our brave militia was unable to apprehend the Gobbo before it could get outside of our zone of control. Not good for morale to be too slow to catch a lowly gobbo, but maybe the militia will be more willing to work on sprinting exercises now.

1st of Slate:
I woke up today with a notice pinned to my beard. Zon Mogshumstinthid, a little girl of just eleven years, has just been taken by a fey mood. I am not entirely sure what a fey mood is, but I don't expect it to be a very good thing. She runs off with a bout of inspiration and claims the Craftsdwarf workshop. I wonder what she is going to do there? She has no real skill in anything to do with craftsdwarfship!

2nd of Slate:
She worked through the night finding things to put into her creation, and finally settled on a Pond Turtle Shell and Birch Logs; she starts now to work furiously on something. Perusing her file, it doesn't look like she has any particular preference of objects that might influence what she makes. I will just have to wait and see. The miners have finished their work on the Carpenter's area and the detailers are starting their work smoothing out the walls.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I know this one isn't that long but I am getting very short amounts of time to play for the next few days. Should start to pick up a little after that though and hopefully will be done with my turn by the end of the week or at most mid next week :D
@Brewster:  That is a cruel mandate... War Dogsplosion! I will start working on it with the next update haha
Fun is Fun......Done is Done... or is that Done is !!FUN!!?
Quote from: Mr Frog
Digging's a lot like surgery, see -- you grab the sharp thing and then drive the sharp end of the sharp thing in as hard as you can and then stuff goes flying and then stuff falls out and then there's a big hole and you're done. I kinda wish there was more screaming, but rocks don't hurt so I guess it can't be helped.


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Re: Bloodymine (Succession)(Mountainhome Mandates)(v0.34.05)
« Reply #82 on: March 27, 2012, 12:26:49 am »

Ah, shades of MOLENAROK...
[STATE_ADJ:GAS:boiling fish woman]


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Re: Bloodymine (Succession)(Mountainhome Mandates)(v0.34.05)
« Reply #83 on: March 27, 2012, 03:35:20 am »

@ImBocaire: Had to look that up, Molenarok, but yes it seems that what I have been mandated to accomplish is indeed the same in principle... I think >.>

Fun is Fun......Done is Done... or is that Done is !!FUN!!?
Quote from: Mr Frog
Digging's a lot like surgery, see -- you grab the sharp thing and then drive the sharp end of the sharp thing in as hard as you can and then stuff goes flying and then stuff falls out and then there's a big hole and you're done. I kinda wish there was more screaming, but rocks don't hurt so I guess it can't be helped.


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Re: Bloodymine (Succession)(Mountainhome Mandates)(v0.34.05)
« Reply #84 on: March 27, 2012, 06:50:13 am »

 :o It's a great Mandate! Hah. Specially since the fortress is going to need help if an ambush comes, not a strong military force built. AND it's going to be awesome to see/read about, if it is used. Try to get a video of it if you can, if you can't I understand.

I do like your workshop layout, simple and functional.


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Re: Bloodymine (Succession)(Mountainhome Mandates)(v0.34.05)
« Reply #85 on: March 27, 2012, 12:34:41 pm »

Can't do a video :( gonna need to make an adjacent multi level masonry area too... and figure out if I should move the other carpenter/mason workshops into the new areas, and replace those with more kitchens! We have sooooooo many mussels and eggs its ridiculous!!!

Fun is Fun......Done is Done... or is that Done is !!FUN!!?
Quote from: Mr Frog
Digging's a lot like surgery, see -- you grab the sharp thing and then drive the sharp end of the sharp thing in as hard as you can and then stuff goes flying and then stuff falls out and then there's a big hole and you're done. I kinda wish there was more screaming, but rocks don't hurt so I guess it can't be helped.


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Re: Bloodymine (Succession)(Mountainhome Mandates)(v0.34.05)
« Reply #86 on: March 27, 2012, 01:06:07 pm »

Can't do a video :( gonna need to make an adjacent multi level masonry area too...

The ridiculous amount of carpenters' and especially masons' workshops I plonked down outside aren't actually all necessary, they were just there so I could build about a hundred or so pieces of furniture in about two months via manager orders. It's handy to keep them around, sure, but we have at least two carpenters and two or three masons in the city already, IIRC. Also basically everyone has at least one of those labours enabled. If you order lots of carpentry or masonry jobs in the future, expect random people to suddenly turn into carpenters and masons.

We have sooooooo many mussels and eggs its ridiculous!!!

I specifically didn't enable carpentry and masonry on the (amazingly large amount of) fisherdwarves in the fortress, since I figured they'd at least bring in SOME food. We only have one Fishery though, so you might want to build one or two more of those to speed up fish processing. The eggs are specifically why I requested turkeys in my first year (and bought them the second), they're the most productive egg-layers of the common birds, and produce more meat than any other bird as well. They lay like 12 or so eggs per clutch, and I've had enormous turkeysplosions on my singleplayer fortresses when labour was assigned elsewhere. Even if we don't get a good farm up, hopefully the turkeys and fish will at least keep us alive. Forbid one or two nest boxen to get a whole load more poults, for slaughtering or to expand the egg-laying pasture. (Can nesting birds lay eggs in nest boxen that are located inside? I never tried, just always kept them outside. Might be worth it to move the turkeys inside, maybe use the bottom floor of the large warehouse for that. Provided they don't starve.)


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Re: Bloodymine (Succession)(Mountainhome Mandates)(v0.34.05)
« Reply #87 on: March 27, 2012, 06:21:25 pm »

Strategia, I notice you use the word "boxen". Reference to Brian Regan?


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Re: Bloodymine (Succession)(Mountainhome Mandates)(v0.34.05)
« Reply #88 on: March 27, 2012, 06:36:14 pm »

Strategia, I notice you use the word "boxen". Reference to Brian Regan?

To the Kingdom of Loathing actually. Though KoL could be referencing Brian Regan. I've never heard of him myself, tbh.


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Re: Bloodymine (Succession)(Mountainhome Mandates)(v0.34.05)
« Reply #89 on: March 28, 2012, 05:39:05 pm »

The food situation was a bit outta control. hahah
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